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Spitfire Pre-FA Presser
(This post was last modified: 10-22-2018, 08:43 AM by storm.)

Since this is one of the few times I’ve ever gotten to do something fun with my player, might as well milk some extra cash outta it too. Haven’t done a presser in awhile either, so that’s cool.

Ask questions and I’ll answer.Since this is one of the few times I’ve ever gotten to do something fun with my player, might as well milk some extra cash outta it too. Haven’t done a presser in awhile either, so that’s cool.

Ask questions and I’ll answer.


top 5 destinations?

Like I said awhile ago, don't really have any teams that really stick out to me. I'm interested to see what GM's have to offer and I'm going to make a decision after that. For the time being though, I'd say the Blizzard are obviously up there. I guess if I had to really pick a few I’d say WKP, EDM, TEX, and HAM are the ones that interest me the most, but ofc I want to hear more come FA.


go cocks?




What makes Spitfire a must have in free agency?

What team doesn't want a shitty 2nd pairing d-man on their squad?

What can you provide to a teams locker room atmosphere?

Idk I got some quality pepes ig. Honestly I just like to shoot the shit once in awhile in my SHL teams discord so finding a good niche would be ideal, just a matter of getting comfortable and being with a good group of people. Hopefully people like me enough out there for their LRs, if not then idc.


Why is the best team to sign with is the team i'm in ?

Maybe. <3


Let’s say you have an ax. Just a cheap one, from Home Depot. On one bitter winter day, you use said ax to behead a man. Don’t worry, the man was already dead. Or maybe you should worry, because you’re the one who shot him.

He had been a big, twitchy guy with veiny skin stretched over swollen biceps, a tattoo of a swastika on his tongue. Teeth filed into razor-sharp fangs-you know the type. And you’re chopping off his head because, even with eight bullet holes in him, you’re pretty sure he’s about to spring back to his feet and eat the look of terror right off your face.

On the follow-through of the last swing, though, the handle of the ax snaps in a spray of splinters. You now have a broken ax. So, after a long night of looking for a place to dump the man and his head, you take a trip into town with your ax. You go to the hardware store, explaining away the dark reddish stains on the broken handle as barbecue sauce. You walk out with a brand-new handle for your ax.

The repaired ax sits undisturbed in your garage until the spring when, on one rainy morning, you find in your kitchen a creature that appears to be a foot-long slug with a bulging egg sac on its tail. Its jaws bite one of your forks in half with what seems like very little effort. You grab your trusty ax and chop the thing into several pieces. On the last blow, however, the ax strikes a metal leg of the overturned kitchen table and chips out a notch right in the middle of the blade.

Of course, a chipped head means yet another trip to the hardware store. They sell you a brand-new head for your ax. As soon as you get home, you meet the reanimated body of the guy you beheaded earlier. He’s also got a new head, stitched on with what looks like plastic weed-trimmer line, and it’s wearing that unique expression of “you’re the man who killed me last winter” resentment that one so rarely encounters in everyday life.

You brandish your ax. The guy takes a long look at the weapon with his squishy, rotting eyes and in a gargly voice he screams, “That’s the same ax that beheaded me!”


He’s about to be right x2.


I want to hear your origin story. You see players with names like Connor Tanner, Oisin Fletcher, Chris York, etc. and you don't think twice. But Spitfire, not that sounds like a superhero! So tell me a few things.

When I was making my new player on the SHL after I retired Ciarelli. At the time I was talking to some people on discord, Eggy and Toivo I think, and I just asked for a name and Eggy suggested Spitfire cuz ponies. Just went with it. Didn't really put much thought into it but hey it works. Plus if me and Eggy ever end up on the same team (FUCK) then we’ll have Rainbow Dash and Spitfire. What’s not to like.

Spitfire's superpower if they had one, their origin story, and their moral code (like how Batman doesn't kill people but Deadpool just doesn't give a damn, what's Spitfire's line and will he ever cross it? :eyes: )

Since Spitfire was born in Antarctica and was raised by Penguins he’s adopted unnatural abilities compared to that of a normal person. Similar to his penguin brothers, he:

  1. Is also flightless.
    Can drink seawater
    Eat a range of fish and other sea-life that they catch underwater. (99 fishing basically)


His moral code is no moral code. Spitfire don’t give a fuk.


I believe Spitfire would look prettiest in Blizzard blue. would you agree?
I don’t see color. That being said I think Spitfire would look good in most jerseys tbh, Blizzard blue included.

Which is your highest priority going into FA: minutes, money, LR culture or something else entirely?
I don’t really have any one specific thing I want to be honest. A mix of the three would be ideal, but obviously that can’t happen because some teams are so cash strapped or whatever. Obviously at the least I’d really like to hear about LR/personnel and what my player will be doing on the team I go to, but no one thing is going to really dictate my decision.


How excited are you to have a player of Tor Tuck's caliber be your back-up?
It would definitely be nice to have a player of Tor Tuck’s caliber to help clear up every one of Spitifire’s fuck ups. Lol. Seriously though, would be nice to have a player of that caliber on D to play alongside. Never got that in New England with @Jepox. Rippe Dubois. Love ya bud.

Can any other team in the league offer you a back-up as skilled and handsome?
wowowowowowow idts


Rank the locker rooms you’ve been in in your time on shl

Well I’ve been on WKP, TEX, HAM, and NE(W), I’d rank em:


To be fair though the last time I was on HAM and WKP was S22, and I split my time that season between both teams. I spent the least time in HAM and it was way different at the time so not a knock to them now, just never liked it back in the day. WKP was cool but didn’t work out, also much different today than it was back then. TEX was awesome when I left NEW in the late S20s, so they’re a strong #2. Still a great LR today too. NEW is NEW.


How do you feel about the city of toronto? asking for a friend.

Eggy was there for awhile, said he enjoyed his time in the LR and stuff so I’d say TOR is definitely an intriguing option. I’ve heard a decent amount of things about the team, both good and bad, but it’s still kinda one of the more unfamiliar teams in terms of personnel to me. I’d love to hear more though come FA.


Who's the best GM you played under and why is it me?

Gotta give it to my boy Ace on that one. Traded 3 of my best friends in a day and when I was unhappy with that traded me the following day too. That’s efficiency. lol.

Tbh though I didn’t even really play under you that long, I played under Toivo longer at this point mayb. I’m also just really dumb so that could be way off, I don’t remember when I came back to y’all after the whole TEX thing. Ur still one of the best GMs tho <3. Expect for drafting. You fucking suck at drafting. akakakakakakak.


What do you miss most about the temple of gooney.

goooooooooney come play csgo with me n onyxclan


why am i the best non wolfpack overwatch player in the entire shl

Well for one I’ve never seen someone start a game so recently and immediately dominate at the level you have. Honestly keep at it for a month and I’m sure you’ll be getting calls from the OWL in no time. Wink


What are the odds you sign with the team your rights were traded too?

I don’t think there’s any real “odds” as of right now. I’m really just gonna decide depending on what I see out in FA, but for sure the fact that I’ve gotten to speak with people in EDM and get a feel for the team and LR will help their “odds” when it comes to me deciding. Nothing is guaranteed, though.


I can imagine it's been a rapid change up going from GM to FA so quickly, was this something you ever saw happening in Spitfire's career in your own mind?

I honestly figured I’d ride Spitfire out in NEW during my time with the player. Sucks because I was originally a forward and changed to D to help New England out and to give us better options on the back end. Shitty how it worked out considering I got traded from the team so quickly,  but just gotta move forward and have some fun with FA talks at least.

Many believe that Texas were one quality defenseman short of making the playoffs this season. As a team that could almost uniquely offer a big contract and premium minutes on a competitor, what are your thoughts on seeing another of your players potentially representing the Renegades

Texas is definitely one of the teams I like a bit more going into FA. Considering I have some history there and already know the team well makes it a good location for my player, add in money and minutes and it’s even more intriguing. I’m excited to see what happens come FA discussions, as Texas is certainly a team I could see myself going to.




[Image: SigStorm.png]
[Image: QHLWtic.png?1]
san francisco group of cats - mikael koskinen
quebec city citadelz  - mikael koskinen

top 5 destinations?

[Image: 3.png]


go cocks?

[Image: JbAlQ9E.png]

What makes Spitfire a must have in free agency?

What can you provide to a teams locker room atmosphere?

[Image: LB6bY06.gif] [Image: tanner.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2018, 10:24 AM by Evok.)

Why is the best team to sign with is the team i'm in ?

[Image: Evok.gif]

[Image: merha.gif]

Let’s say you have an ax. Just a cheap one, from Home Depot. On one bitter winter day, you use said ax to behead a man. Don’t worry, the man was already dead. Or maybe you should worry, because you’re the one who shot him.

He had been a big, twitchy guy with veiny skin stretched over swollen biceps, a tattoo of a swastika on his tongue. Teeth filed into razor-sharp fangs-you know the type. And you’re chopping off his head because, even with eight bullet holes in him, you’re pretty sure he’s about to spring back to his feet and eat the look of terror right off your face.

On the follow-through of the last swing, though, the handle of the ax snaps in a spray of splinters. You now have a broken ax. So, after a long night of looking for a place to dump the man and his head, you take a trip into town with your ax. You go to the hardware store, explaining away the dark reddish stains on the broken handle as barbecue sauce. You walk out with a brand-new handle for your ax.

The repaired ax sits undisturbed in your garage until the spring when, on one rainy morning, you find in your kitchen a creature that appears to be a foot-long slug with a bulging egg sac on its tail. Its jaws bite one of your forks in half with what seems like very little effort. You grab your trusty ax and chop the thing into several pieces. On the last blow, however, the ax strikes a metal leg of the overturned kitchen table and chips out a notch right in the middle of the blade.

Of course, a chipped head means yet another trip to the hardware store. They sell you a brand-new head for your ax. As soon as you get home, you meet the reanimated body of the guy you beheaded earlier. He’s also got a new head, stitched on with what looks like plastic weed-trimmer line, and it’s wearing that unique expression of “you’re the man who killed me last winter” resentment that one so rarely encounters in everyday life.

You brandish your ax. The guy takes a long look at the weapon with his squishy, rotting eyes and in a gargly voice he screams, “That’s the same ax that beheaded me!”


[Image: dannymethane.gif]
[Image: DrbPYHV.png][Image: UDyqktK.png]
[Image: S7jeR9I.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2018, 10:27 AM by caltroit_red_flames.)

I want to hear your origin story. You see players with names like Connor Tanner, Oisin Fletcher, Chris York, etc. and you don't think twice. But Spitfire, not that sounds like a superhero! So tell me a few things.

Spitfire's superpower if they had one, their origin story, and their moral code (like how Batman doesn't kill people but Deadpool just doesn't give a damn, what's Spitfire's line and will he ever cross it? :eyes: )

[Image: doubtfulalpha.gif]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
[Image: sN8N4xa.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: snacnei.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]

I believe Spitfire would look prettiest in Blizzard blue. would you agree?

Which is your highest priority going into FA: minutes, money, LR culture or something else entirely?

[Image: IAP8v68.png]

pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

How excited are you to have a player of Tor Tuck's caliber be your back-up?

Can any other team in the league offer you a back-up as skilled and handsome?

[Image: TorTuck.gif]
[Image: sAx3Llh.jpg]

Rank the locker rooms you’ve been in in your time on shl

[Image: 34964_s.gif]
[Image: thd650h.png]
Affiliate of:
syndicate Steelhawks Whalers

How do you feel about the city of toronto? asking for a friend.

[Image: 53994_s.gif]

Player Page
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SMJHL Commissioner , SMJHL Awards Head, Banker (NEW/WKP), Rookie Mentor


What are your top priorities when considering different teams right now?

[Image: 7eETdF8.png]

Who's the best GM you played under and why is it me?

Wolfpack LW - Rainbow Dash - Updates Wolfpack
[Image: zVOLkfl.png] [img=0x0][/img] [Image: zrRa4LD.png]
[Image: zmHxxsq.png] Rainbow Dash Fan S24-Present [Image: zmHxxsq.png]
Shl SHL Commissioner S34-S52 Shl
Wolfpack New England Wolfpack GM S30-S40 Wolfpack
Militia Montreal Milita Co-GM S26-S29 Militia

What do you miss most about the temple of gooney.

[Image: 4sN9yMR.png]


why am i the best non wolfpack overwatch player in the entire shl

[Image: 3.png]


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