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S32 Interested Prospects Thread

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of):
2. What kind of player do you intend to build?
TWC like Bergeron
3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate?
4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested?
Locker Room activity, really. The best teams are the ones where everyone eggs each other on
5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths?
I know you Smile
6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi?
Not applicable
7. What kind of music do you listen to?
8. What can you bring to our LR?
Gm experience, activity, and a history of being good at building up activity
9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself!
I'm not interesting
10. Link to player page/update thread

[Image: zNTg4Ew.png]
thanks @suavemente !

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of): Be A GM Connected lol
2. What kind of player do you intend to build? Offensive Defenseman
3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate? First Player
4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested? This whole thing is keeping me interested right now
5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths? Nope
6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi? I will right now!
7. What kind of music do you listen to? I know all the words to Party in the USA and Wannabe
8. What can you bring to our LR? Tommy Salami works at the local pizza joint, he can probably get you a pretty good discount.
9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself! What time is it when a Mammoth sits on the fence? Time to get a new fence.
10. Link to player page/update thread Player Page Update Thread

[Image: TommySalami.gif]

Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard

EDM All-Time Leader in Goals, Assists and Points

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of):
This is actually my first sim league!

2. What kind of player do you intend to build?
An angry Italian-American Rick Nash.

3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate?
My first player.

4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested?
Definitely an active locker room/Discord, and a positive environment where I can have fun and learn the ropes.

5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths?

I don't think so.

6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi?

[Image: giphy.gif]

7. What kind of music do you listen to?
A 'lil of everything. My favorite bands are Pink Floyd, Say Anything, Death Grips, and Mac Demarco.

8. What can you bring to our LR?

I am dedicated, full of passion, and I guess I'm kinda' funny.

9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself!

What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo?

One's really heavy and the other's a little lighter.

10. Link to player page/update thread

Vinny Marino Player Page
Vinny Marino Update Page

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of): None
2. What kind of player do you intend to build? A dynamic winger who can play both offense and defense.
3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate? First Player
4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested? The chance to prove myself and make the team as an active player. Also to just enjoy the experience of being part of the league.
5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths? Nope
6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi? Shit, you caught me
7. What kind of music do you listen to? Basically anything
8. What can you bring to our LR? A sense of humour.
9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself! I can count to 10 without any help.
10. Link to player page/update thread
Player Page
Update Page

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of): all of the exp
2. What kind of player do you intend to build? two way forward
3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate? First player Ninja
4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested? activity
5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths? yes you
6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi? hi
7. What kind of music do you listen to? Rap and Indie rock
8. What can you bring to our LR? Charisma
9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself!I like Boobs
10. Link to player page/update thread

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of):
None yet
2. What kind of player do you intend to build?
I want Wexter to be a strong defenseman who can not only stop plays, but advance the game forward and help keep us on top.
3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate?
First player!
4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested?
In terms of keeping me interested, as long as you have an active community, I'm sold. Especially if you guys have a Discord!
5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths?
I don't know anyone yet. Sorry!. I think my great x10,000 grandfather rode a mammoth once, though.
6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi?
7. What kind of music do you listen to?
I'm obsessed with Hamilton. If you haven't listened to it, you should.
8. What can you bring to our LR?
I like to think I'm a pretty cool guy. I'm also always willing to chat about hockey!
9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself!
I can hold a conversation in Latin, which is incredibly weird, but kind of interesting.
10. Link to player page/update thread
[]Robin Wexter[/url] I'm not done with my update page yet, but just let me know later and I can give you the link!

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of): none
2. What kind of player do you intend to build? offensive defeseman
3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate? first
4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested? fun people who will help me learn the game and hopefully be friends!
5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths? none
6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi? just signed up yesterday!
7. What kind of music do you listen to? um anything that doesnt play on most popular radio stations
8. What can you bring to our LR? a huge troll?
9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself! im the coolest, but is that a joke or a fact?
10. Link to player page/update thread

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of): None!
2. What kind of player do you intend to build? A defensive defenseman.
3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate? It's my first!
4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested? Some veteran leadership for advice and guidence when needed, and some entertaining discussions to keep me coming back. Bonus points if you have some Dallas Stars fans in the LR!
5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths? Nope!
6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi? I just got here yesterday! But hey, hi, hello.
7. What kind of music do you listen to? A fair bit of Irish/Scottish/English stuff, like Celtic Woman and Anuna; pop, like Lady Gaga and One Republic; some EDM, like Zedd; some misc. classical and choral stuff. I have eclectic musical tastes, heh.
8. What can you bring to our LR? A laid-back sense of humor, a knack for problem solving, and a habit of writing long sentences.
9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself! Last summer, I sang in Carnegie Hall with a choir of about 250 people!
10. Link to player page/update thread Player page, update thread.

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of):

No leagues but I do play a lot of EHM

2. What kind of player do you intend to build?

A consistent and reliable hybrid goaltender

3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate?

I'm a virgin

4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested?

A welcoming community!

5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths?

I don't believe so

6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi?


7. What kind of music do you listen to?

Really into future bass right now, but I'll listen to most anything

8. What can you bring to our LR?

Humor and good teamwork

9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself!

I play tendie IRL. Also a seal walks into a club...

10. Link to player page/update thread

Player page

Update Thread

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of):None
2. What kind of player do you intend to build?A shooter who can skate though defenders like a hot knife through butter
3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate? First time player
4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested? Someone to help me learn the ropes
5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths?No
6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi? Still working on learning everything
7. What kind of music do you listen to? Pretty much everything, not huge on country or rap
8. What can you bring to our LR? A relatively active player
9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself! I march in a college Marching Band
10. Link to player page/update thread: player page update page

[Image: 49775_s.png]
Thanks to Budgie and Carpy for the sigs!

Player || Updates

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of): SHL mostly, tried VHL and a few others. Most puttered out.
2. What kind of player do you intend to build? Power forward focused on passing
3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate? Third player in the SHL
4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested? Ice time and active people.
5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths? I've met a few members in passing
6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi? I'm shy, also lazy, its one of those.
7. What kind of music do you listen to? Japanese Funk
8. What can you bring to our LR? Pizza, twice a month after payday
9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself!

A bear was taking a dump in the forest when a rabbit walked by. The bear said, "Hey rabbit, does poo stick to your fur?"

"No," replied the rabbit.

The bear picked up the rabbit and wiped his butt with him.

10. Link to player page/update thread

Andren Akerson (Present)
Adrik Baranov (S55 to S70)
Rurik Razin (S32 to S44)
Roy Razin (S17 to S32) (HOF/Rage HOF)
Audun Wissink (S5 to S15)

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of): Lots
2. What kind of player do you intend to build? TWF that can convert to D if needed.
3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate? ...
4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested? Don't need much from a team in particular, but an active LR is always nice.
5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths? Rice, don't know who's where anymore lol.
6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi?
7. What kind of music do you listen to? Talk radio.
8. What can you bring to our LR? Stuff.
9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself! Knock knock.

Who's there?

Jed Lloren.

Jed Lloren who?

Jed Lloren who sucks balls LOLOLOL.
10. Link to player page/update thread. Both in the sig.

[Image: NyUD4Ch.jpg]
[Image: 95lCCDx.png]

[Image: iXI1ET6.png]

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of): Just here
2. What kind of player do you intend to build? Sniper
3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate? Recreate
4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested? Just wanna be around good people that's all
5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths? The GMs. <a href='index.php?showuser=2143' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>akamai</a> is basically my mom.
6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi?
7. What kind of music do you listen to? Anything and everything
8. What can you bring to our LR? I can probably help bring a more active LR by being just random af
9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself! no
10. Link to player page/update thread:

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of):
None so far, this is my first
2. What kind of player do you intend to build?
I'm looking to build a strong Two Way Defenseman who can shut down offense in the defensive zone and can also create offense when on the attack
3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate?
This is my first player
4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested?
I'm looking for a team that is going to help me develop to my full potential as well as having a healthy locker room atmosphere
5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths?
no i do not
6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi?
im at little shy...
7. What kind of music do you listen to?
mainly classic or modern rock (Foo Fighters, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, Nirvana)
8. What can you bring to our LR?
I can bring a positive attitude and an open mind to all others in the room. I'm always looking to make friends and meet new people.
9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself!
I can play the guitar pretty damn well!
10. Link to player page/update thread
Player Page
Update Thread

1. Sim league experience (list any leagues you've been a part of): MMA Tycoon for about three years
2. What kind of player do you intend to build? A great passer who can handle the puck like the best of them. Hopefully he can set up plays and make them to get the puck in the back of the net.
3. Is this your first player or are you a recreate? First player.
4. What are you looking for in a team, in terms of keeping you interested? Active LR is a must. Need to be in communication with the GM and the rest of the team, hoping to get tips on how to improve.
5. Do you know anyone currently on the Mammoths? I do not.
6. If you answered no, why haven't you contacted me to say hi? Hi.
7. What kind of music do you listen to? Everything. That's a lame answer. My playlists have everything from Rob Zombie to Katy Perry to the Iron Maiden to Nickelback.
8. What can you bring to our LR? You drafting me. Seriously, if I am selected I will give everything I can to improve and help the team succeed.
9. Tell me a joke or an interesting fact about yourself!

A moth goes into a podiatrist’s office, and the podiatrist’s office says, “What seems to be the problem, moth?”
The moth says “What’s the problem? Where do I begin, man? I go to work for Gregory Illinivich, and all day long I work. Honestly doc, I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. I don’t even know if Gregory Illinivich knows. He only knows that he has power over me, and that seems to bring him happiness. But I don’t know, I wake up in a malaise, and I walk here and there… at night I…I sometimes wake up and I turn to some old lady in my bed that’s on my arm. A lady that I once loved, doc. I don’t know where to turn to. My youngest, Alexendria, she fell in the…in the cold of last year. The cold took her down, as it did many of us. And my other boy, and this is the hardest pill to swallow, doc. My other boy, Gregarro Ivinalititavitch… I no longer love him. As much as it pains me to say, when I look in his eyes, all I see is the same cowardice that I… that I catch when I take a glimpse of my own face in the mirror. If only I wasn’t such a coward, then perhaps…perhaps I could bring myself to reach over to that cocked and loaded gun that lays on the bedside behind me and end this hellish facade once and for all…Doc, sometimes I feel like a spider, even though I’m a moth, just barely hanging on to my web with an everlasting fire underneath me. I’m not feeling good. And so the doctor says, “Moth, man, you’re troubled. But you should be seeing a psychiatrist. Why on earth did you come here?”

And the moth says, “‘Cause the light was on.”

10. Link to player page/update thread

Tim Elliot

Tim Elliot Updates

[Image: v1uynGf.png]


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