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S29 Written PT #1 - Power Ranking

SHL Teams Power Ranked by player with highest TPE

Starting from the lowest to the highest, I will also give a small prediction of where each team will end.

14. Stampede Buffaro Stampede: Kristján Vilhjalmsson, TPE: 674

At the bottem of the list we find Vilhjalmsson with the Stampede. Which in my opinion will also tell you everything you need to know about Buffalo, full rebuild stage with no powerhouses.

Standing: 7th in Eastern Conference

13. :admirals: Portland Admirals: Viktor Svensson, TPE: 957

Nearly 300 TPE more than Buffalo's highest we find Svensson. Portland is a team who is also still in their rebuild stage, had good FA sigings and trades during the offseason. However I still don't think they'll find theirselfs anywhere, but bottom last in their confrence for another year. The future is bright though.

Standing: 7th in Western Conference

12. Panthers Los Angeles Panthers: Jorma Ruutu, TPE: 1,146

On the twelth spot are the LA Panthers with Jorma Ruutu as their best player. Where LA ends in the final ranking will be a bit of a flip flop I believe. Either they end 6th behind the jets or 5th leaving the jets behind them. Seeing as the ultimate scrub sesugh uhaa plays here I`ll place them behind the Jets for now.

Standing: 6th in the Western Conference

11. Jets Winnipeg Jets: Vidrik Onoprienko, TPE: 1286

The Jets have Onoprienko and with him I can see the Jets sneak into the playoffs, if Seatle Riot drops the fall. All in all jet fuel doesn't melt playoff dreams and I`ll have to place the Jets 5th in their conference.

Standing: 5th in the Western Conference

10. Rage Manhattan Rage: Tomym Creller, TPE: 1412

Rawr I'm a bear. I like the Rage, but I don't think this season is their season to head into the playoffs. They'll find themselfs confrontably in the 6th place, because common who's going to end lower than buffalo.

Standing: 6th in the Easnter Conference

9. Renegades Texas Renegades: Yuri Boyka, TPE: 1566

The renegades not a team of one star, but a full team of good players. Winning the presidents last year, but having their playoff dreams crushed by the Jets, was a sad way to exit the Playoffs prematurely. Boyka will definatly help his team go into the playoffs this year again and I hope to see good hockey out of them.

Standing: 2nd in the Western Conference

8. Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks: Dean Colt, TPE: 1611

I'm really suprised to see that the highest player on the Steelhawk team is such a middlepacker. Steelhawks have been one of the best teams in the league since I joined. They must have a great team full of amazing player like the Renegades. I have colt on my fantasy draft team so I hope he does good!

Standing: 3rd in the Eastern Conference

7. Riot Seatle Riot: Riot: Mikko Koskinen, TPE: 1666

Koskinen is Seattles highest player and there will probably be a Riot if they don't make it. Look for the Riot to take the last playoff spot in the west.

Standing: 4th in the Western Conference

6. Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard: Theo Kane, TPE: 1689

Last years cup winner and a team who's definatly up to repeat their win. Theo Kane is an amazing player who led the Blizzard and the playoffs in most points and tieing for most goals scored. My favorite for the first place in the west and the presidents.

Standing: 1st in the Western Conference

5. Platoon West Kandall Platoon: Bojo Biscuit, TPE: 1,728

My other favorite to take the first place in the east is the Platoon led by gm and star defender Bojo Biscuit they will look to make up for last years failed playoff final. A strong team who could once again represent the east in the finals.

Standing: 1st in the Eastern Conference

4. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack: Nathan Russell, TPE: 1,735

The wolfpack will be looking to squeeze into the playoffs just like last year. Nathan Russell is the team's stud who will try everything to carry his team and their scrubby goaltender to the cup. Will a toss up between the Wolfpack and the Chiefs after what happened last year on the final day, who knows what could happen again this year on the final day.

Standing: 4th in the Eastern Conference

3. Dragons Calgary Dragons: Esa Anrikkanen, TPE: 1793

They won the cup two years ago and had an early round exit in last years playoffs a team who is getting to a riper age and might be slipping a bit, but they still have the depth to make playoff dreams happen. A 3rd place is where I`ll put them for now, let's see what Anrikkanen and co can do.

Standing: 3rd in the Western Conference

2. Stars Toronto North Stars: Kristian Eriksson, TPE: 1,857

A rising team who will probably go into the finals somewhere in the upcoming season, expect Eriksson and co to set a great season record and make the playoffs with ease.

Standing: 2nd in the Eastern Conference

1. Chiefs Minnesota Chiefs: Alonzo Garbanzo, TPE: 1918

It almost feels wrong to place a team with this great man in such a low spot. I don't know what's up with the chiefs, but something isn't clicking. Maybe I'm underrestimating them, but I think the chiefs playoff chances will depend on NEW. They'll definatly be close to getting in and have a good chance to, but we'll have to see what the last day of the season looks like.

Standing: 5th in the Eastern Conference

Final standing:

1. Blizzard
2. Renegades
3. Dragons
4. Riot
5. Jets
6. Panthers
7. :admirals:

1. Platoon
2. Stars
3. Steelhawks
4. Wolfpack
5. Chiefs
6. Rage
7. Stampede

[Image: 43436_s.gif]
Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

1. Calgary Dragons: Hunter Wong is a solid goalie, and with Mack, Anrikkanen, Jagr, Zoidberg, Pedersen, Nuck, and Johnson all over 1100 TPE, it’s hard to bet against this team.

2. West Kendall Platoon: If there’s a team that the Dragons need to worry about, it’s West Kendall. Shutout Schmidt is retaining his place between the pipes, and a top notch forward corps, the Toonza are going to be a threat offensively. Perhaps more notable is their defensive corps, which boasts a top 4 of Biscuit, Smirnov, Maximova and Wagner. All 4 have passed the 1000TPE mark, and Bojo has built a team through smart draft choices that should be a force to be reckoned with for seasons to come.

3. Minnesota Chiefs: The Chiefs are a bit of a risky pick here, because they’re going to try to get by double-shifting top forward Kian Hamilton and top defenseman Alonzo Garbonzo. If they’ve got the endurance to pull it off, they’ll turn some heads. If not… well, they could fall quite a bit lower than this.

4. Toronto North Stars: Mark Harter is an out-of-this world net-minder, and the team in Toronto seems to know how to put the puck in the net. They’ve got top notch talent across the board, and while they don’t quite have the same level of elite players on their roster that the teams ahead of them do, they’re no slouches.

5. Texas Renegades: The Renes would have been higher on this list, if they’d been able to retain the services of Jackson Weekes and Jed Lloren, but as Weekes retired and Lloren moved to greener pastures (or at least more humid ones), the Renegades fall to number 5.

6. Seattle Riot: Seattle is certainly knocking on the door. After missing the playoffs due to strange circumstances, Seattle is poised to make a grand entrance this season. GifterOfBikes has built quite a team on both sides of the puck, and Osgoode should be able to play well enough to keep them in playoff contention throughout the season.

7. Edmonton Blizzard: It is shocking to me that I’m ranking the reigning champs this low, but it is the way it is. Edmonton has some stand-outs on the roster, but they’ve just got too many weaknesses to put much higher. Regression is hitting some players, and Edmonton’s paying the price for it (at least early in the season).

8. New England Wolfpack: The Wolfpack are a team that baffles me, admittedly. Top notch talent in Russell, O’Reilly, Reid, Sherrill, Bure and Clayton, but they shouldn’t be quite as effective as they are, other than that. They should still steal the last Eastern Conference slot.

9. Winnipeg Jets: The Jets might miss the playoffs this season, which would really be something. They’ve got an aging team, and it’ll be interesting to see if they try to move some pieces this off-season to start a rebuild or not.

10. Hamilton Steelhawks: The Platoon have 4 1000+TPE defenders. The Steelhawks have 3 1000+ SKATERS. Could be a rough year for the ‘Hawks.

11. Manhattan Rage: The Rage are in rebuild mode, and while they’ve got a couple of very promising players to build off of, they’re still a ways away from being a true contender.

12. Los Angeles Panthers: The Panthers have taken some hard knocks, losing Wastlund and Morley to retirement. They need Kekkonen to really step up, as he should be coming into his prime at this point. They’ve gotten some very promising talent, and only time will tell if it will pan out.

13. Portland Admirals: Their top three skaters have 957, 804, and 652 TPE as I write this. It’s gonna be a long season.

14. Buffalo Stampede: Once impressive Robb Wind has seemingly stalled out. They have no skaters over 800 TPE. In fact, their average TPE of their Top 3 lines and D pairs (446) is almost 1/3 of that of Calgary (1138) and West Kendall (1128).

1. Dragons
Dragons are first on my list because despite losing McZ the previous off-season, last season it showed that it didn’t have a huge of an effect on them. And in this last off-season they improved their team by adding Nuck to them, giving them the top spot on this list.

2. Platoon
Platoon had a good chance to get the number one spot, but losing Rich this off-season has hurt their team a little bit, and even though they’ve made the finals twice in the last few seasons, they haven’t really improved their roster to hopefully win it for them.

3. Blizzard
Another team that could take the top spot, the defending champs have kept most of their cup winning roster, but losing Vikstrand and Ratzon, their roster has weaken a lot more than Platoon’s, with no gain.

4. Renegades
The defending President’s Trophy winners, are probably hoping the same thing that happened to the Blizzard last season happen to them, winning the cup the season after their President’s Trophy victory. Although they had a good season last season, losing a top goalie in Weekes and a good prospect in French will hurt them. And “with no goalie”, they will have a hard time to win the cup.

5. Stars
A top team in the east the last few seasons, the same thing happens to them every playoffs, they fail to make the finals. And don’t be surprised to see that happen again.

6. Riot
After just barely missing the playoffs, the Riot addressed their biggest concerns this last off-season in an attempt to make them this season. With the signings of Tits and Ratzon look to see them having a good season.

7. Wolfpack
A team that surprised many in the last season, by sending the Platoon to 7 games, they have improved and also gotten worse at the same time this last off-season. The departure of Nuck is going to be hard on them, but with the S27 draftees, and S28’s 2nd overall, having a rookie season, the Wolfpack could surprise people again this season.

8. Chiefs
Like the wolfpack, the Chiefs improved their team, while losing a key player in Harry. And although their improvements were better than the Wolfpack, bias was a factor in my ranking of NEW over them.

9. Jets
They have a solid team in Winnipeg, but a young goaltender. But with Leafs still GMing the team, you can’t count them out.

10. Steelhawks
The lose of Hamilton in Hamilton might be a lot worst for the team that it would appear, and with Tanner stepping down and the unkown GM Dangles taking over, is the reason they are ranked at 10.

11. Panthers
A team in the middle of a retool, losing Morely and Wastlund this season will hurt them, and with a semi-active goaltender would also be a problem. But adding in CoC could be a good thing for them.

12. Rage
The Rage had a decent off-season, adding in Rich to their team, but with no good goaltenders, they are ranked 12th.

13. :admirals:
The Admirals probably had the best off-season, adding in Cuffy, Tylar & Harry, but outside that and a few younger players, the Admirals are still at the bottom of the barrow but not dead last, and improvement for JP’s squad.

14. Stampede
Does this team even have any actives?

566 words

RIP Mac & 701


GM Power Rankings

Ranking the teams based off their GMs because I need to do this in 15 minutes.

14. Buffalo Stampede

13. Hamilton Steelhawks

12. Toronto North Stars

11. Manhattan Rage

10. Seattle Riot

9. New England Wolfpack
This is a group that has won a cup but has all but flailed around since and struggled to retain players. The team has seemed to build an identity but is it too niche to attract enough top players?

8. Portland Admirals
JP had an amazing rebuild going before it was destroyed and set back seasons. But he's already planting the seeds for another strong rebuild that could make the Admirals the better of the two expansion franchises despite the loss of picks.

7. Minnesota Chiefs
Both Argar and Merica have experience but also have received a lot of criticism for failing to come up big when it matters most. Can they turn things around for the Chiefs or will they remain mediocre forever?

6. Los Angeles Panthers
While the Panthers are deep in a rebuilding phase, they do have a clear direction and Wasty has made strong moves to positions the franchise for a quick return to the big stage in the coming seasons.

5. Texas Renegades
It's no question that Deener knows how to sell his team but are we already seeing the fall of the insanely hyped Renes just a season ago? Lacking quality goaltending and with a number of players headed towards retirement, it seems like Deener may once again be falling trap to putting all his eggs in one basket. It got him a cup in LA but can he do it in Texas?

4. Edmonton Blizzard
Tez may be a little bitch but he and Jedi certainly know how to build a team. Their success has be consistent and, as the defending cup champs, are once again poised to make a strong run.

3. Winnipeg Jets
Although the Jets seem to be in a bit of a retooling phase, this franchise not too long ago was the premier team in the SHL. Some may say their slight fall from grace has to do with a change of simmers but this team is well on its way back to success after just a few down seasons.

2. West Kendall Platoon
Another team that has been extremely successful recently; under Bojo's lead, this is another team with plenty of regular season and playoff success and one that is a consistent contender.

1. Calgary Dragions
The combo of cookies and steelhead in Calgary has created a culture of success inside the franchise. This team not only has an incredibly strong and deep roster despite some key losses over the past few seasons, namely SHL heels gorlab and McZ, but is a champiosnhip contender each and every season.

[Image: Marius_buffalo.png]

08-24-2018, 01:08 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Ah yes, the veteran meme player. A surefire bet for maybe 400 TPE Tongue
05-23-2020, 02:25 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Scoop AINEC
[Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif]

[Image: Poppity.png]
^^^^^ Thank you JSSSSS
[Image: Poopity_Scoop_1.png]
^^^^Credits to Snussu^^^^

[Image: Scoop.png]

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