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S44 PT #4 - Definitive Suggestion Box

SHL Expansion
When Expansion last came around in S25, @"JumpierPancakes" and I would go over so many different options of teams and locations. The great thing about the SHL is that this isn't tied to reality. This league doesn't actually exist, it doesn't make money. We have teams in West Kendall, Seattle, had a Vegas team before the NHL. We have a team in Hamilton despite having a team in Toronto nearby. We have a San Francisco team!

I want to go harder on this. I want some wild things here. Let's do an Atlanta expansion. Let's do an expansion to Kansas City, or Indianapolis, or Reno, or Sioux Falls, or go to a beach like Myrtle Beach! Let's have fun with it and get into some abstract places!

The league has gotten to a point that a lot of teams are running into a stacked line-up that struggles to fit everybody. We have a pretty full SMJHL and the only teams with space to add are rebuilding like Manhattan and San Francisco. This is a league that is going to have major spacing issues for new members constantly, and could lead people to leave. Having 16 teams, half the league making the playoffs (wow, we're going to be over half the NHL soon, jesus), is a perfect way of making things even more competitive and interesting. It's been nearly 20 seasons since the league last expanded.

If the next reddit recruitment goes as well as the past two have, we have no choice. Teams will not have space. Players will have no option. The league has to grow and develop. While I think it's best for an expansion to happen at a time of a reddit draft where the team can make trades for picks and build a massively active locker room out of the gate, we need to get it done early enough to get players moving and have space for everybody soon.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
[Image: DOF5tXM.png]
[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


It would make sense to have two different defensemen awards. One of the most offensive defensemen. Players like Erik Karlsson, Brent Burns and Tobias Enstrom come to mind for guys who are clearly more offensively gifted than they are defensively gifted. That being said a defensemen could still win both awards. That's why you create a defensive award as well and if the defensemen is the best in both areas than he is easily the winner of both trophies. That statistics that make up each would be easy to decide. Obviously Assists, Goals, Points could factor into the offensive award. On the defensive side it's easy as you make Hits, Shots Blocked, Plus/Minus as the principle statistics to judge their body of work. That way we can share the wealth and given we have player builds that are geared towards multiple areas and multiple different kinds of players; it makes sense to have awards for multiple different categories.

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LA Panthers Goaltender

SHL Expansion? I think this league needs to get rid of teams. 14 is too many. Get rid of one team from each conference, and hold a dispersal draft. That will give teams a little more oomph and then we won't have to be playing inactive guys in the bottom 6 and instead have more teams filled with actives. Guys in the SMJHL don't have to stay down there for as long, and they'll stay active while playing important minutes in the big leagues.

Or, you add two teams, one in each conference, and like, guys in the SMJHL don't have to stay down there for as long and they'll stay active while playing important minutes in the big leagues. Maybe put a team in Vegas? Maybe Quebec? Maybe a few European teams? Either way, add two teams or eliminate some teams just so we don't have to keep talking about suspensions and people will have other things to do besides yell at HO.

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[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
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I think the SMJHL cap should be raised from 350. For most players this is easily obtainable in a very short time frame. I myself have been a mostly semi active user and have been able to remain competitive with other users who have updated week after week. I'm not smart enough to propose a higher cap for the SMJHL but something greater than 400 should work. A higher cap can also deter users who are more likely to go inactive after a few weeks as their players see more of a skill gap between their player and another. TPE cap could also change from position to position. Centers could see an increase to 450 while goalies could go as high as 500 to make sure their builds are where they want them before they get called up to the SHL. Again, I am not smart enough to come up with a whole new scale these are just some suggestions

[Image: Screen_Shot_2018-11-19_at_10.27.59_PM.png]

One problem that has plagued the league since I've got here is inconsistency when it comes to player/user punishment. While I do enjoy that it can create juicy drama and heated arguments on the punishment pages, in the end it hurts the image of the league and how users feel about participating. This is a part of a bigger problem with the vitriol and bad blood that brews on the forums, but fixing this could be a step in the right direction for the league and the good of the users.

Im not trying to defend what some people have done, certain people including me have done some dumb and shitty things in our short OR long times here.. but these punishments for things that aren't rules yet that BECOME rules after you break them is kinda getting on my nerves. I've seen it multiple times where people are punished based on a rule that existed because of them, i believe its called ex post facto law or something. Working on curbing this and being more transparent in what is allowed or not allowed would help the users know exactly what they can and can't do.

200 words

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UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

1. PBE PT Affiliation

[Image: Too9kfy.png]
 Player Page  |  Update Page


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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

I am all for the higher TPE Cap in the SMJHL. I found myself down in Juniors for 4 seasons, I was capped for 2 of them. Some players are capped for two and a half, sometimes three seasons. I got bored just updating to put all my points into the bank week after week after week after week. Then poof, in 10 minutes, after I was called up, all those points were spent. My player had 350 points distributed, and all of a sudden had over 600 points. That's quite the jump. Now, I get it, if I had a 600 TPE player build I would DOMINATE over the 155 rookies and even 200 point players. So I wouldn't be opposed to like a 450 cap, 500, something. It would keep it interesting rather than updating for the future, you could update for the now. Maybe, you would even see more players getting called up because they're higher TPE than some of the inactives. I don't know, I'm just rambling.

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Player Builds

Looking at all the high TPE players in the SHL now, most of their builds are the same. I do not think it makes sense for everyone to have the same build. I think archetypes should play more into attributes.
Example: An enforcer should not have high offense stats, they should have physical / defensive based builds. While a sniper should have higher offensive skills and lower physical or defensive stats. Sure there could be hybrid builds, but those should have some give and some take to them. A checking sniper would be a weak defensively, while a two way would be weak physically. Therefore, stats should be limited in their weak areas more then they are now.
I may have not thought this through all the way yet, but just starting to look into it you can see similarities in players. I think archetypes should definitely play a bigger role then strengths and weaknesses.

[Image: Niktox.gif]
Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ
(This post was last modified: 11-20-2018, 01:52 PM by Nickleback_lover69.)

I’m a media grader, so I guess I’ll write about that. As a grader, you have to read or at least see all the media for that week. And some of the time people just use media and an outlet to talk shit about one another or say hurtful/mean things. I do think Media should be a place of self-expression, but never at the expense of someone else. Which is why I don’t think people should get money for those types of media. Or there should be a rule in place where we can’t post things like that. A way to implement that would be to have the graders just delete that type of media as it comes, and it won’t be graded. I’m definitely an advocate of making SHL a safe space for people to enjoy simulating hockey and building great players. And I’m certain HO feels the same way. So, I feel like this would be a useful tactic to achieve that.

Words: 165


To begin, I have proposed this idea numerous times in my tenure on SHL, to little fanfare and discussion, which is a bit frustrating as we have had issues with recruitment numbers in the past, however with the subsequent Reddit drafts since, it has become less needed, however I still think it is an untapped resource we have missed out on numerous times, and the once the time is past, it is no longer available again til the following NHL season.


We have each member, perhaps for a TPE reward, create a fantasy team for NHL, on either yahoo or espn, usually these leagues have 10-12 people who definitely enjoy fantasy hockey and would usually be active in them for the entirety of the NHL season, people who are interested in and love hockey beyond simply watching the games or following their team.

By advertising in these leagues, we could easily bring in new members, perhaps offering them a bonus here should they place higher in the standings in the league than the SHL member who is in it, making it a claimable amount of money, which would help them at the start in juniors, perhaps free training for their rookie season if they were to win the league that they were recruited in.

Lets say, a 100 people do this, this reaches out to 1000-1200 people who are in these leagues, and even at a mere 10% signup rate, that is 100-120 new members, which translates to 15 rounds of draftees, this could be a catalyst for possible future expansion getting a number of members of this degree, either in juniors or in the SHL.

These people may also know others, not in said fantasy league who would be interested in signing up and the fallout may bring in more numbers in the future. While Reddit has proven a great resource, it can't always be relied on and may bottom out eventually with no new people to sign up. It is a great promotional tool, yes, however this can be done once a year, for several months from September to October, fueling 1-2 drafts and gaining renewed interest from different areas on the net.


We would need someone to coordinate it, and keep track of who is in what league, and who signed up from which group. Perhaps rewarding the person recruiting the most people with something or the league that results in most signups with a bonus to TPE or something, otherwise, this requires as little work as posting a possible standardized messasge in the leagues message boards and hoping someone signs up from it. There on, it would be the recruiters job to help out the new member as they would be in direct contact with them in the fantasy league and perhaps keep them active long enough to make a serviceable player for the SHL, which is around 500 TPE, and will take 2-3 seasons, which is around 6 months real time, or near the entirety of the NHL season. This will help the person through the summer hockey withdrawal and hopefully have resulted in enough interactions on the site to keep them interested and active.


A possible influx of 200 new members would be ideal, which is 2/12 people in each league signing up, thats only a 20% success rate and would fuel juniors for the next year, with players who are minimal 155 TPE - 200 TPE (usual inactive dropoff) these players would be usable in juniors and even if only 20-30 from that 200 make it to the SHL, that still would be a fantastic amount to bring in, given 2-3 members per team and could again provide the catalyst for expansion.

[Image: CamNosreh.png]

Archetypes/update scale is the thing most in need of fixing for sure since basically every player winds up the same. The easiest way to make a dent here would be to restrict the strengths you can choose from a lot more. This may require some suspension of disbelief and counter-intuitive choices for balancing purposes so people would need to get over that first of all. My initial thought would be something along the lines of:
Enforcer: 3 of Defense, Checking, Fighting, and Strength with a Scoring weakness.
Sniper: Scoring, Skating OR Puck Handling, and Strength OR Checking with either Passing or Skating/Puck Handling as the weakness.
Playmaker: Passing, Skating OR Puck Handling, and Strength OR Checking with either Scoring or Skating/Puck Handling as the weakness.
Offensive Forward: 3 of Scoring, Passing, Skating, and Puck Handling with a Defense weakness.
Power and Two-Way Forward get combined: Defense, Passing OR Scoring, and Strength OR Checking with Skating OR Puck Handling as the weakness.

Offensive Defenseman: 3 of Scoring, Passing, Skating, and Puck Handling with a Defense weakness.
Defensive Defenseman: Defense, Checking OR Strength, and 1 of Scoring, Passing, Skating, OR Puck Handling with 1 of Scoring, Passing, Skating, OR Puck Handling as the weakness.
Two-Way Defenseman: Scoring OR Passing, Checking OR Strength, and Skating OR Puck Handling with 1 of Scoring, Passing, Skating, OR Puck Handling as the weakness.
Enforcer: 3 of Defense, Checking, Fighting, and Strength with a Scoring weakness.

With defense being such a good attribute it may not be possible to balance archetypes with defense weaknesses so those may not be realistic but the basic premise is: force meaningful choices during character creation, make sure all choices are somewhat balanced (or, rather, make sure none of the choices are atrociously unbalanced in either direction), and make sure all choices have a distinct feel. For example, looking at the defensive archetypes you can see the trade off required. Offensive Defenseman has the most flexibility in building offensively but comes with a Defense weakness, Two-Way has a bit less flexibility (with checking or strength forced as a strength) but doesn't offer Defense as a strength or weakness, and Defensive offers Defense as a strength at the expense of being able to choose offensive strength. The forwards also follow this more-or-less with Offensive, Sniper/Playmaker, and Two-Way/Defensive.

Another thing that needs fixing is some combination of the update scale, regression, or starting attribute values. It's actually absurd that you can max out all your relevant stats less than halfway to regression. I haven't looked into it much but my first thought would be to lower starting attributes to 20 or so, make the update scale easier from 20 to 70 and harder from 70 or 80+, and make regression hit harder faster. Obviously this will never happen because can you even imagine the rioting but my interest in the league fell off a cliff after I maxed out all of my relevant attributes a season and a half ago and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Jack Tanner (D) - [Player Page] [Player Updates]

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[Image: Beaver.gif]
One sig is tweed's and the other was a karlssens/Copenhagen collab

AC | Bank | Claims

Something that I think needs to be fixed, or added or even changed in the league is the regression template. I know, I know, people look at this as a fake league and it is not realistic, and want to be as their player as long as possible, but something that is just plain old crazy to me is a player playing 20+ seasons in the league. Regression needs to be harder, otherwise, if you are a max earner then you can just keep your player forever. I believe adding a tougher regression system and then allowing players who retire to retain a certain percentage of their TPE would help bring in young new blood, instead of the same people staying stacked on teams and in theory making dynasties. Adding a tougher regression will in theory make the league as a whole more competitive, because then GMs have to plan not just for Free Agents and drafts, but also their old guys who are hitting a higher tier of regression.

(170 words)

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