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S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - Printable Version

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RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - kenvald - 11-04-2023

ISFL affiliate

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - unconfident69 - 11-04-2023

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - Mazatt - 11-04-2023

Carolina's spent the last 14 games of the season preparing for the playoffs. Since implementing new strategy, the Kraken began playing a more sustainable, playoff friendly style condusive to a deep run. Of course there is significance in playing a top 4 team in the league regardless of how you good your own team is, so outside of strategies it's all about taking it easy before coming into the playoffs. No reason to add on extra stress when playoffs are so heated, so players are finding ways to unwind. And why not? Down the stretch Carolina's results finally matched expectations in being a top 5 pacing team. What else needs to be done beyond that?

And in hindsight, that preparation essentially worked. Of course going out round 1 is tough but there's no shame in going out against a bonafide contender. The changes in style and strategy, and dare I say playing a little loose and fun with it, helped Carolina push the series to 7 games despite a bulk of rookies in the line-up. They got Kraken, what else can I say.

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - DELIRIVM - 11-04-2023

The Maine Timber start the SMJHL playoffs with a week off while other teams fight for position in the next round. We've had solid practices and prepared ourselves for what is upcoming. Making sure each player is at the top of their game and ready for every teams best shot. We've been a very good team the last few years and plan to continue that into the future. The offensive group is humming and ready to score goals. The defensive group is ready to lock down players. And both teams are ready for top end production and transition game. We've at this point drawn the Detroit Falcons and it's going to be a battle. I, of course, think we're very much up to the challenge, but it's going to be a fun series. I am just excited to see the play of our veterans and learn how to mold my game after them. They're all fantastic players and we're going to have one hell of a playoffs, I think. Let's get ready to kick some ass!

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RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - locrianmidwest - 11-04-2023

QCC’s preparation for the playoffs was multifaceted. First, the performance aspect. The playoffs are where your toughness becomes paramount, every team is going to be bringing their A game physically and for a newer team they needed to train the match. That means lotsa time in the weight room. The curated team hype playlist is a huge help with this, bewilderment at the inclusion of certain songs notwithstanding. Offense wasn’t a concern given the excellent performances from the forward core during the regular season, but defense was a slight point of concern (and given the performance in the playoffs - rightfully so!). On-ice practice was mostly oriented around those concerns and special teams. There was time out for fun though - was there any other way with this group? Perhaps considering given the performance in-series there might have been a bit too many, err… “team building exercises” (re: goofing off) but we’ve got more chances later.

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - IceeBreaksTheSHL - 11-04-2023

It was a blast being on a great team that we led to a bye and winning the Tamper Town division! We're prepared for the playoffs because we have awesome players that can lead us the way!

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - NaomiMannequeen - 11-05-2023

Preparing for the playoffs wasn't too much different from preparing for another game. We always go over tapes of previous games, we always go and practice harder and harder knowing that our season is coming closer and closer to an end... one where we hope we could get the Four Star Cup for Net Man's final season. The only real difference between preparing for playoffs versus normal season games is just analyzing our opponent's playstyle on a bit of a bigger focus and doing specific scenario drills for our plan to counter them. Following that it's all about the mental game. Get your head in the game, focus on what's important to the gameplan, focus on the basics, play some good hockey and results will come just fine. That's what coach told us to do and we as a team take what they say to heart. They put their trust in us, we gotta put our trust back in them.

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - ViN - 11-05-2023

[Image: V8CT4ck.png]

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - Vulfzilla - 11-05-2023

Well apparently we didn't plan very well cause we got screwed in the playoffs by a team that had no business competing with us.  So I guess we just spent our time not practicing, playing cards, and being over confident like a bunch of idiots.  ORiginally my dream had been to finally win a cup in the Js but I guess that'll have to wait another season unfortunately.  NExt year I will totally 100 percent work my butt off to get a better result.

But now that we're home and have a bunch of time off I guess I'll probably just play some video games.  Maybe some old crash bandicoot or spyro. I'm really into classic shit. Oh the other thing I'm gonna do is watch a bunch of godzillla movies.  Very excited for Minus 1. Hopefully next season thats not my +/-.

Have a great offseason Smjhl! see ya in the bigs!

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - hockeyiscool - 11-05-2023

Going into the season 73 playoffs the Queen City Citadelles have decided to hammer down into going for maximum gains. Everyone knows that for maximum gains it starts with the diet. So as a group the Queen City Citadelles have decided to go for a mostly protein diet with their bro's, sprinkled in with drinking exclusively POWERTHIRST!  For lunch the favorites of the team have been chili dog night. The team is pretty split on it, but Skyline chili was often served because you have got to have a balanced meal and why not put chili on spaghettis. Despite thirty percent of the team loathing Skyline and one hundred percent of the bathroom clean-up team despising it. Paired with Skyline, the crew often found themselves crushing sando's before going to the gym. Then finishing with another Sando. One thing the team forgot to do was leg day, that and the team was severely dehydrated from only drinking POWERTHIRST!  leading to our first round exit.

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - Arctic - 11-05-2023

After a disappointing end to the season that saw the Battleborn fall to third in their division, Nevada is locked in for the playoffs! Ivanov is known as a film junkie and as soon as the matchups got announced he started watching tape on Carolina. He studied their line combinations, what habits their forwards have and where they like to shoot from. After sending out his notes to the rest of the team, Ivanov and the rest of Nevada began their on ice practices. The structure of the practice was similar to the regular season, but the intensity was cracked up by 100. When asked about why they worked on during the pre playoff practices, Ivanov said "Our main goal is trying to lessen our turnovers and penalties. We are confident that 5 on 5 we can beat anyone, we just can't beat ourselves". It seems their preparations worked after Ivanov and the Battleborn won a hard fought series against Carolina, and now they look forward to facing Yukon!

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - Tsunny - 11-05-2023

Preparing for the playoffs was just like preparing for any other game in a way. We have gone over tactics, analyzed our opponent and of course we have practiced countless hours on the ice to perfect our movements as a team and to make sure we execute the tactics just as boss intended it to be executed. Of course, we knew that our season is hitting its climax and this is going to be a "make it or break" kind of situation. Before the game itself was the final part of the preparation, which is of course just as important as any other part of the preparation. We had to get our head into the game and get our focus to be at it's maximum, and of course just to get ourselves ready for the big occasion. On one hand i was nervous as it was my first ever playoff in the J but on the other hand as i looked around the locker-room i could tell that everyone was just as fired up as each other and that somewhat calmed me down. We were ready for it after all. All those work we have put in is finally about to pay off after all.

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - CampinKiller - 11-05-2023

The Vancouver Whalers have spent their time preparing for the playoffs by enjoying a much needed week off while the first round of games were played. As they won the league, they received a first round bye and home ice throughout the postseason, and they have been doing the usual R&R activities. Namely, they have been attending parties, sunbathing, drinking, and genuinely enjoying themselves before they attempt to bring a Four Star Cup to Vancouver. Some have been practicing their golf game, since they won't be able to until after the Finals, if all goes according to plan for the team. Only over this past weekend has the team began to practice and watch film, though several players, including rookie center GM's Son, were spotted playing a drinking game during practice. While some are questioning whether this will come back to haunt the team, others think that these young players should do what they wish.

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - caltroit_red_flames - 11-05-2023

Our team prepared for the playoffs by working extra hard on and off the ice. We've been working a lot on a part of our game that has been pretty poor compared to the rest of the league: neutral zone transitions. If you can make it count when you create turnovers in the neutral zone you're going to score a ton of goals. Basically a quick regroup and the an odd man run toward the net. It's a really simple drill but you have to get it down perfectly.

Off the ice we've really been working on endurance, the playoffs are long and by the third round it's more about who has legs left in the tank than anything else. We've also been watching a ton of film to figure out the best forecheck for our first matchup. We've landed on 2-1-2 for the top 2 lines and the 3-2 for our bottom 2 lines. Gotta capitalize on offense for the top 6 and prevent with the bottom 6 against these higher rated teams.

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #6 - Playoff Dreams - UberBJ - 11-06-2023

The Maine Timber have prepared like the ents of old. We sat in a circle and talked about our feelings in long drawn out entish. It took Toast roughly 7 hours to convey his love of Fortnight and inability to open a mayo jar. It wasnt even relevant to the cup, but he wanted to get it off his chest.

Outside of the Ent Moot we had, we also trained hard 3 days a week with heavy shooting drills where the goalies didnt wear pads. Why you ask? Because Southpaw demands us to all be the most fearless and physically damage resistant as possible. I think he watched Rocky too much, honestly. The forwards also went and did some hot yoga, led by an old club legend, Bigga Foryu. While he wasnt terribly flexible as an instructor, he did teach everyone to master downward doge. So hopefully no one pulls their back muscles now.

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