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Yet Another Unique Draft Take
(This post was last modified: 02-22-2019, 03:59 PM by gillon.)

2x media week - 2524 words.

Yet another unique draft take
That’s right boys and girls, the moment you’ve all eagerly been awaiting; another dude giving his 5 cents on our most recent SHL draft! I’ll mostly be giving my thoughts (..don’t pay them too much attention though, they tend to stray) and comparing where people ended up to my dumpster mock draft. I'd add in a disclaimer, but I don't think it'd have too much of an effect. Happy reading!

Round 1

1. [Image: GSetjcxk3jMWNBrVfSJPh_5yzFvaNvwOy0Ytv_yE...PAFh_aj6LL] Hamilton Steelhawks - Nikolai Evans:
I’m not sure if anyone was really that surprised, I had Argar as my 1OA, but we all know how that went. Evans going high as fuck was a given (I has him as 2nd, which is basically the same); dude is an absolute stud, he performs and is a pleasure to have around in the locker room. Grats Militia bro! (..I bet that might ruffle some feathers)

2. [Image: qB-8tbUkpKyEorWVsE56N03oGnpnKWQlp7tAGDpe...uZVYwxO5Nf] Hamilton Steelhawks (VIA San Francisco Pride) - Anastasia O'Koivu:
Hamilton picks up Pris with the second pick as part of their one-two combo, I had her at 4OA going to BUF, but I most def can’t say I’m surprised at seeing her going a bit earlier. This draft is so deep that every single top pick are performers, and if I were to guess I’d say they think she’ll fit in really well with the LR.

3. [Image: _gWwdkE8lp5Z2YZPyHaMJRC-ItjXafBDvsyr-Icj...yk7tJ_TxBs] Tampa Bay Barracuda - Olivier Cloutier:
Jenny going to the Tampa Bay Sea Urchins! Aced this one, and other than her being a top pick the only real reason for her being placed here on my mock is that french names get’s me thinking of fish. Why? Fuck if I know, I can’t cook, isn’t french cuisine a bunch of fish?

4. [Image: CxNGUKTaKP5HrGMA9OLRknofLPj8gLdgcJ60VlOZ...JNcQYspO-d] Buffalo Stampede - Monkey D. Luffy:
So I had this dude going quite high at 5th since fucker seems to do just about everything you can do on this site. Fuck, I don’t know if I’ve been in a thread where this strawhat wearing mofo hadn’t already been in, loudly making his presence known. Now, we ended up being teammates, so I’m gonna play nice. Dedicated dude, active as fuck, p funny and I’ve enjoyed his company so far in my new LR. Sick achievement going so high in the draft as a raw rookie as well, especially considering the company in the top 10.

5. [Image: EOk-tbEM2tBMENpl3u4dgiYCfuZXoTB1ZemhEJkH...dp1ffrWj8p] Minnesota Chiefs (VIA Chicago Syndicate) - Mathias Seger
I whiffed hard on this dude, I had him at 25th OA. Man, I wish I could say more but I’m drawing blanks right here, but being him getting picked up at 5th I’m guessing I’ll be hearing a lot more from him. Looking forward to just how much of a fool I’ll look like when we look back on my mock a few seasons down!

6. [Image: 0vzFoqhMdT-rGDJIvcD7TU6d4-xF1JNNg0yI3Fqa...XFdWhnebvp] New Orleans Specters - Jimmy Slothface
Seems to have joined up around the same time I did, so just as with Luffy, mad props for getting picked up this early as a non-recreate. I knew teams looking to pick up a fresh face would have this dude pretty high up, so I had him at 7th (never lucky smh). On top of being active and dedicated as hell, he probably has a legit top tier username/playername combo (think top 10) in the SHL.

7. [Image: xdibvZ_0atmj0ONUoAsLc1xISkXfSC0wyrjpxr7G...nWDB6r9mZh] New England Wolfpack (VIA Calgary Dragons) - Perry Morgan
Went earlier than I expected, I thought he’d join Jenny as a fellow Tampa Fish People player, but it seems the Wolfpack had other plans. As I whiffed as hard as I did, I obviously don’t know this dude potential.

8. [Image: 1xVL8wnN47j9b9DACOYaAqP5ieAXAdlGRbVstkrm...UaiA5uc4Yg] Manhattan Rage - Andrej Doskocil
Another Perry Morgan-history for me; I’m obviously missing something. I still had him going relatively high at 16th to Calgary but yet again my ignorance strikes I suppose. Then again, you’d be hard pressed to find any duds this up high in the draft so there might be a lot of LR compatibility at play.

9. [Image: hA_EOyUZ5RIc_sZYA0exrbU-stVBKYstwhSF4BvU...TLwsFYQsW1] Hamilton Steelhawks (VIA Toronto North Stars) - Kalvins Zvejnieks
I’m really not good at this mock draft thing, am I...

10. [Image: -qI-8CWoZc9x1NNsDAJnotULtHZwtPZD9gGa-6YK...LemA-AwxXG] Los Angeles Panthers -  Borromini Cannellini
What the fuck man. I had you 1OA, did someone misprint that 0 behind it? I legit don’t understand how he dropped this far, if you know plz PM.

11. [Image: 8yJEaXAwb4wV3gXQ5_NLGkSHITLJ_wfbugtGuqJJ...k42aaRcYdt] Winnipeg Jets - Nick Brain
Yeah, if you thought I was whiffing hard before I guess this one takes the price. I’m scrolling through this mock draft looking feverishly for Brain - I’m gonna go ahead and call this a Brain fart (I promise this wasn’t intended as a pun, but I’m rolling with it) and move ahead.

12. [Image: MIHC9KIIxyKmdhow0x6abGtzG7CVX16po0qe01B9...9kZXVKLGZG] New England Wolfpack - Gordie Boomhover
With a name like this you just know this guy is gonna go early, but I had him at 11th. Could it have been Nick Brain miss that simply caused this miss? Let’s pretend, shall we. Dope name, dope player, dope draft position.

13. [Image: VAI3sXT2wqvDwVyP3V1rRrFN5YhR0giD0TJnl_7_...LtBc8WQFMf] Minnesota Chiefs (VIA Texas Renegades) - Jerry Mander
Hmm, I had mander going 10th to the panthers, can’t blame this one on missing Nick Brain. Again, close enough, so I’m gonna call this LR compatibility again.

14. [Image: nWsBDw5_Y_o0uwkVweJd8V5ckAul5R2Oo9oIVkqd...Mnag2vhByo] Tampa Bay Barracuda (VIA Minnesota Chiefs) - Matt Kholin
This guy got fucking payed on his ELC, I guess being a Tampa Bay Fish Boy isn’t that bad. He’ll be joining Jenny as Tampas 2nd pick, so he’s in good company at the very least. I bet he has a dope agent to get him that contract, which in turn might also explain how my absolutely rock solid placement of him at 20 OA missed the mark by so much. Matt Kholin’s agent is a future HOF. Nah, for real, I bet he’s an awesome player.

15. [Image: AMHsb22ybDC9DMWcRNkCkFCLzC2oLucZXhDql09-...c9ZvxxEpIY] New England Wolfpack (VIA Chicago Syndicate, West Kendall Platoon) - Guy Zheng
Ooof, this guy knows how to produce points as a D-man, that’s for sure. He always seems to find his way up there in D-man scoring. I’m betting this dude has a killer season with Kelowna in S46. I had him going way higher (6th, just after my Luffy mock placement), but a mix of my lack of knowledge of the old guard combined with just how stacked this draft really is showed just how wrong I was. Either way, 15th is still a great fit for both the player and the team in this case.

16. [Image: vM03dcTuXz6hnea6Esb8NBcFt1oIAHYWB1WerAaa...MvPgRjjy03] Calgary Dragons (VIA Edmonton Blizzard) - Brennan Kennedy Jr.:
Part of the early 10s pack that I got jumbled compared to how it actually ended up; had Kennedy at 9th. I feel like that part of the draft are filled with evenly matched killers, and in the end maybe friendships prevailed.

Round 2

17. [Image: l_vSq385zO8FOMoH1EJbOuY3QUTs8FImwlycMFWu...dsoX42dve5] San Francisco Pride - Knute Knurtsson
First pick of the second round is begun with a fellow Swede (..and the first one if I’m not mistaken). This being SFP’s first pick in the draft I’m betting they had their eyes on him for a while. I had Zvejnieks dropping to here, purely based on his name being a nightmare, but fuck me right? Personally I thought Knute would drop lower in the 2nd, but I’m betting he had some good chats with the Pride management that along with a good attitude landed him in San Fran.

18. [Image: AgzSuMFsr6v0uxPdJZyjN0VVp-APxkDSTP2hXpPk...NbzXXA6eDG] Buffalo Stampede (VIA Tampa Bay Barracuda) - Kalevi Karhunen
Bit of the same story as with Knurtsson, I had Karhunen dropping to the later parts of the 2nd round, but having been around him in the LR I see why he got picked earlier. Great dude, dedicated and fun to be around.

19. [Image: kGONNCpOPmMSnMPXDPiwYLyyK86eaxLmdNxf-9Vf...dMwlqu9E8u] Buffalo Stampede - Bobby Sharp
Fuck, I was real close with Bobby. I had him early 2nd round at 21th, but at this point I’m pretty OK being wrong at this pick as I like having him in the LR. Chill dude and easy to talk to.

BUF really did a good job with these two picks, great value right here boys.

20. [Image: rpYfADZve2EkR_0S4ysB3j88a6EQ3h0oxYzyY0ap...Ck2gwMNqJE] New Orleans Specters - Michael Fox
Had him later in the 2nd round, but just like with Knurtsson I’m thinking Fox were on the same wavelength as the Specters management. I dig the name tho, you do you man.

21. [Image: 6lAAb_rUAVqSew7SvjavxaC50pdWjp21c6-qmj0V...r70UTamYRy] Chicago Syndicate - Kit Smeb
How far Kit would drop was quite the topic as the draft was under way, and well - the answer was further than I thought. I wasn’t too far off though, I had him at 18th so I’m gonna count that as a partial win. Pretty sure partial wins don’t constitute any TPE rewards though. Possible improvement, HO?

22. [Image: -39A2Z89VNFdVOKYeK7OSvqslfolpUFZQerXgLMk...bXxiqW4sDU] Calgary Dragons (VIA Hamilton Steelhawks) - Barry Batsbak
Drawing blanks of Batsbak, sorry man. I didn’t have him during the first two rounds, but he beat me so he’s gotta be a beast. I also imagined Calgary picking up a pair of Smebs here for the set bonues, but that only turned up half right. Name is sick though, Barry B.

23. [Image: f4qkzHYoDQM7GSI_DWA2psceqJ7nYTVMQ_VIguHg...CnLEEbCO-J] Calgary Dragons - Chico Smeb
I mean, I was close. Half of a Smeb pair, I think I had sound reasoning, but I was off by one on Chico. The Smeb boys are performers, and rightfully a hot commodity.

24. [Image: _kR-uehosPDl8mYVEtqQofFMllqtMOu-4IHLVxyl...O2jHl5YIMO] Tampa Bay Barracuda (VIA Manhattan Rage) - Jøln DuBølk
As a native Swede, I gotta say I’ve never seen a name quite like this. That said, maybe that’s just the kind of Swede that’d fit in well with the Tampa Bay Finfishers. Didn’t have him in my 2 rounds, but I think that was simply because I couldn’t get my norwegian ö’s working.

25. [Image: V24xk1ELdAN9GAdGBoo3BRXB0NBqbDbn-wAsJU7x...z29loWkoFH] Toronto North Stars - Troy Reynolds
Hmm, Troy Reynolds. I had him at 29th versus the 25th he went at. I was only going by what I heard through the grapevine and rolled a dice at high twenties, so I got about as close as you’d expect with my luck.

26. [Image: i8kHjBnYsH4WwMWIlOF7DSUgnwzcMPBm9Zj01My_...88VDg6dldx] Chicago Syndicate  (VIA Los Angeles Panthers) - Eva Lykke Aparjode
It’s around here where I started really listening for my name. I had heard that Chicago was interested, so I was getting a bit worried when my name wasn’t called. I mean, what I heard was “guaranteed 2nd round” and the only team that was mentioned at that point was Chicago.

But instead they went for Eva, which I can’t really fault them for. Honestly thought she’d have been picked up way earlier, I had her at 19th to BUF, so I’d say this was a steal for sure.

27. [Image: EI5P5Jxu2dyQ1gaoTs_r3DSw36A145Kg7Tn6L4cE...33aMSzwZ5J] Winnipeg Jets - Michael Scarn
Okay, level with me boys, I had Scarn at 12th, what happened? Dude has the sickest sigs in the game, what’s REALLY going on behind the veil here? Does the SHL ship complimentary tinfoil hats cause I feel like I might be needing one for the next draft.

28. [Image: lsDq5jmgw9UtaaauJsgX2M3r1pZ9dDxoiMLfMcaW...ywrxhaJ6RZ] Buffalo Stampede (VIA Chicago Syndicate, New England Wolfpack) - Kristoffer Svensson
And there we go boys! Honestly; being traded up for felt nice, not gonna lie. Some might scoff at 28th, but looking at the 27 before me I feel proud and humbled.

That said I didn’t even have myself in my own mock draft, dohohohoho.

29. [Image: wDU9xI-M2Y8oEkzwEZukrQIF0K8FzcnJdhvk0U2H...OdKrjR7Qxp] Minnesota Chiefs  - Collin Gibbles
Another whiff (..getting old saying that), and another one that flew under my radar. That said we’re entering uncharted territory for me here, so maybe simply throwing darts at a bunch of names on the wall might’ve made me more accurate.

30. [Image: ap3T6aCeccmvdMjKJ56Lt3TzkqMmu3XZU2szbf1C...9dNzRpJNrS] Chicago Syndicate (VIA Buffalo Stampede, Texas Renegades) - Daniel Smeb
Chicago continues the very valiant effort of completing the Smeb-set. Maybe there’s like some easter egg rule where they instantly win the Cup if they gather them all in one lineup? Kinda like that Yugioh card, right? Calgary is gonna have to sign Chico down for 2 decades or something, we can’t have that timeline becoming truth.

31. [Image: lQsY_aTQ45jfyH6KI762ZQg1AMr-z7S5gzZr_Kx4...pVnsMfNacF] West Kendall Platoon - Gaspard Boone
Myah, whiff-city. I don’t understand how I didn’t have this guy higher though, that name is fucking sick.

32. [Image: LkHEfW1_sDrnyeNPr0BP-LMdTdJ40hBNB--Uf00C...0y-N4Exkv8] Manhattan Rage (VIA Toronto North Stars, Edmonton Blizzard) - Peter Larson
Last mock draft pick, and while I did go for a goalie (McKorsy) it would seem I chose poorly. We’re gonna go with the catch-all LR compatibility copout here, simply unknowable factors for me to forsee. Maybe there’s like TPE for getting the position right…


That’s it for the Mock Draft comparisons; all in all, a very expected dumpster result accuracy wise from me, but I had fun nonetheless. I would however like to go through the rest of the draft to highlight people I really think were steals:

34. [Image: wz-fACbUZHw0TZcpEjqMJntZdtECDRJpgi2zlIEJ...d06sMMCIrV] Buffalo Stampede (VIA Tampa Bay Barracuda) - Raino Kyllonen
35. [Image: 05Rs_rFpdoURW5FN0Xt6VbBp0DYcWeAGSdeVV4ve...O3IADXnuFq] Buffalo Stampede - Johnny Sins

What the hell guys? I mean I can’t complain too much since they ended up on Buffalo with me, but outta the fresh faces from the S46 class these two are REALLY high up on the stud factor. I mean thanks and all, but these two were slept on - hard. Inb4 people claim Buffalo bias.

36. [Image: FNxFs3zx-SxpYn2CUPYEIqPxKPUT8IhnXC9KJmMO...lyKLY2Q2UN] Chicago Syndicate - Park Smeb
One step closer to completing Exodia - surely someone will stop them?

37. [Image: Bb9s04aqmuziEVJCLTiuUYG0x0bHFpanKTNBs77i...xRYg_e3gqk] New England Wolfpack (VIA New Orleans Specters) - Dick Clapper
Easy name points, that counts high for me.

38. [Image: z0R_zyMpGmkN8e-bNXc_k0RnydEICSUEfBQYqQDQ...P7VILbRkz4] Hamilton Steelhawks - Brock Emmerton
I had him mid 20s, I think HAM really gets great value here.

40. [Image: raLAS8yPHh7eFB0pCk7KjtiDoD_uzOVEVJBIfXFx...xfGxQB8I89] Toronto North Stars (VIA Manhattan Rage) - Mike McKorsy
Had him at 30; this guy does a ton of stuff for his team and seems EXTREMELY dedicated and active. Picking up this tender at 40 OA is a sick investment in the future, easily a toptier G pick.

46. [Image: jUHvisl6uFoFdnnnwXmIUq9F-HVqNr4eTFOEiyEG...JeSqlrpxnz] Texas Renegades (VIA Tampa Bay Barracudas, Texas Renegades) - Tyler Tougard
Didn’t expect Tougard to drop this low at all, am I missing something? Either way, at 46 you can’t go wrong here.

53. [Image: cKfiEw6mj9ZvPyRIqXcBOeAP_XRJ-T6yoeGlLGNQ...2NxfzXtEUl] Winnipeg Jets (via Chicago Syndicate) - Commander Shepard
54. [Image: hOWSmawfxzHiT9JvPjL7F6hBYA9wDzMNhAZiQQGW...4GZNvkjv5R] Edmonton Blizzard (VIA Hamilton Steelhawks) - James Truong
As a Montreal Militia player I do have a bit of an inside scoop on these guys, but they could both easily have gone late 20s/early thirties. Great dudes to talk to - James is one of the nicest guys I’ve talked to on the site so far and they both seem invested in the community. Winnipeg and Edmonton caught themselves some good ones.

61. [Image: lyMCn1ukfLEEqO71XYddTrRAwUEX2lUFHHnGgs1T...Q7j792mal3] Hamilton Steelhawks (VIA Minnesota Chiefs) - Alexis O’Koivu
Another Montreal insider bit; but the only explanation I can come up with for O’Koivu dropping as far as he did is goalie saturation. If that ain’t it, I’m clueless. Absolute stud, extremely helpful guy.

69. [Image: 3wrvdKYCWWqnfheyXJsaJE1ALsmdT_Oa0hIQozwN...j8K09JcuaI] Calgary Dragons (via New Orleans Specters) - Olin O'Dowd
Barring inactivity, sick pickup. Sour has been instrumental in helping early on with everything build related and was always nice to hang in the LR with.

75. [Image: 86b9Laq3TaLT5eE_ujM5WPctIbUQ5NGtAEaed8Uu...NvyCUwxrOj] Winnipeg Jets - Dickens Makeout-King
I can’t not laugh when I see this name - that kinda LR presence is something (virtual) money simply cannot buy.

79. [Image: hxgjIL5KwAQItpJYZ1rFgQ7WhmBWzf0PC3bGhnyU...4l1k-zG61W] Chicago Syndicate (VIA West Kendall Platoon) - Backdoor Barnacle

85. [Image: habPlxfAx4KadkOZ7CaYsPjFg49fRQaeAoQbm682...9FJpuYdj-R] Chicago Syndicate - Steve Craig Smeb

96. [Image: UiB1uWR2UV065mV6YFtNnxj8TYx0UBGtatKPydkn...gwSajW3rTm] Edmonton Blizzard - Touncy Bitties
Oooof, that’s a winner right there.


And that’s all folks! Take everything said here with a proper fistful of salt, and enjoy it for what it is. For anyone who actually read that all they way through, I thank you and hope you have a great weekend.

[Image: vhY18i8.png] [Image: nBgNUTY.png]

[Image: f7Sn74Q.png]
[Image: G7pWGHR.png]

Yeah, I'm really kinda invisible.

[Image: outlaws2.png]  [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]  Mathias Seger #15 | Player page | Update page [Image: outlaws2.png] [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]
[Image: Segi.gif] 
Sigs by Donini, RainDelay, Fever and OrbitingDeath

02-22-2019, 06:47 PMSegi Wrote: Yeah, I'm really kinda invisible.

get whiffed
(This post was last modified: 02-23-2019, 01:00 AM by MCP_.)

Quote:Didn’t have him in my 2 rounds, but I think that was simply because I couldn’t get my norwegian ö’s working.

I'm going to hear that until the day my player retires, I swear... (btw, it's ALT + 0248 for the ø)

At least the player name will be roasted less than my draft article lol

[Image: MCP_.gif]
     [Image: ICON1.png][Image: lions-button-updates.png]


artermis,Feb 2 2017, 04:11 PM Wrote:9gag pretty lit tho

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