Los Angeles Panthers vs Buffalo Stampede

Created - Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 11:19

1 2 3 T
Los Angeles Panthers 0 0 0 0
Buffalo Stampede 1 1 2 4
1 2 3 T
Los Angeles Panthers 14 6 11 31
Buffalo Stampede 6 11 11 28

1st period

1. Buffalo Stampede , Viktor Marius 19 (Hippo Passamus 10, Charles Walker 20) at 11:00

Penalties :
Tatu Makela (BUF) for Tripping (Minor) at 3:50, Yuri Boyka Jr. (LAP) for Tripping (Minor) at 3:50, Leafer Rielly (BUF) for Tripping (Minor) at 12:27

2nd period

2. Buffalo Stampede , Conor McGregor 4 (Tatu Makela 26, Leafer Rielly 6) at 9:39

Penalties :
TJ Bayley (BUF) for Hooking (Minor) at 14:07

3rd period

3. Buffalo Stampede , Oliver Konig 13 (Viktor Marius 18, Alexis Metzler 16) at 10:39
4. Buffalo Stampede , Hippo Passamus 10 (Viktor Marius 19, Oliver Konig 24) at 12:52

Penalties :
Joshua Woodcroft (LAP) for Hooking (Minor) at 0:23, Tatu Makela (BUF) for Hooking (Minor) at 4:15, Evgueni Marmeladov (LAP) for Delaying the game (Minor) at 7:01 - Willie Fisterbottom served the penalty., Viktor Marius (BUF) for Hooking (Minor) at 7:09, Quick Mafs (BUF) for Hooking (Minor) at 15:48

Goalie Stats

Evgueni Marmeladov (LAP), 24 saves from 28 shots - (0.857), L, 21-11-4, 60:00 minutes
Cedric Robinson (BUF), 31 saves from 31 shots - (1.000), W, 20-10-4, 60:00 minutes

Players Stats for Los Angeles Panthers

Player Name              G  A  P  +/- PIM S  H  SB GA TA FO     MP     PP MP  PK MP  
Geoff Higgins            0  0  0   0  0   4  4  0  0  0  0/0    15:04   0:00   0:00 
James Johnson            0  0  0  -1  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0    20:30   4:06   0:00 
Jon Toner                0  0  0  -3  0   4  3  1  0  0  0/0    23:34   4:06   0:55 
Joshua Woodcroft         0  0  0  -3  2   2  2  0  0  0  1/1    20:49   4:21   0:00 
Lightning Jones          0  0  0   0  0   2  0  0  0  0  1/4    15:53   0:00   0:00 
Mason Brown              0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Matthew Auston           0  0  0  -3  0   5  0  0  0  0  12/24  23:26   3:43   0:47 
Matthew Leetch           0  0  0   0  0   1  0  0  0  0  0/0    15:23   0:00   0:18 
Maurice Picard           0  0  0  -1  0   2  2  0  0  0  0/0    21:21   3:58   1:12 
Max Mauldin              0  0  0  -1  0   1  0  0  0  0  10/19  18:56   4:21   0:42 
Maximilian Wachter       0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     3:09   0:00   0:40 
Philipp Winter           0  0  0  -1  0   2  2  0  0  0  0/0    17:36   3:43   0:00 
Shouta Aizawa            0  0  0   0  0   1  0  0  0  0  12/20  15:04   0:00   0:00 
Sophia Bennett           0  0  0  -3  0   4  2  0  0  0  1/6    24:19   4:21   1:02 
Teppo Lehtonen           0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:01   0:00   0:01 
Toivo Kosonen            0  0  0  -3  0   0  0  2  0  0  0/0    23:26   3:58   0:55 
Willie Fisterbottom      0  0  0   0  0   0  4  1  0  0  0/0    15:46   0:00   0:54 
Yuri Boyka Jr.           0  0  0  -1  2   3  0  0  0  0  5/6    19:44   3:43   1:02 

Players Stats for Buffalo Stampede

Player Name              G  A  P  +/- PIM S  H  SB GA TA FO     MP     PP MP  PK MP  
Alexander Selich         0  0  0   1  0   0  1  0  0  0  0/0    15:06   0:00   0:00 
Alexis Metzler           0  1  1   2  0   1  6  1  0  0  0/0    23:46   0:48   3:14 
Charles Walker           0  1  1   2  0   2  0  1  0  0  0/0    23:12   0:48   3:29 
Conor McGregor           1  0  1   1  0   3  0  0  0  0  9/19   15:06   0:00   0:00 
Dermot Lavelle           0  0  0   0  0   3  0  0  0  0  11/27  22:33   1:11   3:41 
Finn McCool              0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Fjorm Lyeskov            0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:06   0:00   0:06 
GOD McZehrl              0  0  0   2  0   0  0  1  0  0  0/0    23:27   1:19   4:03 
Hippo Passamus           1  1  2   3  0   2  1  0  0  0  1/2    15:49   0:56   0:00 
Kevin Hamilton           0  0  0   0  0   2  1  1  0  0  0/0    22:11   1:11   3:41 
Konstantin Kostoyevskiy  0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Leafer Rielly            0  1  1   1  2   5  0  0  0  0  2/2    16:35   0:00   0:00 
Oliver Konig             1  1  2   3  0   4  0  0  0  0  15/29  22:09   0:56   4:23 
Quick Mafs               0  0  0   0  2   0  1  1  0  0  0/0    14:07   0:00   1:00 
Samuel Jalopski          0  0  0   0  0   1  0  0  0  0  0/0    13:29   0:00   1:29 
Tatu Makela              0  1  1   2  4   0  5  0  0  0  0/0    21:50   1:19   2:47 
TJ Bayley                0  0  0   0  2   3  0  0  0  0  0/0    17:10   1:11   0:00 
Viktor Marius            1  2  3   3  2   2  3  0  0  0  0/1    21:24   0:55   4:23 

3 Stars

1 - Cedric Robinson (BUF)
2 - Viktor Marius (BUF)
3 - Hippo Passamus (BUF)

Power Play

Los Angeles Panthers - 0 on 5 Attempt(s) - 0.00%
Buffalo Stampede - 0 on 2 Attempt(s) - 0.00%

Penalty Kill

Los Angeles Panthers - 2 on 2 Attempt(s) - 100.00% - Score 0 goal in Penalty Kill
Buffalo Stampede - 5 on 5 Attempt(s) - 100.00% - Score 0 goal in Penalty Kill

Team Stat

Los Angeles Panthers - Hits : 19 - Faceoff Wins : 42 - Blocked Shots : 4 - Penalty Minutes : 6
Buffalo Stampede - Hits : 18 - Faceoff Wins : 38 - Blocked Shots : 5 - Penalty Minutes : 12


Referees : Unknown
Linesman : Unknown

Game Notes

No Game Note

Los Angeles Panthers

5 vs 5 Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Matthew Auston           Sophia Bennett           Joshua Woodcroft         40     0   1  4  
 2 Max Mauldin              Philipp Winter           Yuri Boyka Jr.           30     0   1  4  
 3 Shouta Aizawa            Lightning Jones          Geoff Higgins            22     0   1  4  
 4 Matthew Auston           Maximilian Wachter       Sophia Bennett           8      0   2  3  

5 vs 5 Defense 
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jon Toner                Toivo Kosonen                                     40     0   2  3  
 2 Maurice Picard           James Johnson                                     35     0   3  2  
 3 Matthew Leetch           Willie Fisterbottom                               25     0   4  1  
 4 Toivo Kosonen            Jon Toner                                         0      1   2  2  

PowerPlay Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Max Mauldin              Sophia Bennett           Joshua Woodcroft         51     0   0  5  
 2 Matthew Auston           Philipp Winter           Yuri Boyka Jr.           49     0   0  5  

PowerPlay Defense
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jon Toner                James Johnson                                     50     0   0  5  
 2 Maurice Picard           Toivo Kosonen                                     50     0   0  5  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Matthew Auston           Joshua Woodcroft         50     0   5  0  
 2 Yuri Boyka Jr.           Sophia Bennett           50     0   4  1  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jon Toner                Toivo Kosonen            50     0   5  0  
 2 Maurice Picard           Willie Fisterbottom      50     0   5  0  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Forward 
   Forward                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Sophia Bennett                                    50     0   5  0  
 2 Matthew Auston                                    50     0   5  0  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jon Toner                Toivo Kosonen            50     0   5  0  
 2 Maurice Picard           Willie Fisterbottom      50     0   5  0  

4 vs 4 Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Sophia Bennett           Matthew Auston           50     0   1  4  
 2 Yuri Boyka Jr.           Joshua Woodcroft         50     0   1  4  

4 vs 4 Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jon Toner                Toivo Kosonen            50     0   2  3  
 2 Maurice Picard           James Johnson            50     0   3  2  

Last Minutes Offensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Matthew Auston           Philipp Winter           Sophia Bennett           Jon Toner                Toivo Kosonen            

Last Minutes Defensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Matthew Auston           Philipp Winter           Sophia Bennett           Jon Toner                Toivo Kosonen            

Starting : Evgueni Marmeladov       
Backup : Ben Holtby               

Extra Forwards
Normal : Lightning Jones, Shouta Aizawa, Maximilian Wachter - PP : Lightning Jones, Maximilian Wachter - PK : Max Mauldin
Extra Defensemen
Normal : Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom, Maurice Picard - PP : Matthew Leetch - PK : Willie Fisterbottom, Maurice Picard
Penalty Shots
Sophia Bennett, Matthew Auston, Yuri Boyka Jr., Joshua Woodcroft, Philipp Winter


Buffalo Stampede

5 vs 5 Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Dermot Lavelle           TJ Bayley                Kevin Hamilton           40     0   0  5  
 2 Oliver Konig             Viktor Marius            Hippo Passamus           40     0   0  5  
 3 Conor McGregor           Leafer Rielly            Alexander Selich         20     0   1  4  
 4 Oliver Konig             Dermot Lavelle           Viktor Marius            0      0   0  5  

5 vs 5 Defense 
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 GOD McZehrl              Tatu Makela                                       45     0   4  1  
 2 Alexis Metzler           Charles Walker                                    45     0   4  1  
 3 Samuel Jalopski          Quick Mafs                                        10     0   4  1  
 4 Tatu Makela              Alexis Metzler                                    0      0   3  2  

PowerPlay Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Dermot Lavelle           TJ Bayley                Kevin Hamilton           50     0   0  5  
 2 Oliver Konig             Viktor Marius            Hippo Passamus           50     0   0  5  

PowerPlay Defense
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Charles Walker           Alexis Metzler                                    50     0   1  4  
 2 Tatu Makela              GOD McZehrl                                       50     0   1  4  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Oliver Konig             Viktor Marius            50     0   4  1  
 2 Dermot Lavelle           Kevin Hamilton           50     0   4  1  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 GOD McZehrl              Tatu Makela              50     0   5  0  
 2 Alexis Metzler           Charles Walker           50     0   5  0  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Forward 
   Forward                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Oliver Konig                                      50     0   5  0  
 2 Dermot Lavelle                                    50     0   5  0  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Tatu Makela              GOD McZehrl              50     0   5  0  
 2 Alexis Metzler           Charles Walker           50     0   5  0  

4 vs 4 Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Dermot Lavelle           Kevin Hamilton           50     0   1  4  
 2 Oliver Konig             Viktor Marius            50     0   1  4  

4 vs 4 Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Charles Walker           Alexis Metzler           50     0   3  2  
 2 GOD McZehrl              Tatu Makela              50     0   3  2  

Last Minutes Offensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Dermot Lavelle           Viktor Marius            Oliver Konig             GOD McZehrl              Charles Walker           

Last Minutes Defensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Oliver Konig             Viktor Marius            Kevin Hamilton           Alexis Metzler           Tatu Makela              

Starting : Cedric Robinson          
Backup : Kyle Davis               

Extra Forwards
Normal : Leafer Rielly, Conor McGregor, Alexander Selich - PP : Leafer Rielly, Conor McGregor - PK : Leafer Rielly
Extra Defensemen
Normal : Quick Mafs, Tatu Makela, Alexis Metzler - PP : Quick Mafs - PK : Quick Mafs, Samuel Jalopski
Penalty Shots
Kevin Hamilton, Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Viktor Marius, Oliver Konig


% Time on Ice - Los Angeles Panthers

Lines # - Real PCT - Wanted PCT - Time Play
Normal Forward
1 - 32% - 40% - 14:33
2 - 30% - 30% - 13:53
3 - 33% - 22% - 15:04
4 - 5% - 8% - 2:29
Normal Defense
1 - 37% - 40% - 16:54
2 - 31% - 35% - 14:13
3 - 32% - 25% - 14:52
4 - 0% - 0% - 0:00
PP Forward
1 - 54% - 51% - 4:21
2 - 46% - 49% - 3:43
PP Defense
1 - 51% - 50% - 4:06
2 - 49% - 50% - 3:58
PK Forward
1 - 51% - 50% - 1:05
2 - 49% - 50% - 1:02
PK Defense
1 - 43% - 50% - 0:55
2 - 57% - 50% - 1:12
PK3 Forward
1 - 0% - 50%
2 - 0% - 50%
PK3 Defense
1 - 0% - 50%
2 - 0% - 50%
44 Forward
1 - 50% - 50% - 1:54
2 - 50% - 50% - 1:56
44 Defense
1 - 43% - 50% - 1:39
2 - 57% - 50% - 2:11
Last Minute Offensive  - 0:00
Last Minute Defensive  - 0:00
Forward - 60:00
Defense - 60:00

% Time on Ice - Buffalo Stampede

Lines # - Real PCT - Wanted PCT - Time Play
Normal Forward
1 - 35% - 40% - 16:00
2 - 32% - 40% - 14:53
3 - 33% - 20% - 15:06
4 - 0% - 0% - 0:00
Normal Defense
1 - 36% - 45% - 16:24
2 - 37% - 45% - 16:58
3 - 27% - 10% - 12:22
4 - 1% - 0% - 0:15
PP Forward
1 - 56% - 50% - 1:11
2 - 44% - 50% - 0:56
PP Defense
1 - 38% - 50% - 0:48
2 - 62% - 50% - 1:19
PK Forward
1 - 54% - 50% - 4:23
2 - 46% - 50% - 3:41
PK Defense
1 - 53% - 50% - 4:17
2 - 47% - 50% - 3:47
PK3 Forward
1 - 0% - 50%
2 - 0% - 50%
PK3 Defense
1 - 0% - 50%
2 - 0% - 50%
44 Forward
1 - 49% - 50% - 1:53
2 - 51% - 50% - 1:57
44 Defense
1 - 51% - 50% - 1:57
2 - 49% - 50% - 1:53
Last Minute Offensive  - 0:00
Last Minute Defensive  - 0:00
Forward - 60:00
Defense - 60:00


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in neutral zone.
0:14 of 1st period - Icing by GOD McZehrl.
0:15 of 1st period - Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone.
0:42 of 1st period - Shot by TJ Bayley.
0:42 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:44 of 1st period - Shot by Kevin Hamilton.
0:44 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:54 of 1st period - Shot by Philipp Winter.
0:54 of 1st period - Deflect By Max Mauldin.
0:54 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
0:55 of 1st period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in Buffalo Stampede zone.
1:06 of 1st period - Oliver Konig is hit by Geoff Higgins.
1:09 of 1st period - Icing by Alexis Metzler.
1:10 of 1st period - Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Buffalo Stampede zone.
1:15 of 1st period - Shot by Matthew Auston.
1:15 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
1:16 of 1st period - Leafer Rielly wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone.
1:23 of 1st period - Shot by Matthew Auston.
1:23 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Alexis Metzler.
1:40 of 1st period - Leafer Rielly is hit by Jon Toner and loses puck.
1:50 of 1st period - Off-side.
1:51 of 1st period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in neutral zone.
1:51 of 1st period - Oliver Konig is hit by Geoff Higgins.
2:34 of 1st period - Off-side.
2:35 of 1st period - Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in neutral zone.
2:51 of 1st period - James Johnson is hit by Tatu Makela and loses puck.
3:07 of 1st period - Matthew Auston is hit by Tatu Makela and loses puck.
3:16 of 1st period - Shot by Sophia Bennett.
3:16 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:50 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Tatu Makela for Tripping.
3:50 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Yuri Boyka Jr. for Tripping.
3:51 of 1st period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Lightning Jones in Buffalo Stampede zone.
5:37 of 1st period - Shot by Oliver Konig.
5:37 of 1st period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
5:38 of 1st period - Leafer Rielly wins face-off versus Lightning Jones in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
6:01 of 1st period - Shot by Max Mauldin.
6:01 of 1st period - Deflect By Yuri Boyka Jr..
6:01 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
6:02 of 1st period - Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone.
7:20 of 1st period - Shot by Hippo Passamus.
7:20 of 1st period - Deflect By Oliver Konig.
7:20 of 1st period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
7:21 of 1st period - Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
7:29 of 1st period - Leafer Rielly is hit by Maurice Picard and loses puck.
7:32 of 1st period - Shot by Conor McGregor.
7:32 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:34 of 1st period - Shot by Samuel Jalopski.
7:34 of 1st period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
7:35 of 1st period - Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
7:52 of 1st period - Shot by Joshua Woodcroft.
7:52 of 1st period - Deflect By Matthew Auston.
7:52 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
7:53 of 1st period - Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Buffalo Stampede zone.
9:09 of 1st period - Off-side.
9:10 of 1st period - Hippo Passamus wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in neutral zone.
9:12 of 1st period - Alexis Metzler is hit by Willie Fisterbottom and loses puck.
9:28 of 1st period - Geoff Higgins is hit by Alexis Metzler and loses puck.
10:08 of 1st period - Jon Toner is hit by Tatu Makela and loses puck.
10:11 of 1st period - Shot by Sophia Bennett.
10:11 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
10:12 of 1st period - Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone.
10:33 of 1st period - Shot by Philipp Winter.
10:33 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:37 of 1st period - Shot by Philipp Winter.
10:37 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound.
10:39 of 1st period - Shot by Maurice Picard.
10:39 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
10:40 of 1st period - Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Buffalo Stampede zone.
10:40 of 1st period - Sophia Bennett is hit by Alexis Metzler and loses puck.
10:49 of 1st period - Joshua Woodcroft is hit by Viktor Marius and loses puck.
10:58 of 1st period - Shot by Hippo Passamus.
10:58 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:00 of 1st period - Shot by Viktor Marius.
11:00 of 1st period - Goal by Viktor Marius - Los Angeles Panthers : 0 - Buffalo Stampede : 1.
11:01 of 1st period - Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in neutral zone.
11:30 of 1st period - Shot by Geoff Higgins.
11:30 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:54 of 1st period - Shot by Sophia Bennett.
11:54 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound.
11:58 of 1st period - Shot by Joshua Woodcroft.
11:58 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:00 of 1st period - Shot by Joshua Woodcroft.
12:00 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
12:01 of 1st period - Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Buffalo Stampede zone.
12:03 of 1st period - Yuri Boyka Jr. is hit by Alexis Metzler and loses puck.
12:26 of 1st period - Off-side.
12:27 of 1st period - Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in neutral zone.
12:27 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Leafer Rielly for Tripping.
12:28 of 1st period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Buffalo Stampede zone.
12:45 of 1st period - Shot by Jon Toner.
12:45 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Charles Walker.
12:51 of 1st period - Shot by Jon Toner.
12:51 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
12:52 of 1st period - Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone.
13:35 of 1st period - Shot by Maurice Picard.
13:35 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
13:36 of 1st period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Buffalo Stampede zone.
13:36 of 1st period - Oliver Konig is hit by Joshua Woodcroft.
13:52 of 1st period - Shot by Jon Toner.
13:52 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
13:53 of 1st period - Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Viktor Marius in Buffalo Stampede zone.
14:22 of 1st period - Shot by Jon Toner.
14:22 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
14:23 of 1st period - Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone.
14:35 of 1st period - Icing by Willie Fisterbottom.
14:36 of 1st period - Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
15:07 of 1st period - Shot by Geoff Higgins.
15:07 of 1st period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
15:08 of 1st period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone.
15:08 of 1st period - Alexis Metzler is hit by Sophia Bennett and loses puck.
15:26 of 1st period - Icing by Jon Toner.
15:27 of 1st period - Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
17:41 of 1st period - Shot by Leafer Rielly.
17:41 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:44 of 1st period - Icing by Shouta Aizawa.
17:45 of 1st period - Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
17:57 of 1st period - Icing by GOD McZehrl.
17:58 of 1st period - Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone.
18:54 of 1st period - Shot by Oliver Konig.
18:54 of 1st period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
18:55 of 1st period - Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
19:34 of 1st period - Shot by Leafer Rielly.
19:34 of 1st period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
19:35 of 1st period - Yuri Boyka Jr. wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
19:44 of 1st period - Shot by Yuri Boyka Jr..
19:44 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
Goals for this period are 0 for Los Angeles Panthers vs 1 for Buffalo Stampede.
Shots for this period are 14 for Los Angeles Panthers vs 6 for Buffalo Stampede.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in neutral zone.
0:22 of 2nd period - Jon Toner is hit by Alexis Metzler.
0:24 of 2nd period - Shot by Sophia Bennett.
0:24 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:26 of 2nd period - Shot by Jon Toner.
0:26 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:28 of 2nd period - Shot by Jon Toner.
0:28 of 2nd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
0:29 of 2nd period - Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone.
0:29 of 2nd period - Max Mauldin is hit by Tatu Makela.
0:36 of 2nd period - Yuri Boyka Jr. is hit by Tatu Makela and loses puck.
0:45 of 2nd period - Shot by TJ Bayley.
0:45 of 2nd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
0:46 of 2nd period - Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
0:46 of 2nd period - Alexis Metzler is hit by Willie Fisterbottom and loses puck.
0:49 of 2nd period - Shot by Charles Walker.
0:49 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:53 of 2nd period - Shot by Leafer Rielly.
0:53 of 2nd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
0:54 of 2nd period - Joshua Woodcroft wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
1:15 of 2nd period - Shot by Viktor Marius.
1:15 of 2nd period - Deflect By Oliver Konig.
1:15 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:19 of 2nd period - Shot by Hippo Passamus.
1:19 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Toivo Kosonen.
1:31 of 2nd period - Shot by Viktor Marius.
1:31 of 2nd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov with a rebound.
2:24 of 2nd period - Icing by James Johnson.
2:25 of 2nd period - Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
4:25 of 2nd period - Shot by Matthew Auston.
4:25 of 2nd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound.
5:19 of 2nd period - Shot by Dermot Lavelle.
5:19 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Jon Toner.
5:23 of 2nd period - Shot by Kevin Hamilton.
5:23 of 2nd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
5:24 of 2nd period - Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
5:36 of 2nd period - Shot by Dermot Lavelle.
5:36 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Willie Fisterbottom.
5:44 of 2nd period - Shot by Kevin Hamilton.
5:44 of 2nd period - Deflect By TJ Bayley.
5:44 of 2nd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
5:45 of 2nd period - Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
6:11 of 2nd period - Shot by Viktor Marius.
6:11 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:13 of 2nd period - Shot by Hippo Passamus.
6:13 of 2nd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov with a rebound.
6:47 of 2nd period - Shot by Kevin Hamilton.
6:47 of 2nd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
6:48 of 2nd period - Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
7:45 of 2nd period - Shot by Dermot Lavelle.
7:45 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:59 of 2nd period - Shot by Matthew Auston.
7:59 of 2nd period - Deflect By Sophia Bennett.
7:59 of 2nd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound.
8:21 of 2nd period - Shot by Alexis Metzler.
8:21 of 2nd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
8:22 of 2nd period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
8:43 of 2nd period - Hippo Passamus is hit by Philipp Winter.
9:37 of 2nd period - Shot by Conor McGregor.
9:37 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Toivo Kosonen.
9:39 of 2nd period - Shot by Conor McGregor.
9:39 of 2nd period - Goal by Conor McGregor - Los Angeles Panthers : 0 - Buffalo Stampede : 2.
9:40 of 2nd period - Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in neutral zone.
10:02 of 2nd period - Dermot Lavelle is hit by Willie Fisterbottom and loses puck.
10:08 of 2nd period - Icing by Geoff Higgins.
10:09 of 2nd period - Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
10:09 of 2nd period - Shouta Aizawa is hit by Viktor Marius.
10:21 of 2nd period - Alexis Metzler is hit by Geoff Higgins and loses puck.
10:27 of 2nd period - Icing by Charles Walker.
10:28 of 2nd period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone.
10:41 of 2nd period - Shot by Oliver Konig.
10:41 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:44 of 2nd period - Icing by Toivo Kosonen.
10:45 of 2nd period - Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
10:45 of 2nd period - Dermot Lavelle is hit by Jon Toner.
10:52 of 2nd period - Off-side.
10:53 of 2nd period - Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in neutral zone.
10:58 of 2nd period - Shot by Philipp Winter.
10:58 of 2nd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
10:59 of 2nd period - Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Buffalo Stampede zone.
12:59 of 2nd period - Icing by Conor McGregor.
13:00 of 2nd period - Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Buffalo Stampede zone.
13:01 of 2nd period - Shot by Geoff Higgins.
13:01 of 2nd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
13:02 of 2nd period - Lightning Jones wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Buffalo Stampede zone.
13:06 of 2nd period - Geoff Higgins is hit by Alexis Metzler and loses puck.
13:21 of 2nd period - Shot by Lightning Jones.
13:21 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:23 of 2nd period - Shot by Matthew Leetch.
13:23 of 2nd period - Deflect By Geoff Higgins.
13:23 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:07 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to TJ Bayley for Hooking.
14:08 of 2nd period - Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Buffalo Stampede zone.
14:26 of 2nd period - Shot by Toivo Kosonen.
14:26 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by GOD McZehrl.
16:15 of 2nd period - Shot by Lightning Jones.
16:15 of 2nd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
16:16 of 2nd period - Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Buffalo Stampede zone.
16:36 of 2nd period - Icing by Quick Mafs.
16:37 of 2nd period - Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone.
17:59 of 2nd period - Shot by Charles Walker.
17:59 of 2nd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov with a rebound.
18:21 of 2nd period - Philipp Winter is hit by Alexis Metzler and loses puck.
19:20 of 2nd period - Off-side.
19:21 of 2nd period - Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in neutral zone.
19:40 of 2nd period - Shot by Dermot Lavelle.
19:40 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:42 of 2nd period - Shot by TJ Bayley.
19:42 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:48 of 2nd period - Shot by Dermot Lavelle.
19:48 of 2nd period - Deflect By TJ Bayley.
19:48 of 2nd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
19:49 of 2nd period - Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
Goals for this period are 0 for Los Angeles Panthers vs 1 for Buffalo Stampede.
Shots for this period are 6 for Los Angeles Panthers vs 11 for Buffalo Stampede.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in neutral zone.
0:04 of 3rd period - Shot by Hippo Passamus.
0:04 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:23 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Joshua Woodcroft for Hooking.
0:24 of 3rd period - Yuri Boyka Jr. wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
0:57 of 3rd period - Shot by Tatu Makela.
0:57 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:59 of 3rd period - Shot by Kevin Hamilton.
0:59 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:27 of 3rd period - Samuel Jalopski is hit by Geoff Higgins.
2:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Lightning Jones.
2:33 of 3rd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound.
2:35 of 3rd period - Shot by Geoff Higgins.
2:35 of 3rd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
2:36 of 3rd period - Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Buffalo Stampede zone.
2:55 of 3rd period - Shot by Leafer Rielly.
2:55 of 3rd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
2:56 of 3rd period - Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Hippo Passamus in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
2:56 of 3rd period - Max Mauldin is hit by Hippo Passamus.
3:01 of 3rd period - Off-side.
3:02 of 3rd period - Sophia Bennett wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in neutral zone.
3:40 of 3rd period - Shot by Sophia Bennett.
3:40 of 3rd period - Deflect By Matthew Auston.
3:40 of 3rd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound.
3:42 of 3rd period - Shot by Joshua Woodcroft.
3:42 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:44 of 3rd period - Shot by Sophia Bennett.
3:44 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:15 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Tatu Makela for Hooking.
4:16 of 3rd period - Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone.
4:19 of 3rd period - Shot by Yuri Boyka Jr..
4:19 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Quick Mafs.
5:47 of 3rd period - Shot by Yuri Boyka Jr..
5:47 of 3rd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
5:48 of 3rd period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Buffalo Stampede zone.
6:15 of 3rd period - Shot by Dermot Lavelle.
6:15 of 3rd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
6:16 of 3rd period - Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
6:29 of 3rd period - Shot by Geoff Higgins.
6:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
6:30 of 3rd period - Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Lightning Jones in Buffalo Stampede zone.
7:01 of 3rd period - Shot by Leafer Rielly.
7:01 of 3rd period - Deflect By Conor McGregor.
7:01 of 3rd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
7:01 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Evgueni Marmeladov for Delaying the game.
7:02 of 3rd period - Yuri Boyka Jr. wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
7:02 of 3rd period - Yuri Boyka Jr. is hit by Viktor Marius.
7:09 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Viktor Marius for Hooking.
7:10 of 3rd period - Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Yuri Boyka Jr. in Buffalo Stampede zone.
7:32 of 3rd period - Shot by Yuri Boyka Jr..
7:32 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Kevin Hamilton.
7:34 of 3rd period - Shot by Joshua Woodcroft.
7:34 of 3rd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
7:35 of 3rd period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone.
7:46 of 3rd period - Shot by Charles Walker.
7:46 of 3rd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
7:47 of 3rd period - Yuri Boyka Jr. wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
7:58 of 3rd period - Shot by Dermot Lavelle.
7:58 of 3rd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
7:59 of 3rd period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Sophia Bennett in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
8:06 of 3rd period - Shot by Leafer Rielly.
8:06 of 3rd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
8:07 of 3rd period - Yuri Boyka Jr. wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
8:20 of 3rd period - Shot by Joshua Woodcroft.
8:20 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:36 of 3rd period - Shot by Dermot Lavelle.
8:36 of 3rd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
8:37 of 3rd period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Sophia Bennett in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
8:44 of 3rd period - Leafer Rielly is hit by Sophia Bennett and loses puck.
8:58 of 3rd period - Alexis Metzler is hit by Maurice Picard and loses puck.
9:03 of 3rd period - Shot by Leafer Rielly.
9:03 of 3rd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
9:04 of 3rd period - Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
9:20 of 3rd period - Shot by Matthew Leetch.
9:20 of 3rd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
9:21 of 3rd period - Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone.
10:37 of 3rd period - Shot by Viktor Marius.
10:37 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:39 of 3rd period - Shot by Oliver Konig.
10:39 of 3rd period - Goal by Oliver Konig - Los Angeles Panthers : 0 - Buffalo Stampede : 3.
10:40 of 3rd period - Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in neutral zone.
10:47 of 3rd period - Lightning Jones is hit by Alexander Selich and loses puck.
11:06 of 3rd period - Shot by Lightning Jones.
11:06 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:25 of 3rd period - Icing by Samuel Jalopski.
11:26 of 3rd period - Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Buffalo Stampede zone.
12:17 of 3rd period - Shot by Sophia Bennett.
12:17 of 3rd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
12:18 of 3rd period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone.
12:18 of 3rd period - Oliver Konig is hit by Joshua Woodcroft.
12:49 of 3rd period - Viktor Marius is hit by Jon Toner and loses puck.
12:52 of 3rd period - Shot by Hippo Passamus.
12:52 of 3rd period - Goal by Hippo Passamus - Los Angeles Panthers : 0 - Buffalo Stampede : 4.
12:53 of 3rd period - Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in neutral zone.
13:22 of 3rd period - Shot by Geoff Higgins.
13:22 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:54 of 3rd period - Icing by Jon Toner.
14:55 of 3rd period - Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
14:59 of 3rd period - Toivo Kosonen is hit by Kevin Hamilton and loses puck.
15:27 of 3rd period - Icing by GOD McZehrl.
15:28 of 3rd period - Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone.
15:45 of 3rd period - Shot by Shouta Aizawa.
15:45 of 3rd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
15:46 of 3rd period - Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Buffalo Stampede zone.
15:46 of 3rd period - Yuri Boyka Jr. is hit by Quick Mafs and loses puck.
15:48 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Quick Mafs for Hooking.
15:49 of 3rd period - Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone.
16:11 of 3rd period - Kevin Hamilton is hit by Philipp Winter and loses puck.
16:24 of 3rd period - Shot by Yuri Boyka Jr..
16:24 of 3rd period - Deflect By Matthew Auston.
16:24 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:26 of 3rd period - Shot by Matthew Auston.
16:26 of 3rd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound.
17:12 of 3rd period - Shot by Toivo Kosonen.
17:12 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:30 of 3rd period - Leafer Rielly is hit by Willie Fisterbottom and loses puck.
18:45 of 3rd period - Shot by Conor McGregor.
18:45 of 3rd period - Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound.
18:46 of 3rd period - Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Los Angeles Panthers zone.
19:59 of 3rd period - Shot by Yuri Boyka Jr..
19:59 of 3rd period - Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.
Goals for this period are 0 for Los Angeles Panthers vs 2 for Buffalo Stampede.
Shots for this period are 11 for Los Angeles Panthers vs 11 for Buffalo Stampede.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass by Kevin Hamilton intercepted by Toivo Kosonen in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Jon Toner in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Jon Toner. Puck retreived by GOD McZehrl. Icing by GOD McZehrl. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by Tatu Makela. Pass to Dermot Lavelle in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Kevin Hamilton moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to TJ Bayley. Shot by TJ Bayley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Hamilton for Buffalo Stampede. Shot by Kevin Hamilton. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by GOD McZehrl for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass by Tatu Makela intercepted by James Johnson. Pass to Philipp Winter in neutral zone. Philipp Winter moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Shot by Philipp Winter. Deflect By Max Mauldin. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Viktor Marius. Viktor Marius moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler in Los Angeles Panthers zone.

Time : 1. Pass by Alexis Metzler intercepted by Willie Fisterbottom. Pass to Geoff Higgins in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Geoff Higgins. Puck retreived by Oliver Konig. Oliver Konig is hit by Geoff Higgins. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Icing by Alexis Metzler. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass to Matthew Auston. Shot by Matthew Auston. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Conor McGregor is ejected from face-off, Leafer Rielly takes his place. Leafer Rielly wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass by Alexis Metzler intercepted by Toivo Kosonen in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone. Shot by Matthew Auston. Shot Blocked by Alexis Metzler. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexis Metzler for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Conor McGregor in neutral zone. Pass by Conor McGregor intercepted by Jon Toner in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Jon Toner intercepted by Leafer Rielly in neutral zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Leafer Rielly is hit by Jon Toner and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Walker for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass by Alexis Metzler intercepted by Jon Toner. Pass to Matthew Auston in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in neutral zone. Pass to Quick Mafs. Oliver Konig is hit by Geoff Higgins. Quick Mafs moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Oliver Konig.

Time : 2. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by Matthew Leetch. Pass to Shouta Aizawa in neutral zone. Shouta Aizawa moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Shouta Aizawa intercepted by Quick Mafs. Pass by Quick Mafs intercepted by Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass by Willie Fisterbottom intercepted by Samuel Jalopski. Pass to Viktor Marius in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Auston, Maximilian Wachter, Sophia Bennett are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in neutral zone. Pass to TJ Bayley. Pass by TJ Bayley intercepted by Maximilian Wachter in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Maximilian Wachter intercepted by Dermot Lavelle. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass by Tatu Makela intercepted by Matthew Auston. Pass to James Johnson in neutral zone. James Johnson moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. James Johnson is hit by Tatu Makela and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Maurice Picard for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass by Matthew Auston intercepted by GOD McZehrl. Pass by GOD McZehrl intercepted by Maurice Picard in neutral zone.

Time : 3. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by GOD McZehrl in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by GOD McZehrl intercepted by Sophia Bennett in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone. Matthew Auston is hit by Tatu Makela and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Maurice Picard for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Shot by Sophia Bennett. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Auston for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Matthew Auston. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by GOD McZehrl. Pass to Kevin Hamilton in neutral zone. Pass by Kevin Hamilton intercepted by Max Mauldin. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Toivo Kosonen loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Max Mauldin for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Toivo Kosonen in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass by Yuri Boyka Jr. intercepted by GOD McZehrl. Pass by GOD McZehrl intercepted by Jon Toner. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Minor Penalty to Tatu Makela for Tripping. Minor Penalty to Yuri Boyka Jr. for Tripping. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Lightning Jones, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Charles Walker, Alexis Metzler are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Lightning Jones in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Viktor Marius in neutral zone. Pass to Charles Walker. Charles Walker moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler.

Time : 4. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Joshua Woodcroft. Puck retreived by Oliver Konig. Pass by Oliver Konig intercepted by Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Toivo Kosonen. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Sophia Bennett, Matthew Auston are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Alexis Metzler. Pass to Oliver Konig. Oliver Konig moves puck in neutral zone. Oliver Konig moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Viktor Marius. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Viktor Marius. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, Leafer Rielly are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - GOD McZehrl, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to Matthew Auston in neutral zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass by Matthew Auston intercepted by Quick Mafs. Pass to Leafer Rielly in neutral zone. Pass by Leafer Rielly intercepted by Maurice Picard in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by Dermot Lavelle. Pass to Leafer Rielly.

Time : 5. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Quick Mafs. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Dermot Lavelle. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Charles Walker, Alexis Metzler are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Auston. Pass by Matthew Auston intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by James Johnson. Pass by James Johnson intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass to Oliver Konig. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Oliver Konig. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Oliver Konig. Shot by Oliver Konig. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Lightning Jones, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Leafer Rielly, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Quick Mafs, Alexis Metzler are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Leafer Rielly wins face-off versus Lightning Jones in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Quick Mafs. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Quick Mafs. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass by Kevin Hamilton intercepted by Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Jon Toner in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Jon Toner moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass to Philipp Winter.

Time : 6. Pass to Max Mauldin. Shot by Max Mauldin. Deflect By Yuri Boyka Jr.. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass by Geoff Higgins intercepted by GOD McZehrl. Pass to Tatu Makela in neutral zone. Tatu Makela moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass by Kevin Hamilton intercepted by Matthew Leetch. Pass by Matthew Leetch intercepted by TJ Bayley in neutral zone. Pass by TJ Bayley intercepted by Matthew Leetch in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Geoff Higgins in neutral zone. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Willie Fisterbottom moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Geoff Higgins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by GOD McZehrl. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass by Tatu Makela intercepted by Philipp Winter in neutral zone. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Toivo Kosonen moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Tatu Makela. Pass to TJ Bayley in neutral zone. TJ Bayley moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone.

Time : 7. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by TJ Bayley. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass by Jon Toner intercepted by Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Pass to Charles Walker. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Charles Walker. Puck retreived by Max Mauldin. Pass by Max Mauldin intercepted by Viktor Marius in neutral zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Alexis Metzler moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Shot by Hippo Passamus. Deflect By Oliver Konig. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Joshua Woodcroft moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Joshua Woodcroft intercepted by Quick Mafs in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Leafer Rielly in neutral zone. Leafer Rielly moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Leafer Rielly is hit by Maurice Picard and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Conor McGregor for Buffalo Stampede. Shot by Conor McGregor. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Jalopski for Buffalo Stampede. Shot by Samuel Jalopski. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Sophia Bennett moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Auston. Matthew Auston moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Shot by Joshua Woodcroft. Deflect By Matthew Auston. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Quick Mafs. Quick Mafs moves puck in neutral zone. Quick Mafs loses puck.

Time : 8. Free Puck Retrieved by Philipp Winter for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Philipp Winter. Puck retreived by Quick Mafs. Pass to Conor McGregor. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass by Leafer Rielly intercepted by Max Mauldin in neutral zone. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Toivo Kosonen moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Samuel Jalopski. Pass by Samuel Jalopski intercepted by Max Mauldin in neutral zone. Pass by Max Mauldin intercepted by Quick Mafs. Pass to Conor McGregor in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Conor McGregor intercepted by Jon Toner. Pass by Jon Toner intercepted by Leafer Rielly in neutral zone. Pass by Leafer Rielly intercepted by Jon Toner in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Toivo Kosonen in neutral zone. Toivo Kosonen moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Toivo Kosonen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Samuel Jalopski. Pass by Samuel Jalopski intercepted by James Johnson in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Auston. Matthew Auston moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Matthew Auston.

Time : 9. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Pass by Joshua Woodcroft intercepted by Samuel Jalopski. Pass by Samuel Jalopski intercepted by Joshua Woodcroft in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig is ejected from face-off, Hippo Passamus takes his place. Hippo Passamus wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in neutral zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Alexis Metzler moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Alexis Metzler is hit by Willie Fisterbottom and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Leetch for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass by Matthew Leetch intercepted by Alexis Metzler. Pass by Alexis Metzler intercepted by Matthew Leetch. Pass to Geoff Higgins in neutral zone. Geoff Higgins moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Geoff Higgins is hit by Alexis Metzler and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Willie Fisterbottom for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass by Willie Fisterbottom intercepted by Alexis Metzler. Pass by Alexis Metzler intercepted by Geoff Higgins in neutral zone. Pass by Geoff Higgins intercepted by Charles Walker in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Willie Fisterbottom. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Geoff Higgins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Alexis Metzler. Pass to Viktor Marius in neutral zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Alexis Metzler moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone.

Time : 10. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Alexis Metzler. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Jon Toner. Pass to Sophia Bennett in neutral zone. Pass to Jon Toner. Jon Toner moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Jon Toner is hit by Tatu Makela and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sophia Bennett for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Sophia Bennett. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Philipp Winter. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Philipp Winter. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Max Mauldin. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to Philipp Winter. Shot by Philipp Winter. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Maurice Picard for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Philipp Winter. Shot by Philipp Winter. Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Maurice Picard for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Maurice Picard. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Sophia Bennett is hit by Alexis Metzler and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Walker for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Alexis Metzler moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Alexis Metzler. Puck retreived by Joshua Woodcroft. Joshua Woodcroft is hit by Viktor Marius and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Oliver Konig for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Shot by Hippo Passamus. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Viktor Marius for Buffalo Stampede.

Time : 11. Shot by Viktor Marius. Goal by Viktor Marius - Los Angeles Panthers : 0 - Buffalo Stampede : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in neutral zone. Pass to Tatu Makela. Tatu Makela moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass by GOD McZehrl intercepted by James Johnson. Pass to Lightning Jones. Lightning Jones moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Geoff Higgins in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Shot by Geoff Higgins. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by James Johnson for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Maurice Picard. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Maurice Picard. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass by GOD McZehrl intercepted by Toivo Kosonen in neutral zone. Toivo Kosonen moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Shot by Sophia Bennett. Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jon Toner for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Shot by Joshua Woodcroft. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Joshua Woodcroft for Los Angeles Panthers.

Time : 12. Shot by Joshua Woodcroft. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Yuri Boyka Jr. is hit by Alexis Metzler and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexis Metzler for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Charles Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Charles Walker. Puck retreived by Matthew Leetch. Pass by Matthew Leetch intercepted by Viktor Marius. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by Matthew Leetch. Pass to Max Mauldin in neutral zone. Max Mauldin moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Max Mauldin intercepted by Alexis Metzler. Pass by Alexis Metzler intercepted by Matthew Leetch in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in neutral zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Minor Penalty to Leafer Rielly for Tripping. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Mauldin, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Alexis Metzler. Free Puck Retrieved by Joshua Woodcroft. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Sophia Bennett in neutral zone. Pass to James Johnson in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Jon Toner. Shot by Jon Toner. Shot Blocked by Charles Walker. Free Puck Retrieved by James Johnson for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass to Jon Toner. Shot by Jon Toner. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Matthew Auston, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to Kevin Hamilton in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Kevin Hamilton. Free Puck Retrieved by Philipp Winter.

Time : 13. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Maurice Picard. Maurice Picard moves puck in neutral zone. Maurice Picard moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to Philipp Winter. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Philipp Winter. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Maurice Picard. Shot by Maurice Picard. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Mauldin, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Oliver Konig is hit by Joshua Woodcroft. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Alexis Metzler. Free Puck Retrieved by Max Mauldin. Pass by Max Mauldin intercepted by Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Alexis Metzler. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass to Jon Toner in neutral zone. Jon Toner moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Shot by Jon Toner. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Oliver Konig is ejected from face-off, Viktor Marius takes his place. Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Viktor Marius in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Sophia Bennett.

Time : 14. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass to Max Mauldin. Pass to Jon Toner. Shot by Jon Toner. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Matthew Auston, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by GOD McZehrl. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by GOD McZehrl. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Lightning Jones. Pass by Lightning Jones intercepted by Tatu Makela. Pass by Tatu Makela intercepted by Willie Fisterbottom. Icing by Willie Fisterbottom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass by Tatu Makela intercepted by Willie Fisterbottom. Pass by Willie Fisterbottom intercepted by GOD McZehrl in neutral zone. Pass to Tatu Makela. Tatu Makela moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass by GOD McZehrl intercepted by Matthew Leetch. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones. Lightning Jones moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Geoff Higgins in Buffalo Stampede zone.

Time : 15. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Shot by Geoff Higgins. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Alexis Metzler is hit by Sophia Bennett and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexis Metzler for Buffalo Stampede. Pass by Alexis Metzler intercepted by Jon Toner. Pass by Jon Toner intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Alexis Metzler moves puck in neutral zone. Alexis Metzler moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Alexis Metzler intercepted by Jon Toner. Icing by Jon Toner. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Joshua Woodcroft moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Joshua Woodcroft intercepted by GOD McZehrl in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to TJ Bayley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by TJ Bayley. Puck retreived by Sophia Bennett. Pass to Jon Toner in neutral zone. Jon Toner moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass by Sophia Bennett intercepted by Tatu Makela. Pass to Dermot Lavelle in neutral zone. Dermot Lavelle loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Joshua Woodcroft for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone. Sophia Bennett loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Auston for Los Angeles Panthers.

Time : 16. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Sophia Bennett. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by GOD McZehrl. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Kevin Hamilton moves puck in neutral zone. Kevin Hamilton loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Tatu Makela for Buffalo Stampede. Tatu Makela moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Tatu Makela. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Maurice Picard. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr. in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Yuri Boyka Jr.. Puck retreived by Charles Walker. Pass to Viktor Marius. Viktor Marius moves puck in neutral zone. Viktor Marius moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Oliver Konig. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Oliver Konig. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Oliver Konig. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Charles Walker.

Time : 17. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Pass to Oliver Konig. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Oliver Konig. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr. in neutral zone. Pass to Maurice Picard. Maurice Picard moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Maurice Picard. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Quick Mafs. Pass by Quick Mafs intercepted by Geoff Higgins. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass by Willie Fisterbottom intercepted by Samuel Jalopski. Pass to Conor McGregor. Pass to Leafer Rielly in neutral zone. Leafer Rielly moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Shot by Leafer Rielly. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Shouta Aizawa for Los Angeles Panthers. Icing by Shouta Aizawa. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Lightning Jones. Lightning Jones moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Lightning Jones intercepted by GOD McZehrl in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Icing by GOD McZehrl. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Kevin Hamilton.

Time : 18. Pass to TJ Bayley. Pass to Tatu Makela in neutral zone. Tatu Makela moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Pass by Dermot Lavelle intercepted by Toivo Kosonen. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Kevin Hamilton. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Kevin Hamilton. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Jon Toner in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Jon Toner. Puck retreived by Viktor Marius. Pass to Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Alexis Metzler moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Oliver Konig. Shot by Oliver Konig. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Lightning Jones. Lightning Jones moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 19. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Geoff Higgins moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Geoff Higgins intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass to Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Alexis Metzler moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Alexis Metzler intercepted by Lightning Jones. Pass to Geoff Higgins in neutral zone. Pass by Geoff Higgins intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass to Alexis Metzler in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Conor McGregor. Pass by Conor McGregor intercepted by Matthew Leetch. Pass by Matthew Leetch intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Alexander Selich. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Shot by Leafer Rielly. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Max Mauldin is ejected from face-off, Yuri Boyka Jr. takes his place. Yuri Boyka Jr. wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by Viktor Marius. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by James Johnson. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr. in neutral zone. Yuri Boyka Jr. moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Shot by Yuri Boyka Jr.. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Quick Mafs for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Viktor Marius in neutral zone. Viktor Marius moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by Max Mauldin. Pass by Max Mauldin intercepted by Oliver Konig in neutral zone. Pass by Oliver Konig intercepted by Maurice Picard in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr..

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Los Angeles Panthers vs 1 for Buffalo Stampede. Shots for this period are 14 for Los Angeles Panthers vs 6 for Buffalo Stampede.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in neutral zone. Pass to Jon Toner. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Jon Toner. Puck retreived by Hippo Passamus. Pass by Hippo Passamus intercepted by Toivo Kosonen. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Oliver Konig. Pass to Charles Walker in neutral zone. Charles Walker moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Jon Toner. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass to Jon Toner in neutral zone. Jon Toner moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Jon Toner is hit by Alexis Metzler. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Shot by Sophia Bennett. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jon Toner for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Jon Toner. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jon Toner for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Jon Toner. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to James Johnson. Max Mauldin is hit by Tatu Makela. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Yuri Boyka Jr. is hit by Tatu Makela and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Hamilton for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to TJ Bayley in neutral zone. TJ Bayley moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Shot by TJ Bayley. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Alexis Metzler is hit by Willie Fisterbottom and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Walker for Buffalo Stampede. Shot by Charles Walker. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexis Metzler for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Shot by Leafer Rielly. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Matthew Auston is ejected from face-off, Joshua Woodcroft takes his place. Joshua Woodcroft wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass to Toivo Kosonen in neutral zone. Toivo Kosonen moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass by Jon Toner intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass to Oliver Konig in neutral zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Oliver Konig. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Pass to Viktor Marius. Shot by Viktor Marius. Deflect By Oliver Konig. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexis Metzler for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Shot by Hippo Passamus. Shot Blocked by Toivo Kosonen. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexis Metzler for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Oliver Konig. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Viktor Marius. Shot by Viktor Marius. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexis Metzler for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Pass to Viktor Marius. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Viktor Marius. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Sophia Bennett in neutral zone. Sophia Bennett moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Sophia Bennett. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by GOD McZehrl. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Kevin Hamilton moves puck in neutral zone. Kevin Hamilton moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Tatu Makela.

Time : 2. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass by Tatu Makela intercepted by Philipp Winter. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Philipp Winter in neutral zone. Pass by Philipp Winter intercepted by TJ Bayley. Pass to Kevin Hamilton in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to TJ Bayley. Pass by TJ Bayley intercepted by James Johnson. Icing by James Johnson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Quick Mafs. Pass to Alexander Selich. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Conor McGregor. Pass to Quick Mafs. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Quick Mafs. Pass to Samuel Jalopski. Pass to Quick Mafs. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Leafer Rielly loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Quick Mafs for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Conor McGregor. Pass to Leafer Rielly.

Time : 3. Pass by Leafer Rielly intercepted by James Johnson. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to James Johnson in neutral zone. James Johnson moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by James Johnson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Samuel Jalopski. Pass by Samuel Jalopski intercepted by Geoff Higgins. Pass by Geoff Higgins intercepted by Samuel Jalopski. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Conor McGregor in neutral zone. Pass by Conor McGregor intercepted by Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Willie Fisterbottom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Quick Mafs. Pass by Quick Mafs intercepted by Jon Toner in neutral zone. Pass by Jon Toner intercepted by Samuel Jalopski in Buffalo Stampede zone.

Time : 4. Pass to Conor McGregor. Conor McGregor moves puck in neutral zone. Conor McGregor moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Conor McGregor. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Alexis Metzler. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by Matthew Auston. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Sophia Bennett in neutral zone. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Pass to Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone. Shot by Matthew Auston. Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexis Metzler for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Oliver Konig in neutral zone. Oliver Konig moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Oliver Konig intercepted by Toivo Kosonen. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Pass by Alexis Metzler intercepted by Toivo Kosonen in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass by Matthew Auston intercepted by Charles Walker in neutral zone. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Sophia Bennett in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Sophia Bennett intercepted by Oliver Konig in neutral zone. Pass by Oliver Konig intercepted by Jon Toner in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Jon Toner intercepted by Charles Walker in neutral zone. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Jon Toner in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass by Sophia Bennett intercepted by Hippo Passamus in neutral zone. Pass to Charles Walker in Los Angeles Panthers zone.

Time : 5. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Charles Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Dermot Lavelle. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass by Kevin Hamilton intercepted by Sophia Bennett. Pass by Sophia Bennett intercepted by Tatu Makela in neutral zone. Pass to Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Shot by Dermot Lavelle. Shot Blocked by Jon Toner. Free Puck Retrieved by GOD McZehrl for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Shot by Kevin Hamilton. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass by Willie Fisterbottom intercepted by TJ Bayley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by TJ Bayley. Puck retreived by Lightning Jones. Pass by Lightning Jones intercepted by TJ Bayley in neutral zone. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Dermot Lavelle moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Shot by Dermot Lavelle. Shot Blocked by Willie Fisterbottom. Free Puck Retrieved by GOD McZehrl for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Shot by Kevin Hamilton. Deflect By TJ Bayley. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Philipp Winter. Philipp Winter loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Walker for Buffalo Stampede. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Maurice Picard. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by Hippo Passamus. Pass by Hippo Passamus intercepted by Maurice Picard. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr..

Time : 6. Pass by Yuri Boyka Jr. intercepted by Hippo Passamus. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Viktor Marius. Shot by Viktor Marius. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Hippo Passamus for Buffalo Stampede. Shot by Hippo Passamus. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Hippo Passamus for Buffalo Stampede. Pass by Hippo Passamus intercepted by James Johnson. Pass by James Johnson intercepted by Hippo Passamus in neutral zone. Pass to Viktor Marius in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Viktor Marius. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Philipp Winter. Pass to Max Mauldin in neutral zone. Max Mauldin moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Max Mauldin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass to Dermot Lavelle in neutral zone. Pass to TJ Bayley in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Shot by Kevin Hamilton. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass by Matthew Leetch intercepted by Leafer Rielly. Pass by Leafer Rielly intercepted by Willie Fisterbottom. Pass by Willie Fisterbottom intercepted by Leafer Rielly. Pass by Leafer Rielly intercepted by Willie Fisterbottom. Pass to Shouta Aizawa in neutral zone.

Time : 7. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Shouta Aizawa. Puck retreived by GOD McZehrl. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass by GOD McZehrl intercepted by Lightning Jones in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Leetch in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass by Geoff Higgins intercepted by GOD McZehrl. Pass to Tatu Makela in neutral zone. Tatu Makela moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Tatu Makela loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Shouta Aizawa for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass by Shouta Aizawa intercepted by GOD McZehrl. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by GOD McZehrl. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom in neutral zone. Willie Fisterbottom moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Willie Fisterbottom. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Auston, Maximilian Wachter, Sophia Bennett are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Samuel Jalopski. Pass to Dermot Lavelle in neutral zone. Dermot Lavelle moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Shot by Dermot Lavelle. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Auston for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass by Matthew Auston intercepted by Samuel Jalopski in neutral zone. Pass by Samuel Jalopski intercepted by Toivo Kosonen in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone. Shot by Matthew Auston. Deflect By Sophia Bennett. Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound.

Time : 8. Free Puck Retrieved by Jon Toner for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass by Matthew Auston intercepted by Quick Mafs. Pass to Dermot Lavelle in neutral zone. Dermot Lavelle moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Dermot Lavelle. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Maximilian Wachter. Pass by Maximilian Wachter intercepted by Oliver Konig in neutral zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Alexis Metzler moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Shot by Alexis Metzler. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by James Johnson. Pass by James Johnson intercepted by Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Pass to Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Oliver Konig intercepted by Maurice Picard. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by Hippo Passamus in neutral zone. Pass to Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Oliver Konig intercepted by Maurice Picard. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr. in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Yuri Boyka Jr.. Puck retreived by Hippo Passamus. Hippo Passamus is hit by Philipp Winter. Pass by Hippo Passamus intercepted by Max Mauldin. Pass by Max Mauldin intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Philipp Winter. Pass by Philipp Winter intercepted by Alexis Metzler. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Hippo Passamus moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Viktor Marius in Los Angeles Panthers zone.

Time : 9. Pass to Oliver Konig. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Oliver Konig. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Max Mauldin. Pass to Philipp Winter in neutral zone. Pass to James Johnson. James Johnson moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by James Johnson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Leafer Rielly moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Tatu Makela in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to Conor McGregor. Shot by Conor McGregor. Shot Blocked by Toivo Kosonen. Free Puck Retrieved by Conor McGregor for Buffalo Stampede. Shot by Conor McGregor. Goal by Conor McGregor - Los Angeles Panthers : 0 - Buffalo Stampede : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass by Kevin Hamilton intercepted by Geoff Higgins in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Geoff Higgins intercepted by TJ Bayley in neutral zone. Pass to Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Dermot Lavelle intercepted by Matthew Leetch. Pass by Matthew Leetch intercepted by Kevin Hamilton in neutral zone. Pass to TJ Bayley. TJ Bayley moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone.

Time : 10. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Dermot Lavelle is hit by Willie Fisterbottom and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Bayley for Buffalo Stampede. Pass by TJ Bayley intercepted by Geoff Higgins. Icing by Geoff Higgins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Shouta Aizawa is hit by Viktor Marius. Matthew Leetch moves puck in neutral zone. Matthew Leetch loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Shouta Aizawa for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass by Shouta Aizawa intercepted by Charles Walker in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Alexis Metzler is hit by Geoff Higgins and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Shouta Aizawa for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass by Shouta Aizawa intercepted by Charles Walker in Buffalo Stampede zone. Icing by Charles Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Hippo Passamus in neutral zone. Pass to Viktor Marius in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Oliver Konig. Shot by Oliver Konig. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Toivo Kosonen for Los Angeles Panthers. Icing by Toivo Kosonen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to TJ Bayley. Dermot Lavelle is hit by Jon Toner. Pass by TJ Bayley intercepted by Jon Toner. Pass by Jon Toner intercepted by GOD McZehrl in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in neutral zone. Pass to James Johnson. James Johnson moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Philipp Winter. Shot by Philipp Winter. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Jon Toner.

Time : 11. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass to Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Alexis Metzler moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by Jon Toner. Pass to Matthew Auston. Matthew Auston moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Matthew Auston intercepted by Charles Walker in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Toivo Kosonen. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Viktor Marius. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by Jon Toner in neutral zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Sophia Bennett intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Joshua Woodcroft. Pass by Joshua Woodcroft intercepted by Viktor Marius. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by Toivo Kosonen in neutral zone. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Alexis Metzler in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Oliver Konig in neutral zone. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass to Charles Walker in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Charles Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Matthew Auston in neutral zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Sophia Bennett. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to TJ Bayley. Pass by TJ Bayley intercepted by Maurice Picard in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Maurice Picard.

Time : 12. Puck retreived by Kevin Hamilton. Pass by Kevin Hamilton intercepted by Philipp Winter. Pass to James Johnson. Pass by James Johnson intercepted by Tatu Makela. Pass to TJ Bayley in neutral zone. Pass by TJ Bayley intercepted by James Johnson in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr. in neutral zone. Pass to Max Mauldin. Max Mauldin loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Philipp Winter for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass by Philipp Winter intercepted by Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Dermot Lavelle intercepted by Maurice Picard in neutral zone. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by TJ Bayley in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Tatu Makela. Tatu Makela moves puck in neutral zone. Tatu Makela moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Tatu Makela. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by James Johnson. Pass by James Johnson intercepted by Leafer Rielly in neutral zone. Pass by Leafer Rielly intercepted by Philipp Winter in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Maurice Picard in neutral zone. Maurice Picard moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Maurice Picard. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Conor McGregor. Icing by Conor McGregor.

Time : 13. Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Shot by Geoff Higgins. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Shouta Aizawa is ejected from face-off, Lightning Jones takes his place. Lightning Jones wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Geoff Higgins is hit by Alexis Metzler and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Shouta Aizawa for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones. Shot by Lightning Jones. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Leetch for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Matthew Leetch. Deflect By Geoff Higgins. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Willie Fisterbottom for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass by Geoff Higgins intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass to Oliver Konig in neutral zone. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass to Charles Walker in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Charles Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Lightning Jones in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Lightning Jones. Puck retreived by GOD McZehrl. Pass to Kevin Hamilton in neutral zone.

Time : 14. Pass by Kevin Hamilton intercepted by Matthew Leetch in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Geoff Higgins moves puck in neutral zone. Minor Penalty to TJ Bayley for Hooking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Mauldin, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Tatu Makela. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Tatu Makela. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by GOD McZehrl. Pass by GOD McZehrl intercepted by Maurice Picard. Pass to Toivo Kosonen in neutral zone. Toivo Kosonen moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Joshua Woodcroft loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Toivo Kosonen for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Toivo Kosonen. Shot Blocked by GOD McZehrl. Free Puck Retrieved by Sophia Bennett for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Pass by Joshua Woodcroft intercepted by GOD McZehrl. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by GOD McZehrl. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Pass to Sophia Bennett in neutral zone. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Sophia Bennett. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Matthew Auston, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Charles Walker.

Time : 15. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Charles Walker. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Matthew Auston. Matthew Auston moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to James Johnson in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass by Jon Toner intercepted by Kevin Hamilton. Pass to Tatu Makela in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Tatu Makela. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Jon Toner in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Jon Toner. Puck retreived by Alexis Metzler. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Alexis Metzler. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr. in neutral zone. Yuri Boyka Jr. moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Yuri Boyka Jr.. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Mauldin, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass to Tatu Makela in neutral zone. Tatu Makela moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Tatu Makela. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Maurice Picard. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Sophia Bennett moves puck in neutral zone. Sophia Bennett moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Sophia Bennett.

Time : 16. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Lightning Jones. Shot by Lightning Jones. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass by Lightning Jones intercepted by Quick Mafs. Pass by Quick Mafs intercepted by Lightning Jones in neutral zone. Pass by Lightning Jones intercepted by Samuel Jalopski in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Samuel Jalopski intercepted by Matthew Leetch. Pass by Matthew Leetch intercepted by Quick Mafs. Icing by Quick Mafs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Auston, Maximilian Wachter, Sophia Bennett are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Alexander Selich. Pass to Quick Mafs. Pass to Samuel Jalopski in neutral zone. Samuel Jalopski moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Conor McGregor. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Quick Mafs. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Alexander Selich.

Time : 17. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Alexander Selich. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Matthew Auston in neutral zone. Pass by Matthew Auston intercepted by Tatu Makela in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to TJ Bayley in neutral zone. TJ Bayley moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by TJ Bayley intercepted by Sophia Bennett. Pass by Sophia Bennett intercepted by GOD McZehrl in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by GOD McZehrl. Puck retreived by Matthew Auston. Pass by Matthew Auston intercepted by Dermot Lavelle. Pass by Dermot Lavelle intercepted by Toivo Kosonen. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Kevin Hamilton in neutral zone. Pass by Kevin Hamilton intercepted by Toivo Kosonen in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Matthew Auston. Matthew Auston moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Sophia Bennett. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to TJ Bayley. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass by Kevin Hamilton intercepted by Maurice Picard in neutral zone. Pass to James Johnson in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by James Johnson intercepted by TJ Bayley. Pass to Kevin Hamilton in neutral zone. Pass to GOD McZehrl in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by GOD McZehrl. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Maurice Picard. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by Viktor Marius. Pass to Charles Walker. Shot by Charles Walker. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov with a rebound.

Time : 18. Free Puck Retrieved by Yuri Boyka Jr. for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to James Johnson in neutral zone. James Johnson moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. James Johnson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Maurice Picard for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Philipp Winter. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass by Yuri Boyka Jr. intercepted by Hippo Passamus. Pass to Viktor Marius in neutral zone. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by James Johnson in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Philipp Winter. Philipp Winter moves puck in neutral zone. Philipp Winter moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Philipp Winter is hit by Alexis Metzler and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Max Mauldin for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Max Mauldin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Hippo Passamus in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Hippo Passamus. Puck retreived by Matthew Leetch. Pass by Matthew Leetch intercepted by Charles Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Charles Walker. Puck retreived by Willie Fisterbottom. Pass by Willie Fisterbottom intercepted by Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Pass to Oliver Konig. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Alexis Metzler moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Alexis Metzler. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass to Lightning Jones in neutral zone. Pass by Lightning Jones intercepted by Samuel Jalopski in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Conor McGregor in neutral zone.

Time : 19. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Conor McGregor. Puck retreived by Willie Fisterbottom. Pass by Willie Fisterbottom intercepted by Conor McGregor in neutral zone. Pass to Alexander Selich in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Quick Mafs. Pass to Alexander Selich. Pass by Alexander Selich intercepted by Matthew Leetch. Pass by Matthew Leetch intercepted by Quick Mafs in neutral zone. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in neutral zone. Pass to Tatu Makela. Tatu Makela moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass to TJ Bayley. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Shot by Dermot Lavelle. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by TJ Bayley for Buffalo Stampede. Shot by TJ Bayley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by GOD McZehrl for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Shot by Dermot Lavelle. Deflect By TJ Bayley. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Conor McGregor. Pass to Alexander Selich. Pass to Quick Mafs.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Los Angeles Panthers vs 1 for Buffalo Stampede. Shots for this period are 6 for Los Angeles Panthers vs 11 for Buffalo Stampede.

3rd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in neutral zone. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass to Hippo Passamus in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Shot by Hippo Passamus. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Walker for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Pass by Hippo Passamus intercepted by Jon Toner. Pass by Jon Toner intercepted by Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Pass to Oliver Konig. Pass to Alexis Metzler in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass by Alexis Metzler intercepted by Jon Toner. Pass by Jon Toner intercepted by Oliver Konig in neutral zone. Minor Penalty to Joshua Woodcroft for Hooking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Yuri Boyka Jr., Sophia Bennett are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Tatu Makela, GOD McZehrl are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Yuri Boyka Jr. wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Sophia Bennett. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass to Kevin Hamilton in neutral zone. Pass to Tatu Makela in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to TJ Bayley. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Pass to TJ Bayley. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Pass to Tatu Makela. Shot by Tatu Makela. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Hamilton for Buffalo Stampede. Shot by Kevin Hamilton. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 1. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Hamilton for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to TJ Bayley. Pass to Tatu Makela. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Tatu Makela. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Charles Walker, Alexis Metzler are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Sophia Bennett. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Max Mauldin are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Hippo Passamus. Pass to Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Alexis Metzler moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Oliver Konig. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Oliver Konig. Pass by Oliver Konig intercepted by Jon Toner. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Jon Toner. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Maximilian Wachter are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Viktor Marius. Pass to Hippo Passamus in neutral zone. Hippo Passamus moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Oliver Konig. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Oliver Konig.

Time : 2. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Tatu Makela, GOD McZehrl are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Jon Toner. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Jon Toner. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Max Mauldin, Maximilian Wachter are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, Matthew Leetch are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by GOD McZehrl. Pass to Dermot Lavelle in neutral zone. Dermot Lavelle moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Pass by Dermot Lavelle intercepted by Matthew Leetch. Pass by Matthew Leetch intercepted by Tatu Makela. Pass by Tatu Makela intercepted by Matthew Leetch. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Matthew Leetch. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Teppo Lehtonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Matthew Leetch, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass by Kevin Hamilton intercepted by Lightning Jones in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Lightning Jones. Puck retreived by Samuel Jalopski. Samuel Jalopski is hit by Geoff Higgins. Pass by Samuel Jalopski intercepted by James Johnson in neutral zone. Pass to Lightning Jones. Lightning Jones moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Shot by Lightning Jones. Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Geoff Higgins for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Geoff Higgins. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass by Lightning Jones intercepted by Conor McGregor. Pass by Conor McGregor intercepted by Maurice Picard in neutral zone. Pass to Lightning Jones. Lightning Jones moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Lightning Jones intercepted by Samuel Jalopski. Pass to Alexander Selich in neutral zone. Pass to Quick Mafs in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Shot by Leafer Rielly. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig is ejected from face-off, Hippo Passamus takes his place. Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Hippo Passamus in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Max Mauldin is hit by Hippo Passamus. Toivo Kosonen moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 3. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Matthew Auston is ejected from face-off, Sophia Bennett takes his place. Sophia Bennett wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Pass to Jon Toner in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass to Viktor Marius in neutral zone. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by Jon Toner. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Sophia Bennett moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Sophia Bennett intercepted by Alexis Metzler. Pass to Oliver Konig. Oliver Konig moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Charles Walker in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Sophia Bennett in neutral zone. Pass to Jon Toner. Jon Toner moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Jon Toner loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sophia Bennett for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Sophia Bennett. Deflect By Matthew Auston. Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Joshua Woodcroft for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Joshua Woodcroft. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sophia Bennett for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Sophia Bennett. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Auston for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Matthew Auston. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Hippo Passamus moves puck in neutral zone. Hippo Passamus moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Hippo Passamus. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Willie Fisterbottom.

Time : 4. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr. in neutral zone. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Willie Fisterbottom moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Philipp Winter. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Minor Penalty to Tatu Makela for Hooking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Matthew Auston, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Shot by Yuri Boyka Jr.. Shot Blocked by Quick Mafs. Free Puck Retrieved by Jon Toner for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass by Jon Toner intercepted by Quick Mafs. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Quick Mafs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Samuel Jalopski are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Matthew Auston in neutral zone. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr. in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Yuri Boyka Jr.. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Mauldin, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Samuel Jalopski. Pass to GOD McZehrl in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by GOD McZehrl. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass by Sophia Bennett intercepted by Alexis Metzler in neutral zone.

Time : 5. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Alexis Metzler. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Samuel Jalopski are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass to Max Mauldin in neutral zone. Max Mauldin moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Kevin Hamilton. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Kevin Hamilton. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Pass to Sophia Bennett in neutral zone. Pass to Toivo Kosonen in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to Max Mauldin. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Max Mauldin. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Matthew Auston, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Alexis Metzler. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Alexis Metzler. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Quick Mafs, Alexis Metzler are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Matthew Auston in neutral zone. Pass to James Johnson in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Shot by Yuri Boyka Jr.. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Mauldin, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Viktor Marius. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Viktor Marius. Free Puck Retrieved by Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Sophia Bennett moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Maurice Picard.

Time : 6. Maurice Picard moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by GOD McZehrl. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by GOD McZehrl. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Joshua Woodcroft. Pass by Joshua Woodcroft intercepted by Alexis Metzler. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Tatu Makela, Alexis Metzler are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Dermot Lavelle. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones in neutral zone. Pass to Shouta Aizawa. Pass to Geoff Higgins in Buffalo Stampede zone. Shot by Geoff Higgins. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Shouta Aizawa is ejected from face-off, Lightning Jones takes his place. Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Lightning Jones in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Quick Mafs. Quick Mafs moves puck in neutral zone. Quick Mafs moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Samuel Jalopski. Pass to Alexander Selich. Pass to Conor McGregor. Pass to Quick Mafs. Pass to Leafer Rielly.

Time : 7. Shot by Leafer Rielly. Deflect By Conor McGregor. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Minor Penalty to Evgueni Marmeladov for Delaying the game. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Yuri Boyka Jr., Sophia Bennett are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Tatu Makela, GOD McZehrl are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Yuri Boyka Jr. wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Yuri Boyka Jr. is hit by Viktor Marius. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Sophia Bennett. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by Jon Toner in neutral zone. Minor Penalty to Viktor Marius for Hooking. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Yuri Boyka Jr., Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Yuri Boyka Jr. in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to Kevin Hamilton in neutral zone. Kevin Hamilton moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Kevin Hamilton loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by James Johnson for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft in neutral zone. Joshua Woodcroft moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Shot by Yuri Boyka Jr.. Shot Blocked by Kevin Hamilton. Free Puck Retrieved by Joshua Woodcroft for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Joshua Woodcroft. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Sophia Bennett, Matthew Auston are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Leafer Rielly are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Charles Walker, Alexis Metzler are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Charles Walker in neutral zone. Charles Walker moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Shot by Charles Walker. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Yuri Boyka Jr., Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Yuri Boyka Jr. wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to James Johnson. Pass by James Johnson intercepted by Tatu Makela in neutral zone. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Dermot Lavelle moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Shot by Dermot Lavelle. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Sophia Bennett, Matthew Auston are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Leafer Rielly are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Charles Walker, Alexis Metzler are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Sophia Bennett in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler.

Time : 8. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Shot by Leafer Rielly. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Yuri Boyka Jr., Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Yuri Boyka Jr. wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Toivo Kosonen moves puck in neutral zone. Toivo Kosonen moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Shot by Joshua Woodcroft. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by GOD McZehrl for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Kevin Hamilton in neutral zone. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Pass to Tatu Makela. Tatu Makela moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Shot by Dermot Lavelle. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Sophia Bennett, Matthew Auston are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Leafer Rielly are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Charles Walker, Alexis Metzler are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Sophia Bennett in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass by Leafer Rielly intercepted by James Johnson. Pass to Maurice Picard in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Maurice Picard. Puck retreived by Leafer Rielly. Leafer Rielly is hit by Sophia Bennett and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Walker for Buffalo Stampede. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Sophia Bennett in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass to Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Alexis Metzler moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Alexis Metzler is hit by Maurice Picard and loses puck.

Time : 9. Free Puck Retrieved by Leafer Rielly for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Matthew Auston, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Leafer Rielly. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Mauldin, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Pass to Sophia Bennett in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Sophia Bennett. Puck retreived by Hippo Passamus. Pass to Viktor Marius. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by Willie Fisterbottom in neutral zone. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Matthew Leetch in Buffalo Stampede zone. Shot by Matthew Leetch. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Matthew Auston is ejected from face-off, Sophia Bennett takes his place. Dermot Lavelle wins face-off versus Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Tatu Makela. Tatu Makela moves puck in neutral zone. Tatu Makela moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Pass to TJ Bayley. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Pass to Kevin Hamilton. Pass to TJ Bayley. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to TJ Bayley. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass by Tatu Makela intercepted by Sophia Bennett. Pass to Matthew Auston in neutral zone.

Time : 10. Matthew Auston loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Hamilton for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Tatu Makela. Tatu Makela moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Tatu Makela. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Jon Toner. Pass to Matthew Auston. Matthew Auston moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Sophia Bennett. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Hippo Passamus. Pass to Oliver Konig in neutral zone. Pass to Charles Walker in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Viktor Marius. Shot by Viktor Marius. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Oliver Konig for Buffalo Stampede. Shot by Oliver Konig. Goal by Oliver Konig - Los Angeles Panthers : 0 - Buffalo Stampede : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Shouta Aizawa in neutral zone. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Leafer Rielly moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Leafer Rielly loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Leetch for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Lightning Jones. Lightning Jones moves puck in neutral zone. Lightning Jones is hit by Alexander Selich and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Lightning Jones for Los Angeles Panthers. Lightning Jones moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Shouta Aizawa. Pass to Lightning Jones.

Time : 11. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Lightning Jones. Shot by Lightning Jones. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Willie Fisterbottom for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Shouta Aizawa. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Willie Fisterbottom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Samuel Jalopski. Icing by Samuel Jalopski. Conor McGregor wins face-off versus Max Mauldin in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Samuel Jalopski. Samuel Jalopski moves puck in neutral zone. Samuel Jalopski moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Samuel Jalopski. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Hamilton in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Kevin Hamilton intercepted by James Johnson. Pass by James Johnson intercepted by Alexis Metzler in neutral zone. Pass to Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by Dermot Lavelle intercepted by Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass by Yuri Boyka Jr. intercepted by Dermot Lavelle in neutral zone. Pass to TJ Bayley in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass by TJ Bayley intercepted by Maurice Picard. Pass to Max Mauldin in neutral zone. Max Mauldin moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone.

Time : 12. Pass to Philipp Winter. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to Max Mauldin. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Yuri Boyka Jr.. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Charles Walker. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Jon Toner in neutral zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone. Shot by Sophia Bennett. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Matthew Auston is ejected from face-off, Sophia Bennett takes his place. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Tatu Makela. Oliver Konig is hit by Joshua Woodcroft. Pass to Viktor Marius. Viktor Marius moves puck in neutral zone. Viktor Marius moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Tatu Makela. Pass to Viktor Marius. Viktor Marius loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Viktor Marius for Buffalo Stampede. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by Jon Toner. Pass to Sophia Bennett in neutral zone. Pass to Jon Toner. Jon Toner loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Oliver Konig for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to GOD McZehrl in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Oliver Konig. Pass to Viktor Marius. Viktor Marius is hit by Jon Toner and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Hippo Passamus for Buffalo Stampede. Shot by Hippo Passamus. Goal by Hippo Passamus - Los Angeles Panthers : 0 - Buffalo Stampede : 4. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in neutral zone. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Geoff Higgins moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone.

Time : 13. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Shot by Geoff Higgins. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Lightning Jones for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass by Willie Fisterbottom intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Willie Fisterbottom in neutral zone. Pass to Geoff Higgins in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Geoff Higgins. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Alexander Selich. Pass by Alexander Selich intercepted by Philipp Winter in neutral zone. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to James Johnson. James Johnson moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Max Mauldin. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass by Yuri Boyka Jr. intercepted by Alexis Metzler. Pass by Alexis Metzler intercepted by James Johnson in neutral zone. Pass by James Johnson intercepted by Charles Walker in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Maurice Picard in neutral zone.

Time : 14. Maurice Picard moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Max Mauldin. Pass to James Johnson. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by Charles Walker. Pass to Leafer Rielly in neutral zone. Pass by Leafer Rielly intercepted by James Johnson in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Maurice Picard. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr. in neutral zone. Pass to James Johnson. James Johnson moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by James Johnson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Toivo Kosonen in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Joshua Woodcroft. Puck retreived by Leafer Rielly. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass by Charles Walker intercepted by Joshua Woodcroft in neutral zone. Pass by Joshua Woodcroft intercepted by Charles Walker in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Conor McGregor in neutral zone. Conor McGregor moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Conor McGregor. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Jon Toner. Icing by Jon Toner. Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Pass to Toivo Kosonen in neutral zone. Toivo Kosonen is hit by Kevin Hamilton and loses puck.

Time : 15. Free Puck Retrieved by Jon Toner for Los Angeles Panthers. Jon Toner moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass by Sophia Bennett intercepted by GOD McZehrl. Pass by GOD McZehrl intercepted by Toivo Kosonen in neutral zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Matthew Auston. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Matthew Auston. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to GOD McZehrl. Icing by GOD McZehrl. Shouta Aizawa wins face-off versus Dermot Lavelle in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Shouta Aizawa. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Matthew Leetch. Pass to Shouta Aizawa. Shot by Shouta Aizawa. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius, Hippo Passamus are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Max Mauldin wins face-off versus Oliver Konig in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Yuri Boyka Jr. is hit by Quick Mafs and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Yuri Boyka Jr. for Los Angeles Panthers. Minor Penalty to Quick Mafs for Hooking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Matthew Auston, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Oliver Konig wins face-off versus Matthew Auston in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Viktor Marius. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Viktor Marius. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Jon Toner in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Jon Toner.

Time : 16. Puck retreived by Oliver Konig. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Oliver Konig. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Dermot Lavelle, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to James Johnson. James Johnson moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by James Johnson. Puck retreived by Kevin Hamilton. Kevin Hamilton is hit by Philipp Winter and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jon Toner for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Philipp Winter. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Shot by Yuri Boyka Jr.. Deflect By Matthew Auston. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Auston for Los Angeles Panthers. Shot by Matthew Auston. Stopped by Cedric Robinson with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Philipp Winter for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to James Johnson. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by James Johnson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Max Mauldin, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by GOD McZehrl. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by GOD McZehrl. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Oliver Konig, Viktor Marius are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Max Mauldin. Pass by Max Mauldin intercepted by Viktor Marius. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Viktor Marius. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Alexis Metzler, Samuel Jalopski are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Maurice Picard. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Toivo Kosonen moves puck in neutral zone. Toivo Kosonen moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Toivo Kosonen intercepted by Oliver Konig.

Time : 17. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Oliver Konig. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Fjorm Lyeskov, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass by Sophia Bennett intercepted by Charles Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by Charles Walker. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Samuel Jalopski, Charles Walker are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Sophia Bennett. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft in neutral zone. Pass to Toivo Kosonen in Buffalo Stampede zone. Shot by Toivo Kosonen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Maurice Picard for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Toivo Kosonen. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Matthew Auston, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Charles Walker. Pass to Viktor Marius in neutral zone. Pass by Viktor Marius intercepted by Matthew Auston in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to James Johnson in neutral zone. James Johnson moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Philipp Winter. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to James Johnson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Dermot Lavelle, TJ Bayley, Kevin Hamilton are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - GOD McZehrl, Tatu Makela are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Shouta Aizawa, Lightning Jones, Geoff Higgins are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matthew Leetch, Willie Fisterbottom are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass by Geoff Higgins intercepted by TJ Bayley. Pass to Dermot Lavelle in neutral zone. Pass to Tatu Makela. Tatu Makela moves puck in Los Angeles Panthers zone.

Time : 18. Pass to TJ Bayley. Pass to Dermot Lavelle. Dermot Lavelle loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by GOD McZehrl for Buffalo Stampede. Pass by GOD McZehrl intercepted by Willie Fisterbottom. Pass to Geoff Higgins. Pass to Willie Fisterbottom. Pass by Willie Fisterbottom intercepted by GOD McZehrl. Puck is dumped in Los Angeles Panthers zone by GOD McZehrl. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Conor McGregor, Leafer Rielly, Alexander Selich are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Alexis Metzler, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Free Puck Retrieved by Evgueni Marmeladov. Pass to Lightning Jones. Pass by Lightning Jones intercepted by Alexander Selich in neutral zone. Pass to Leafer Rielly in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Leafer Rielly is hit by Willie Fisterbottom and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Selich for Buffalo Stampede. Pass to Conor McGregor. Pass to Alexis Metzler. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass to Conor McGregor. Shot by Conor McGregor. Stopped by Evgueni Marmeladov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Matthew Auston, Sophia Bennett, Joshua Woodcroft are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Maurice Picard, James Johnson are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Samuel Jalopski, Quick Mafs are on ice for Buffalo Stampede. Matthew Auston wins face-off versus Conor McGregor in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Maurice Picard. Maurice Picard moves puck in neutral zone. Maurice Picard moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by Samuel Jalopski. Pass by Samuel Jalopski intercepted by James Johnson in neutral zone. Pass to Maurice Picard in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett.

Time : 19. Pass to Joshua Woodcroft. Pass to Matthew Auston. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Pass by Sophia Bennett intercepted by Conor McGregor. Pass by Conor McGregor intercepted by Maurice Picard in neutral zone. Pass by Maurice Picard intercepted by Conor McGregor. Pass to Leafer Rielly. Pass by Leafer Rielly intercepted by James Johnson in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Matthew Auston. Matthew Auston moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Sophia Bennett. Sophia Bennett moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Puck is dumped in Buffalo Stampede zone by Sophia Bennett. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Max Mauldin, Philipp Winter, Yuri Boyka Jr. are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jon Toner, Toivo Kosonen are on ice for Los Angeles Panthers. Puck retreived by Cedric Robinson. Pass to Quick Mafs. Pass to Conor McGregor. Conor McGregor moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Conor McGregor intercepted by Yuri Boyka Jr. in Los Angeles Panthers zone. Pass to Jon Toner in neutral zone. Jon Toner moves puck in Buffalo Stampede zone. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Pass to Toivo Kosonen. Pass to Jon Toner. Pass to Yuri Boyka Jr.. Shot by Yuri Boyka Jr.. Stopped by Cedric Robinson without a rebound.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Los Angeles Panthers vs 2 for Buffalo Stampede. Shots for this period are 11 for Los Angeles Panthers vs 11 for Buffalo Stampede.