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Cahill Hunting For Cash - Printable Version

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- JLysohirka - 07-22-2016

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Hey guys. I am entering the second half of my career with Cahill and thought it would be a good time to let people ask me random ass questions. So if you wanna learn anything about or just make a mockery of the extremely average player I have made feel free to ask away. Anything for those $$$ :ph34r: .

Interview Who are you?

What a very metaphysical question this is. Much more sophisticated then I thought a pylon like you could come up with. I am Johnny Cahill a fictitious hockey player created by some young 20-something Canadian guy you call your friend. My goals in life are to win the challenge cup so that the person who created me can gloat to all his internet friends that I, his creation, played a miniscule role in a game of luck and statistics beating out over 100 other creations just like me. On a more personal level I am an English orphan who likes to hit people, block shots, share the puck, and score the very occasional goal. Oh did I mention, I am the most absurdly average player the SHL has ever seen.

Interview Goals for your career?

I would obviously very much like to win the cup. I also would like to see Austria win gold. On an individual level I would like to be in 1 of the top 10 lists for something each year, and I think this will most likely be shot blocks. I also want to average over 20 assists a season throughout my career as I want to be remembered as one of the most selfless defensively minded players in the league.

Interview What do you get when you fall in love?

Normally the clap… That might be because Cahill falls in love every game night. How’s that song go? A different women in every city…something something.

Interview What made you choose the current build you have for your player?

I always knew I wanted to be a pass first defensive defenseman. When I started I was new to following hockey and had been a soccer fan, so I tried to make my player akin to my favourite position/players in that sport. For those who are familiar with soccer think of players like Lampard, Pirlo, or Schweinsteger. As I got to talking to a few people around the site and comparing with people like Crutch I managed to suss out what I saw as the most crucial attributes to achieve this type of player.

Interview Any Ideas for a recreate for the future?

Depending on the status of other goalies in the league at the time I would be really interested in making a goalie. It would have to have some gimmick built into it like maxxing one stat first in a Charlyb’y type style of build. Or making him ridiculously fat but having high hand speed and being a sumo wrestler/ninja turned goalie.

Interview Talk about your boi Crutch…

Oh Crutch my one true love of SHL, don’t tell Charlyb’y. As I was basically inactive my first season or two your first season was basically mine and what a partner in crime to have. We complement each other’s play style very well, which may be something GMs in the league should look into. Just saying. Our time in the Crows together was some of the most fun I have had on SHL and think that we should of won based on our synergy alone. It was heart breaking to lose the hold my dick award in such a proLONGed fashion to you, but in the end the punishment wasn’t even that bad. It motivated me to be even better, and although this league is biased towards players who score more thus making you a more attractive player to those around the league I think we are very even. Unlike our CS:GO and Rocket League skills. I can only hope that we find our way back to each other in this rendition of SHL or the next (our recreates).

Interview When we gonna be together?

What do you mean when? We have already been together in every single meaning of the word. As teammates, friends, competitive enemies. There was also that one night when we were drowning our sorrows after losing out on the four star cup, and welllll I’ve always said you can’t handle your beers as well as me. But in answer to your actual question I’ll just reiterate that we will be together when a GM realizes what a great pairing we are.

Interview Thoughts on your career with the Jets thus far?

I think that the Jet’s are a great franchise and are full of great personality from the top down. I feel as if I have been somewhat of an under achiever for the team through no one’s fault but my own, and hope to remedy this in the near future.

Interview Are you excited about taking on a bigger role for the team?

I relish opportunities to go out and hit people, help my team out defensively, and try to assist/score goals. Any extra minutes I view as a good thing, and I have some of the best line mates a guy could ask for when it comes to making something out of the relative nothing I bring to the table.

Interview How will you improve in the upcoming years?

I’ll really just keep doing what I’m doing. Considering how inactive I was in my first 2 seasons I think my build is heading in the right direction. Obviously the build doesn’t really translate into high totals for anything that is considered important, but I feel as if it helps really well with the intangible defensive aspects of the sim. More than anything else though I’ll just be looking to stay as active as possible and accumulate as much TPE as I can, and aside from just the sim itself I would like to try and improve on my presence around the league rather than just staying mainly to the LRs I am in.

Interview Do ya get along with ya boi Scotty Robertson?

I think I get along well with all my teammates. I find it very interesting the few times Scotty and I find ourselves on the ice together because he is such a offensively minded defenseman. I think it would be definitely interesting to see how we work together on a more regular basis once we have developed a bit more. I will say this though, if we were ever on the same pairing my hit totals would sky rocket, because Scotty isn’t one to look for the hit if he can avoid it, whereas hitting people is my favourite pass time. Food for thought…

Interview Where do you feel your strengths and weaknesses lie as a player?

I really don’t view myself as having any real strengths or weaknesses per say. I am just exceedingly average as a player, and as such can have games that when compared to others make me look either excellent or extremely incompetent. If I had to choose one of each I would say my strength was in just how well I play defense, and my weakness would be my shot.

Interview The West looks to be pretty competitive, how do you see this season and maybe the next couple of seasons shaking out?

I think that it is going to become an even closer race. With the exclusion of maybe Portland after recent activity I think that any of the other six teams could have a legitimate chance. LA brought in a number of great players including my boi Crutch who is the a great cornerstone piece defensively. Seattle has always been in contention by just having a squad that is deep at nearly every position. Edmonton and Calgary are both aging line-ups so that will bring them back down to earth in the next season or two, thus evening the field even more. Texas has made a number of great transactions since Allen took over including the coup of snagging one of the best young defensemen in the league during FA. BBP also looks to be the line prince to Leafs title of line king if the last bit of last season is anything to go by. As for Winnipeg they obviously have me which makes them competitive from the hop! In actuality though, you can never count out any team with Leafs as a GM especially one with a core of players coming into the peak of their careers. All in all, I think the next few seasons will be some of the closest we have seen and expect the West to maintain their strangle hold on the challenge cup.

Interview Were you surprised about the performance of Austria in the IIHF?

Honestly no. Although we don’t boast the star power at every position like some teams <cough>Canada<cough> unlike them we know how to get the job done. When a team can consistently beat the “best” teams in the world, like the US, Canada, etc., I think you are always going to have a chance to medal. I also think that if Austria manages to find a bit more up front to replace the aging veterans we will remain competitive for a number of seasons.

Interview Do you really feel that BBP will become the SHL’s faceoff king?

I hope he does. It would be really disappointing to see him put all that faith in the faceoff only to have the sim screw him. That being said, the sim is very weird and you never know if these types of build will actually get the results you want out of them.

Interview Thoughts on your line mate getting the silver medal at the IIHF?

I think it was very close this year in both the semi-finals between us and the finals. You were on the right side of being lucky against Austria, but unfortunately fell victim to the same close game luck in the final. All in all I think it is good for us to both to be medalists and lord them over all of our teammates who didn’t get one :phreak:. If nothing else I think the medal just helps prove the case that you are a scary scary player even more than I already thought.

Interview Any season 30 predictions?

I predict our line leading Winnipeg , at the very least, to a conference final because we will play like we did at the beginning of last season all through this season. You can quote me on that. “Johnny Cahill thinks he’ll be more helpful than ever going forward”.

Interview What is your favourite sandwich and why?

I have recently grown attached to a Mediterranean style chicken sandwich of my creation just because of how fresh it tastes compared to a lot of other styles of sandwich. I’m sure if you ask BBP will give it a resounding review as well.

Interview How GREAT is St. Louis right now? Who do you hope they will draft tomorrow?

St. Louis has finally started to get what they deserve. I think the team has been outstanding for the last 4 seasons or so, and just got unlucky when it came to the playoffs the 3 seasons prior to last. That being said, there is something special about the current group and I hope they continue to dominate the juniors. As for the draft I have been rather busy and haven’t seen much on the incoming class. All I can hope is that they bring in a player to help you guys repeat who is interesting in LR and maybe plays CS:GO.

Interview Do the Crows have a chance to repeat?

I sure as hell hope so. It will obviously be difficult with the veterans that are leaving, but with such a great GM team in Crutchy and TML I am sure those boys will figure out a way. If not I’ll just have to recreate and play another 4 seasons in junior to help out.

Interview Fav number and why?

69…because, you know…

Interview Why did you pick 69?

Whoa! How’d you know? Do you appreciate the symmetry of it as much as I do? Or are you just a temporal over the internet mind reader?

Interview If you had to be a Disney character who would you be?

Aladdin, dude gets to fly around on a magic carpet, has a monkey as a best friend, knows a freakin genie, and gets to bang the hot princess.

Interview On a scale of 1-10 do I know you?

Man, does anyone really know anyone? I obviously know of you and your time on that sitcom about those people living in that apartment building. Good on you for pursuing professional hockey at your age by the way. As someone who is on Manhattan I’m sure you do indeed know of the Cahill pain train. If you want though we can definitely hang out and I can give you tips on how to be an actual defenseman and you can help me out with my future acting career.

Word count: 2177

- bbp - 07-22-2016

who are you?

- Leafs4ever - 07-22-2016

Goals for your career?

- Snuffalupagus - 07-22-2016

What do you get when you fall in love?

What made you choose the current build you have for your player?

Any ideas for a recreate in the future?

- crutch - 07-22-2016

Talk aboit your boy crutch

When we gonna be together

- Nereus - 07-22-2016

Thoughts on your career with the Jets thus far?

Are you exited about taking on a bigger role for the team?

How will you improve in the upcoming years?

Do you get along with ya boi Scotty Robertson?

- hockeyis66 - 07-22-2016

where do you feel your strengths and weakness lie as a player?

the west looks to be pretty competitive, how do you see this season and maybe the next couple of seasons shaking out?

where you surprised about the performance of Austria in IIHF?

do you really feel that BBP will become the shl's all time faceoff king?

- Bonk - 07-23-2016

Thoughts on your line mate getting the silver metal during the IIHF?

any season 30 predictions?

What is your favorite sandwich and why?

- GCool - 07-23-2016

How GREAT is St Louis right now? Who do you hope they'll draft tomorrow?

Do the Crows have a chance to repeat?

- Giova69 - 07-23-2016

Fav number and why
Why did u pick 69
If u had to be a disney charachter who owuld it be
On a scale of 1-10 do i know u

- JLysohirka - 07-24-2016

Thanks for all the questions guys!