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S71 Atlanta Inferno Prediction (40/66)
(This post was last modified: 06-13-2023, 05:05 PM by sakrosankt. Edited 4 times in total.)

Ready for grading

Hello and welcome. Most of you won't know me, I am not that active in SHL. I did get broke though, so I have to do something against it and try to become a millionaire by writing some media. I already did that when I started with the league dozen of seasons ago. Wait, it acutally is over a dozen of seasons, my player really has unlocked longetivity here. Well, long story short, I need money and the best way for me to earn some is to write some media.

What this article is about, is how I predicted the season for the Atlanta Inferno to go and how it actually went. I predict a score for each game played so far, write some of my thoughts to that and then compare it with the actual result and share some thoughts on how that went. I started with the Atlanta Inferno as I am on this team, it is my team, and I am heavily biased towards them. Well, I think no more words are needed now, let's start with that experiment right away.

Game 1 - 04/10/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Baltimore Platoon 2:1 OT
Here we have another overtime game for the Inferno. Against the division rivals they stay on the winner side though, and get their first overtime win of the season. The Platoon are up for a fight in this season with the Inferno.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Baltimore Platoon 5:2
It feels good to see the first game of the season being guessed correct, but the result is way clearer than expected. I won't complain though.

Game 2 - 06/10/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Philadelphia Forge 1:5
Nothing to get for the Atlanta Inferno in that game. The Forge are the clear winner in that one, although Atlanta hoped to stay the winner on home ice. Nothing to see here.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Philadelphia Forge 4:1
Wow, nice one to guess incorrect. I thought Philadelphia had Atlantas number, but that's not what I had expected.

Game 3 - 08/10/2037
Montreal Patriotes vs. Atlanta Inferno 3:1
This is the start for a long away stretch for the Atlanta Inferno. Having eight away games in a row is a tough task, they keep it close in the opener against the Patriotes high up north. A loss is still a loss though.

Actual Result
Montreal Patriotes vs. Atlanta Inferno 5:1
Another one correct, this time it's not as good as it is even a clearer win for Montreal than I predicted.

Game 4 - 09/10/2037
New England Wolfpack vs. Atlanta Inferno 2:4
Back to back games for Atlanta on the road, but New England can't take advantage of it. In a close game for the first two thirds, the Atlanta Inferno pull ahead late and win it on an empty netter.

Actual Result
New England Wolfpack vs. Atlanta Inferno 3:5
But here we have another win for the Inferno where I expected a loss after having back to back games. I won't complain.

Game 5 - 12/10/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Manhattan Rage 4:3
The first game of the season will be a close one, that the Atlanta Inferno will decide in their favor. They are on home ice and just lifted the curse of playing the Manhattan Rage the season ago.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Manhattan Rage 3:2 SO
I predicted a close win against Manhattan, but it was even closer than what I expected. It went all the way to a shootout, but we stayed victorious.

Game 6 - 13/10/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Montreal Patriotes 1:3
It will be a close match, but in the end the home ice doesn't make up for the back to back games Atlanta is playing starting the new season.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Montreal Patriotes 1:10
We lost to Montreal as I predicted, but the way we lost hurts. We just got 10 goals scored against us, I think this hurts for whoever gets it. Not sure what exactly happened, but I hope we won't have to swallow so many goals again.

Game 7 - 15/10/2037
Manhattan Rage vs. Atlanta Inferno 2:3 SO
Another close game between Atlanta and Manhattan. This game goes until the very end and ends on a better note for Atlanta in their first shootout of the season.

Actual Result
Manhattan Rage vs. Atlanta Inferno 2:8
This time I predicted a shootout against Manhattan, but no way we go that far. Scoring eight goals after getting ourselves dunked on the game before is kind of relieving.

Game 8 - 19/10/2037
New Orleans Specters vs. Atlanta Inferno 2:5
A rested Atlanta squad has no real issues with a good New Orleans team. They came a long way since I last did this kind of exercise. Back then, they were the fodder.

Actual Result
New Orleans Specters vs. Atlanta Inferno 0:1
Another correct guess, only 1 game wrong so far. I am really surprised how this worked out so far. This time it was a shutout, and we also just scored one goal. That's a close one, but a win is a win.

Game 9 - 20/10/2037
Minnesota Monarchs vs. Atlanta Inferno 1:4
This will be an easy one for the Inferno. Back to back away games aren't something to take easy, but a depeleted Monarchs team stands no chance against the flaming hot Inferno.

Actual Result
Minnesota Monarchs vs. Atlanta Inferno 3:5
A win against the Monarchs is what I guessed and what we got. But it was a little closer than I predicted. Let's go on, nothing to see here.

Game 10 - 22/10/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Baltimore Platoon 2:4
That's a tough one. I don't see Baltimore up there with Atlanta, but the rest between that game and the two before is going to be tough to make up for, although it is played on home ice.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Baltimore Platoon 3:5
Another correct pick, wow. This time it is a loss to the Platoon unfortunately, I hope we will get some revenge later on in the season.

Game 11 - 24/10/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. New Orleans Specters 7:4
This is going to be a high-scoring affair. Not sure what makes me that positive for the Inferno to dominate New Orleans rather easily, but I hope it is going that way.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. New Orleans Specters 7:2
I predicted a 7-4 win, and what we got is a 7-2. So even better, and interestingly close as a guess. I am really surprised by myself and how this went so far.

Game 12 - 26/10/2037
Toronto North Stars vs. Atlanta Inferno 0:8
In a game that is clear as day who will win, the Inferno even gets a well deserved shutout against one of the weaker teams in the league at the moment.

Actual Result
Toronto North Stars vs. Atlanta Inferno 5:3
10 correct ones, only one wrong so far. To break a 8 game correct predicted streak, I called a whooping win against the North Stars. It was by far not what I expected, we lost that one. Makes me kind of sad.

Game 13 - 27/10/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Winnipeg Aurora 2:5
The Winnipeg Aurora are a powerhouse at the moment, although they haven't managed so far to crown themselves with a trophy. This game is a win in their books though.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Winnipeg Aurora 2:6
That was really close to predict the correct score again, with just one goal in total wrong. Unfortunately it is a loss to the Aurora, but well, that's what I predicted and expected at that point in time.

Game 14 - 29/10/2037
Toronto North Stars vs. Atlanta Inferno 1:6
After a tough loss against the Aurora, Atlanta strikes back against the North Stars and gets back on victory road to get a deserved win.

Actual Result
Toronto North Stars vs. Atlanta Inferno 1:5
Again a very close prediction to actual result game. This time we got the better end against the North Stars, and won in sovereign manner. Nice one, and another correct guess.

Game 15 - 30/10/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Los Angeles Panthers 3:4 OT
Atlanta had a tough stretch of games, and this is what they will feel in that game. Los Angeles fights them off until overtime, and will fly home with a win on their side.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Los Angeles Panthers 4:5
Let's say wow, I am a genious. This time it was a bit higher scoring and no overtime, but I got the correct goal differencial. It's only 1 goal higher for each team. This streak has to end soon, I am scared of myself.

Game 16 - 02/11/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Toronto North Stars 7:3
The Toronto North Stars try their best, but they can't pull off magic against a furious Atlanta Inferno team. This is a clear win for Atlanta.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Toronto North Stars 6:1
I predicted a 7-3, what we got is a 6-1. Another high win against the North Stars who surprisingly won our first matchup of the season. Well, now we see how it should go (in my opinion).

Game 17 - 03/11/2037
Tampa Bay Barracuda vs. Atlanta Inferno 1:4
The first matchup of the division rivals ends in a big win for the Atlanta Inferno against the Tampa Bay Barracuda. Tampa Bay is playing better after some seasons of irrelevance, but they aren't quite where they want to be just yet.

Actual Result
Tampa Bay Barracuda vs. Atlanta Inferno 2:5
We play Tampa Bay, we win against Tampa Bay. We play the Barracuda exactly how I thought we would play them, the correct goal differential, just a little higher scoring. Am I a little low predicting all the time? Not sure, at least most of it was correct so far. Out of 17 picks I got 15 correct and only 2 wrong. Crazy.

Game 18 - 05/11/2037
Seattle Argonauts vs. Atlanta Inferno 3:6
Seattle isn't what they hoped they are in this season. That's why they have big troubles in keeping their net clean, and get 6 goals from the Inferno.

Actual Result
Seattle Argonauts vs. Atlanta Inferno 4:3
Ok, here we go. We have wrong prediction #3. And it is against our inaugural rivals Seattle Argonauts. I predicted a clear win, it was kind of the exact opposite. Yikes.

Game 19 - 10/11/2037
Texas Renegades vs. Atlanta Inferno 4:1
The third road game within three days, and that is played in Texas. A long way to travel, and a game they never found their strengths in. A deserved loss for the fire birds.

Actual Result
Texas Renegades vs. Atlanta Inferno 2:5
This time I predicted a clear loss to the Renegades, but we won in a very clear manner. It was our game, our win. Seems I just mixed the two games, but that makes it two wrong guesses in a row. My luck had to come down anyways, that was unreal.

Game 20 - 12/11/2037
Baltimore Platoon vs. Atlanta Inferno 3:2 SO
The first half of the road game stretch is done after that game, but it is a long and tough one resulting in a shootout loss for the Atlanta Inferno.

Actual Result
Baltimore Platoon vs. Atlanta Inferno 4:0
We play the Baltimore Platoon, and I called a close loss to them. We go into shootout I said. Welp, we didn't even score that game. It is a correct guess, but losing 0-4 is bad. I hope we don't get shutout no more.

Game 21 - 13/11/2037
Philadelphia Forge vs. Atlanta Inferno 5:3
The Forge are a number too big for the Inferno in that game, and the defense isn't as stable it should be in that stretch of games. Hard to fix those issues in the middle of a tough road stretch, but they will do their best to sharpen iron again.

Actual Result
Philadelphia Forge vs. Atlanta Inferno 3:5
See, another prediction I flipped. I guessed the score, but had it the other way round. I won't complain, I predicted a loss to Philadelphia and what we did is win. No complaints here.

Game 22 - 15/11/2037
Buffalo Stampede vs. Atlanta Inferno 1:4
The only good thing at this time of the road games is, that Atlanta doesn't have to travel that far to get to their opponents. This time it is the Buffalo Stampede, and they will be their opponent for two games in a row. The first one is a win, after the defense managed to stabilize themselves again.

Actual Result
Buffalo Stampede vs. Atlanta Inferno 3:1
This time it's almost the other way round. Almost the correct score, but the result is flipped. The Stampede stomped us near the end of the tough road game streak.

Game 23 - 17/11/2037
Buffalo Stampede vs. Atlanta Inferno 3:2 OT
In the second straight game against the Stampede, the Inferno lose a close battle in overtime.

Actual Result
Buffalo Stampede vs. Atlanta Inferno 3:1
Here we go, another correct pick. Not as close as it was, but another close scoring prediction. Maybe I should do that as a living. I hope I get a millionaire again doing this kind of stuff.

Game 24 - 19/11/2037
Chicago Syndicate vs. Atlanta Inferno 3:5
The last game of a tough eight game road trip is a win against the Chicago Syndicate. Atlanta fights them off after they try to come back late in the last third.

Actual Result
Chicago Syndicate vs. Atlanta Inferno 4:5 SO
We play the Syndicate to end the road game stretch, I predicted a win, we got a win. It went to shootout in the final result, but from a scoring perspective I was very close to the final result.

Game 25 - 20/11/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Toronto North Stars 6:2
After the long stretch of road games it is a pleasure to play on home ice again. Everyone missed the way you moooove, that's why the fans get to hear the song for a total of 6 times in that game alone.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Toronto North Stars 5:1
Dunking of the North Stars won't get boring after that first game against them. Guess what I picked, a win for us. Guess what we got, a win for the Atlanta Inferno. Guess what I got correct? The goal differential. It's just one score for each lower than what I expected. Maybe I should start stating the scorers to make it harder, I can't be that good at stuff like that.

Game 26 - 23/11/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Tampa Bay Barracuda 3:4 SO
In a revenge game for the Tampa Bay Barracuda, after they lost the first matchup on home ice to the Inferno, they get what they wanted. They had to go the full distance to rip some points off of the division rival, but they manage to do so in a shootout.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Tampa Bay Barracuda 4:1
Right after praising me to highs never seen, I fail completely. I predicted a close loss to Tampa Bay, but what we got is a nice little victory with 3 goals in between. That's what I am here for, I like when I am wrong with us losing.

Game 27 - 24/11/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Hamilton Steelhawks 3:0
A clean game without a lot of highlights from the Atlanta Inferno ends in a shutout against the former league dominator. They aren't what they once were, and don't even manage to score a goal in that match.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Hamilton Steelhawks 3:4 SO
That's going to be a clear win against the Steelhawks, right? Right? Nope. We scored 3 goals, yeah. But they also scored, and not just one or two, they got a full of 4 goals, overtime included. So that's as wrong of a pick as it gets.

Game 28 - 27/11/2037
Philadelphia Forge vs. Atlanta Inferno 5:2
I think I found a new rival for the Atlanta Inferno. They don't manage to win another game against the Forge and need to find a game plan that could work against this fiercy Philly team.

Actual Result
Philadelphia Forge vs. Atlanta Inferno 5:2
But here comes the perfect pick. The only flaw with this one is that the Atlanta Inferno lost. Philadelphia seems to be good, and I really like that I got that completely correct, it still stings a little.

Game 29 - 29/11/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Calgary Dragons 6:3
The Calgary Dragons are a seldom opponent for the Inferno. But as we know, fire beats fire and the Atlanta Inferno stay victorious against the Canadiens.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Calgary Dragons 3:4 SO
Winning against the Dragons is going to be easy? Well, not exactly what it was. We lost in a shootout and didn't win in regulation. This is again, as wrong as it gets.

Game 30 - 01/12/2037
San Francisco Pride vs. Atlanta Inferno 2:1
In a low scoring affair the team from the west coast gets the win. San Francisco and Atlanta don't get a lot of shots, and the Pride comes out on top.

Actual Result
San Francisco Pride vs. Atlanta Inferno 7:4
Here we go, a correct pick again. And from a scoring perspective, it's totally wrong. We scored more than 3 times the goals I predicted, they scored 4 times the goals. But we won, I predicted that and that's all that counts, right?

Game 31 - 02/12/2037
New England Wolfpack vs. Atlanta Inferno 5:2
The second straight loss for the Inferno on the road, this time it is the division rival out of New England. Only three goals out of 2 matches isn't exactly what the team in Atlanta likes to see.

Actual Result
New England Wolfpack vs. Atlanta Inferno 7:3
Picking a loss and being correct is not the funniest you can get, but you realize it is what you expected. So it's not as bad. The amount of goals we got is a little devastating though.

Game 32 - 06/12/2037
Montreal Patriotes vs. Atlanta Inferno 4:2
The third straight road game results in the third loss in a row. This losing streak is alarming for the Inferno, they have to get their stuff together to turn things around. Both offense and defense doesn't look good at the moment.

Actual Result
Montreal Patriotes vs. Atlanta Inferno 1:0 SO
Next game, next loss. But a correct pick. Wow, we went all the way to overtime and shootout to see a goal, I am glad I didn't pay to watch that game. I mean it is exciting until the end (if not too boring), but a little higher scoring wouldn't hurt.

Game 33 - 07/12/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Baltimore Platoon 5:1
This is what the Inferno needed, an important win against a division rival on home ice to shake off the road losses they suffered in the last few games.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Baltimore Platoon 6:2
5-1 predicted, but 6-2 result. I take it. This is again a very close prediction score, a correct one as well and the Inferno won. This is what makes me happy, give me more of that.

Game 34 - 11/12/2037
Tampa Bay Barracuda vs. Atlanta Inferno 3:4 OT
The Tampa Bay Barracuda fight hard against Atlanta, but the Inferno stay winner in a close affair. In overtime they end the game to win a second straight game.

Actual Result
Tampa Bay Barracuda vs. Atlanta Inferno 2:5
A close win against Tampa Bay? Nay, a nice, comfortable win against the Barracuda. Correct guess, higher win than predicted, I take it. I am on a little prediction streak again, nice.

Game 35 - 12/12/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Hamilton Steelhawks 2:4
What ought to be another win for the Inferno turns out to be a tough loss to swallow. The Hamilton Steelhawks get away with a win from Atlanta.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Hamilton Steelhawks 4:7
We lost to the Steelhawks, but higher than I expected. Yikes! Can we please win against Hamilton. Aren't they supposed to be kind of bad this season? Why do we keep losing to them?

Game 36 - 14/12/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Edmonton Blizzard 5:3
The next game on home ice is in Atlantas favor again. They manage to beat the Blizzard and get another step out of their mini crisis. Once again we see that fire melts ice.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Edmonton Blizzard 5:4 OT
It was no 5-3, but a 5-4. It was not in regulation though, so it is a bit further apart of what I predicted. But it is still just one goal that is different than from what I guessed. So that's a win. Just as I said, fire beats ice.

Game 37 - 15/12/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. San Francisco Pride 2:4
The third game on home ice in a row is also the third game in 4 days for Atlanta. This is too much for them and they lose a tough fight against San Francisco due to some missing power.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. San Francisco Pride 3:2
This is better than I expected. I look with pride on my team and accept that I was wrong with that game. We win that game against San Francisco, and I won't complain.

Game 38 - 17/12/2037
Hamilton Steelhawks vs. Atlanta Inferno 1:5
This time the Inferno turn up their A-game and fight off the Steelhawks on the road to make a statement. A dominant performance at a challenging time.

Actual Result
Hamilton Steelhawks vs. Atlanta Inferno 5:7
Yessa, this is the win against Hamilton that I was expecting all season long already. I predicted it far higher than it was, but we still did win, and that is all that counts. Take that, Steelhawks.

Game 39 - 20/12/2037
Atlanta Inferno vs. Manhattan Rage 6:3
The Manhattan Rage weren't seen in Atlanta since the very start of the season. Atlanta takes the dominance gained in their previous game with them into this one and show the Rage their limits.

Actual Result
Atlanta Inferno vs. Manhattan Rage 7:2
The win against the Manhattan Rage was predictable, come on. Lol, just joking, not sure what made me so confident in beating the Rage that high. This is something I am proad of, correct goal difference and only one goal for each apart of the actual score.

Game 40 - 21/12/2037
Winnipeg Aurora vs. Atlanta Inferno 5:2
In this road game in Canada the Atlanta Inferno are out of luck and power and seem like they never had a chance to win the game. They will be happy to travel back home and rest for some days over Christmas.

Actual Result
Winnipeg Aurora vs. Atlanta Inferno 5:2
And what a prediction to call it quits for now. I predicted Winnipeg to win this 5-2, what they really did in the end. Not sure how I come up with some of these scores, but I am more than surprised that I got some of them totally correct or am really close to it.

This is how far the season went until now. The Atlanta Inferno just played 40 games, have won 24 of those and lost 16. Some games went to overtime, some to shootout, but that's the overall standing. You might be curious how the prediction went so far for me. Out of those 40 games, I predicted a total of 30 games correct. This is just predicting the winner or loser, of course the score and exact goals are less than that number. Guessing 3/4 of games correct, results in a total of 75%.
You might think that this is easy to exploit, as I for sure know the results of the regular season games and can just come up with those scores off the top of my head. I really spend hardly any time in checking games or similar things, I only have a rough overview of how the season goes and how we are doing. I did the predictions today, and also the summaries of the predictions and of the actual result. I wrote this all by myself, had some issue with the first games were I started in a wrong order and didn't start over from the start again. I hope this still gets the full grading experience, as I put a lot of effort into doing those write ups and putting my thoughts into it. I probably will do more on this series as soon as I have a little more time, but I hope I get a good payday for now and can complete the whole season prediction for the Atlanta Inferno and potentially other teams in the future.

4786 words according to the character count feature

[Image: CcmpTg8.png][Image: sakro_-_withecheck_-_Inferno.png]

tell your GM to pay you more!
Inferno Inferno Inferno

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

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