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S44 PT #4 - Definitive Suggestion Box

A lot of good ideas here. Definitely a few are worthy of a long look, but I think one that would be easy to implement and quite beneficial to new users would be an increase to the SMJHL cap. It's no secret the SHL has slowly grown and expansion is likely inevitable, but rather than devise a bunch of rules to keep current GM's happy while also trying to make the expansion teams "competitive" it might just be easier to give the young guns more to strive towards in the juniors. Some cap out as early as the beginning of their second season and are forced to sit there and just bank all their hard earned progress. If they had more room to play with their build it could help the juniors push for something each season, rather than simply waiting to make the jump to the bigs. As for what the number should be I don't believe a static number should be used. Instead it should be a new cap each season, which caps off after 3 complete seasons. A suggestion would be something easy like 300 in your first season, 400 in your second season and 500 in your third (sorry for stealing your idea cal, we can share it). If they were to play a 4th season, it would remain at 500.

Thanks for the sig ragnar!
[Image: scholz.png]

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My idea to raise the SMJHL cap is to a total of 500 tpe.

A few points on why I think 500 seems like a good number to stop at:
- 500 TPE is roughly how much I have earned with semi-activity nearing the end of my third season, a number of seasons which is not that uncommon anymore and will allow for a reasonable difference between top end players and middle of the pack players without it getting too out of hand.
- 500 TPE is high enough that no second season player will end up capped before their season is over, which is one thing that I see as a pretty glaring issue with the current system.
- The TPE update scale already prevents players from applying TPE in such a way that they gain a huge advantage in the sim over players of a nearly similar amount
- 500 TPE players will be better than a 350 TPE player, but not as much better than a 350 TPE player is currently better than a 155 TPE player is.
-500 is just a number, but the main goal to change it in a way that will never see a second season player cap, and only the most active third season players hit the cap. Allowing fourth season players to continue growing is very likely too much as they would be nearing SHL level talent and would have enough TPE to outscale the league despite the update scale working against them.

I just do not see the reason for such an aggressive cap when the update scale is implemented in a way that really hurts sim stat growth after players start getting into the 70 or 80 ratings. As it is right now there is basically no reason to put any stat above 80 in the SMJHL as the update scale makes that really inefficient under the cap.

Basically I want to make sure no active player will ever get capped until sometime into their third season, preferably later or midseason, while also allowing for those players to start putting stats up into the mid eighties without being heavily punished due to the cap not giving them enough TPE to spend for it to be worth the update scale cost.

- SHL Expansion

I have been thinking about expansion for some time now and am glad its been discussed outside of my own head! But I have some major concerns about the league that fall far beyond the conversation of expansion. With our current membership numbers it's a given we could benefit from another 2 - 4 teams in order to thin teams out. There has been a lot of good done to combat teams who horde members, cap changes and minimum roster spots being 2. But the league has a current influx of players who are active only based on the PT communion. These players I feel will fade out soon and leave huge holes in the league.

My largest concern is that the league is doomed being ran the way it is now. I feel that decisions are being made off of personal views of the person in question. The HO is more of a joke than ever and the maturity of those in charge site wide, is at an all time low. We need to have adults run things again because the lack of leadership in some major site positions at the moment is straight out embarrassing.

And that is why expansion is not a good idea.

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                                                 Thanks to everyone made sigs to me!!!! (Gif made by myself)

- A Higher TPE Cap in the SMJHL

I would like to see a higher TPE cap implemented in the SMJHL. For the most active users, who complete every task, you can hit and pass 350 in your rookie season. However, you are in that 350-500 area in your sophomore that is just a bit too low to not seriously struggle in the SHL. So you're forced to stand pat, and it's hard to get motivation to earn TPE when the only place you're seeing it go is the bank; you're not actually improving your guy. It would help centers particularly, because it's hard to buff other attributes and faceoffs with such little TPE, and that's why there's an abundance of wingers but not enough centers.

Maybe you don't want people to have above 90 in any attribute in the SMJHL. I would like to see the cap be something like that; and if there's concerns of every attribute being raised to the max, maybe the max could be 80 for other attributes and 90 for strengths. Some people want to stay down, help their junior team, and go for rookie of the year, but it's too boring doing nothing to progress your player. I would like to see more leeway with the TPE cap.

The thing people will say to counter that is it'll make it harder for rookies to jump in and play, which is true. However, as I know firsthand, rookies already don't get to play and get buried on line 4. This is a different matter altogether, but if we want rookies to have a shot to play and be engaged, we may need another SMJHL team; it has nothing to do with the cap at this point. Thank you for listening, this PT was quite a brilliant one in my opinion.

Word Count: 330 Words


A Higher TPE Cap in the SMJHL

I think that raising the TPE cap in the SMJHL would be a mistake for a few reasons. First, as far ad I can remember, while you can't apply any more TPE you can still bank what you earn. This is important because it means growth isn't stagnated. If this isn't the case and I'm remembering things wrong, then I think the proper way to make a higher cap would be to still cap it at 350, but allow for banked TPE. Pretty sure you can already do that though. The reason capping it is so important is because it allows rookies to be relevant. While not such a big deal for returning players, I think new people to the site don't want to have to wait a season to see their efforts pay off. We need to hook them relatively quickly, and allowing for a higher TPE cap where their new players wouldn't be able to have any sort of success would not help their drive to stay in the SHL.

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I think one of the thing that could be beneficial to change for the league is to ease the pressure on the simmer to always be available and ready to sim for the forum. Right now, they literally cannot be late by an hour without some people thinking it is the end of the world or thinking it is fun to make jokes about it. In addition, the fact there is no one officially available to sim for them in case of a bad moment makes it like they be late or that they can’t miss a day for any reason. For example, I am currently actually brining my laptop with me in vacation because I do not know anyone who could be ready to sim while I am gone. There is no one I can think of who could replace me for the 3 days I would have needed someone to sim until I am back from vacation. Even when I go to my mother’ house who does not have internet, I use my cellphone data to be able to upload the sim. I know it’s my job and I agreed to do it, but sometime being told ‘yeah it’s fine enjoy the day off, X will do it exceptionally’ could be nice.

217 words

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Stampede Citadelles  [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: nBgNUTY.png]  Citadelles Stampede
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- A 2nd Defenceman Award

I think its pretty simple why it should be added. In sim leagues everyone really only notices the players who score a lot, goes the same with defensemen, look at the highest point totals, if they are similar then the look at hits and the other secondary stats.
Its time to honour some of those people who create two way defencemen or stay at home defencemen. When looking at this award for these type of players there there should be some keep factors that are looked into.
- Hits: Is this player punishing the other team, is he making his team harder to play against? Is he adding grit?
- Blocks: How many shot is this player preventing from testing their goalie? 40 shot blocks? could that equate to an extra goal against, maybe two?
- Plus Minus: I think this stat should be used, but also relative to team performance, and ice time. Obviously players on worse teams will have poorer plus minuses, but they may preform better then other players on their team.

In my opinion this will add a little more interest to creating a defensive player in the sim.

194 words

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Restructuring of the archetet types (player builds)

I don´t have the fine details figured out for this one, but I do know that something needs to change. At the moment there is not big enough difference between players, most players seem to pick checking as a weakness and what you have left is, choose between being more of a passer or a scorer. If you focus on checking - you are a penalty minute machine, that might be on the sim engine as well, but so many having it as a weakness has to have a effect on it. Take players today in NHL for example, certain elements are required to even be in the league, need to be able to skate, be defensively responsible etc, so they are all fairly similar in a way, but over here in SHL the differences are minimal. Everybody can do everything.

Would be nice to have some clear weaknesses and strengths between builds and players, not everybody can be Patrick Kane, that kind of build should be possible only for the absolute top level users in SHL who really go all in and collect all the TPE, the archetypes should be so strict and brutal that you would really need to think what kind of player you will be, now it´s a sad reality that all you really need to do is add points in to whatever and you are on your way to the stars as a jack of all trades who has no real weaknesses.

No struggles of picking a playmaker build and later in your career noticing you are absolute shite defensively, still score nicely, but brutal defensively, no GM´s wondering why the penalty kill is getting penetrated by a team that has the Rantanen-MacKinnon-Landeskog running the powerplay, it´s almost like a lottery these days on who wins - every player and team is more or less the same.

Make the archetypes and builds have nastier weaknesses, maybe even allow every player to freely pick two or three attributes to be their weakness? Almost guaranteed that we see a lot more interesting build setups. The users who collect the most TPE will still be at the top, like they should be, they are the ones who are the stars, we need a real difference between the elite players and good players.

I am not for increasing the SMJHL cap. Would suck for the players just starting out and might mean players staying down in the SMJHL longer. As far as expansions goes, I'm for it. I think it'll help younger players come up earlier as there will be more opportunities. I think having players enter the SHL with even 450 tpe is fun. I know for my next player, I don't plan on sticking around the SMJHL any longer than I have to. I think 8 teams in each conference is a good number. I don't like how more than half the teams of the SHL make it every season. It doesn't seem as special. I hope the draft sets the expansion team up well. I want to see the expansion team able to compete in a few seasons, rather than take several. GOMHL's expansion was bad in this scenario, took Montreal too long to develop into a challenger.

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[Image: 2ew9foG.png][Image: rnSNsnU.png]

I think expansion is inevitable and should stop being avoided and dismissed by those in charge. The reddit drafts are getting bigger and bigger and the league is slowly growing. I initially though it would be unsustainable to expand but it seems like a genuine possibility now. However, I would go one step above just expanding and adding a team in every conference to make it even. I would also change the playoff format. Along with expansion, I would change the playoff format. With the change to eight teams in each conference, I would split each conference into two four team divisions. Similar to the NFL, the top team from each division would qualify for the playoffs. From there, the next four best teams from each conference would make the playoffs in the “Wild Card” round. The division winner would get a bye while the other four teams from each conference would compete in a “Wild Card” round. This essentially means that an entire division could make the playoffs. While increasing the number of teams that make the playoffs might be seen as controversial, it could discourage deliberately tanking.

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Renegades  raiders  Finland
[Image: WuTGq5J.png]

HO should contact the individual being punished with the punishment before it becomes public. This can allow the member to appeal the punishment without a public thread and commotion, and then having another public thread and commotion after a successful appeal. It can all be presented in one go to the public, and the member and HO can have a good discussion before it gets out, to set the record straight. This can allow for open conversation without the influence of outside members, and a cleaner presentation to the public.

I don't understand the secrecy required when someone's being punished. "Ya, you're being punished, you'll see it when everyone else does". It doesn't make sense. Just go talk to them and present your punishment. Ask if they want to appeal. After the appeal, if successful, just put it all together in one post for the rest of the site to see.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Please take care of it. Here are some helpful links just in case.

Algonquin College Student Support Services - 613-727-4723
Crisis Text Line - Text 'HOME' to 741741
Distress Centre Ottawa and Region - 613-288-3311
Good2Talk - 1-866-925-5454
Kid's Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868
Mental Health Hotline Ontario - 1-866-531-2600
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

Click here for a list of crisis centres within Canada
Suicide Prevention Resource Centre
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education

If you have the contact info to your local mental help centres, let me know!

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