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S49 PT #5: The Meta PT

A) I enjoy the off-ice PT's, as I feel that establishing backstory and character are some of the most immersive features of the site. They are a little more light-hearted and prone to being less interesting, but they invite the player to have fun and introduce some creativity. I understand that the "pick a stat" keeps things specific, hockey related, and do-able during a lunch break, its never exciting to scroll through and read other contributions unless you have a direct tie to what's been written. I do enjoy prompts about other players, or prompts where you have to tag other players because a user is much less likely to tag someone in a half-assed post. The tag requirements creates accountability and pushes the posters to be a little more interesting (lest they feel the shame of someone thinking "s/he tagged me in that boring post? ew." )

B) Love the graphic posts. it would be great if there were "primarily graphic" PT's. graphics take a while to put together and cant be easily done during lunch breaks, or at the office. if there were a PT that was primarily graphic and the written option was much much longer (to incentivize the graphic contributions), i think that is worth exploring. (ex: i have written 220 words in 6 minutes and have already met the PT requirements, but a cool image makes the PT thread much more interesting to scroll through.

C) Most memorable PT was probably the TV show post. it involved multiple players, demanded creativity, and invited humor and pop culture references. It was very easy to scroll through everyone's ideas as they posted their clever thoughts. the "Naked and Afraid" PT and the "SHL channel" (i'll try to edit and link the posts if i get the time) fit this, and it was easy to type/illustrate(?) posts that were rewarding to your character, and interesting for others to interact with. I feel like if normal PT's had the effort bonuses of WFTs, it would be easier to get high interaction numbers with just mild PT ideas, as opposed to a great PT, which would invite the interaction on its own.

D) Izzy has been full of great ideas, and his efforts have been a clear effort in improving the site. each of his contributions has moved the SHL in the right direction.

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My favorite kind of PT's are either on ice happenings or how my player is an on-ice figure. These kind of PT's seem to roll with me a lot easier since I can look at them analytically and statistically, which I feel helps to give me a basis of what to write on. Plus, personally, I like thinking about things analytically and with numbers instead of trying to think creatively like I would in a PT that talks about how my player is off the ice. That doesn't come as easy to me as the sport of hockey and numbers itself does.

[Image: dmills3.gif]
[Image: 6by0kBi.png] || [Image: ohmEd0h.png]


C. What is your favorite/most memorable PT from your time on the site?

Oddly enough the Naked and Afraid one was one I really did well with. I get a lot of people's criticism of it and it was one of the weirder Mike Izzy ideas, but I figured out a way to have fun with it by setting my characters loose in Compton and getting in a joke at the expense of the Halifax Raiders. The Wikipedia one was also good and I'd like to see the concept of an SHL Wiki explored further, if it doesn't already exist.

The Season 46 Championship Week also had a fair few good PTs that I could make something out of, and there were enough of them that I didn't have to stress over possibly doing graphics or getting the trivia questions right or having to stretch out 150 words on a nothing topic. That was the best of the three CWs I've done, for sure.

[Image: 0K3YdqN.png]

Former Agent of Nick Brain: Center/Right Winger -  Aurora  Stars

Option A:

I prefer prompts about my player off the ice personally. I don't know if that's considered backstory-related, but if so then that's what I would call my preference. It allows for some fun and creativity and doesn't really require going and finding statistics or worrying about being factually accurate. I think my favorite PTs in general all involve writing about my own player. I don't like prompts about other players as much because I generally don't know a lot about most players' personalities, popular or not. I'm not as comfortable involving others in my writing if I don't know anything about them as a person.

[Image: Flusso.png]
Sig by @Evil_AllBran

[Image: YztPk3T.png] [Image: 6by0kBi.png]


A. I enjoy all the PT's but I'm most interested in hockey or food related point tasks, one of my favorite ever was "create your arena's concession menu with food items representing a few players" or something along those lines, it was a lot of fun. Outside of that I like more team oriented stuff where you can talk about other players on your team and give them props, mention their stats, etc. We also had one PT where it was about hazing a young player or taking them out on the town, those are always good and make for some enjoyable reads.

D. Only 100 words? I could say 1,000 nice words about Mike Izzy! Dude is one of the best people on the site. Incredibly committed to the betterment of the league in a very positive way. He works extremely hard at everything he does, especially when he takes on an SHL job, he puts 200% into it and adds his special flavor to it as well. The guy is very creative and I've watched the league improve in many ways thanks to his effort. We should all be thanking him for his great work in the PT department and also his integrity as former head of the awards committee. Izzy is pure class and and deserves a ton of respect from everyone on this site. You will not find a member more dedicated or positive on a daily basis. This is not even mentioning all the amazing things he does for Calgary, his impact within my organization is even further reaching than his impact around the league. Mike Izzy is a model SHL member and we are very lucky to have him. Thanks Izzy!

---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
[Image: cgv4vCv.png] Goal[Image: 95lCCDx.png]
[Image: parmborg.gif]

[Image: steelhead77.gif]

#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite

A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

Personally, I like the PT´s where you can share some backstory about your player, not that often you get to talk about that side. Of course, you can write media, but not everybody wants to and with the right angle - the PT stories can be fun both write and read! All kinds of off the ice events where your player takes part in doing something and maybe gets in trouble are fun. Not sure how often we got those, but for me - never too many!

I also think it´s important to have PT´s that focus on the history of the league, those offer people a chance to get more familiar with past players and of course gives some love to legends of the game.

D. Say 100+ words of nice things about Mike Izzy
I have enjoyed the PT´s a lot for a long time now, I can't even remember when was the last time I disliked doing one of these, I think that says it all - done a great job! Championship weeks have been great as well, quite a few of the tasks every year are fun to do, especially the graphic ones offer noob like me a chance to do something fun and still get full points!

Mike Izzy the player, great one, always been a fan of players who play hard and use the body - Mike Izzy sure does that and even as an old man he keeps hitting everything that moves. League loses a big player and character when Mike Izzy retires.

C. What is your favorite/most memorable PT from your time on the site?

I haven't been on the site for a long time, but my favourite PT isn't a full on PT, but it was Mike Izzy's last WFT "Cause baby tonight" It was my favourite because of multiple reasons, but the main one is because Izzy knows about the pop culture, and as his final PT he dedicated it to the nug squad. Revenge is one of the greatest songs of our generation, and to have an SHL version of that was amazing. There was also the SDCore/shutdown exchange which was amazing. Also all the people complaining about the PT was a sight to see. Otherwise for 3 TPE PT's I can't remember many, but I did like the Big Brother PT, think it was PT2 or 3 this season. It was funny telling a story of the days events

Thanks @Mike Izzy for getting everything in the PT department running so smoothly! The way you've organized everything in the discord and the google sheets has made it super easy for me to take over and not have to learn everything on the fly. i learned a lot from ya along the way and i'm excited to keep you around as PT elder. i never saw the PT department before you took over, since I joined the site during your reign, but everything it does now seems awesome and i know a lot of that was your doing. enjoy your retirement old man, and dont forget to grade the rap lyrics WFT i don't want to step anywhere near that hell hole

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

I’m fairly flexible with the PTs … it’s just my work schedule that sometimes gets in the way. I probably have a slight preference towards “current league event” PTs, whether they be on-ice or off. I have enjoyed the player/backstory PTs more with the recreate since he has more of a backstory than my first player did, but they sometimes feel a bit too specific and pigeonholed and don’t really make sense with the narrative. Just as an example, the “first job” PT a while back just didn’t really make sense with my player as the son of two former SHLers … let’s be honest, he didn’t work a day in his life before he was drafted into the SMJHL.

Zach Evans | Player Page | Update Page
Nikolai Evans
| Player Page | Update Page


A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

My favorite type of PT is definitely backstory related. If I choose to write for my PT's I always like to talk about my player as opposed to talking about a team as a whole or other players. Mainly because writing about my own player rolls better and feels more natural as opposed to figuring stuff out about other players. It's fun bullshitting about your own player and making a cool story over the season that can link up and add onto past or future PT's. Overall though if it's an easy graphics task I'll generally go for that unless I don't have a lot of time.

[Image: Jepox.gif]
(This post was last modified: 09-06-2019, 03:27 AM by ToeDragon84.)

Where to start with a hundred nice words about Mike izzy? Well theirs a lot to say, that is for sure. Number one has to be there hairline, they're few other people in the world that have such a pristine separating space between hair and foreheads, I'll definitely put izzy in the top 1% of the top 1% hairlines in the multiverse. Another great thing about izzy is there sense of style, and ability to show off at the right place and time. Very classy in there movements through time and space, one of the most important people to ever enter my life.


What is with all these responses ignoring a chance to talk about izzy wtf

[Image: 4sN9yMR.png]


A) My Favourite type of PT are the ones that ask you to explore an aspect of hockey preparation, reflect on performance on the ice, or discuss team related activities. Basically I like PTs where I can stretch my role-playing muscles a bit but keep them centered in the SHL world.

I like making up the stories that happen between games and imagining the world that Peter inhabits. I actually didn't mind the SHL cribs and SHL awards night PTs, but there was something about the presentation of them in the writing that made them feel a little TMZy. Not sure if that is completely fair of me but yeah. I also love having a good mix of different PTs each season. I think the PT team has done a good job of managing that this season, and I alos like that there is enough Capped TPE out there that if I feel strongly about something I just skip it (or do the NSFL one).

[Image: tomasnz.gif]

Player Page

Quote:A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

I think my favourite if I had to choose would be current happenings in the league as I enjoy doing research on the league and knowing what is currently going on. That type of PT makes me look outside of my team a little more which is always good. With that being said, I like the fact that every PT is different and you aren't doing the same thing over and over again. The variety is what makes the PT's manageable and not completely dry. I'm not a fan of writing and find it completely boring so if the PT's were the exact same style every time I would probably lose interest rather quickly.

Falcons Canada

A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

My favorite type of PT has to be the ones related to current happenings around the league. I don't really care about a made up back story or fake off the ice stories, but I can actually get behind things that are actually happening in the league. I love taking a deeper dive into the story of the league and the real history of the players/teams. Those types of things get me more engaged in the league itself and make me have feelings about particular players and teams, both good and bad. If it were up to me, every PT would be about current happenings in the league or history of the league.

[Image: DrbPYHV.png] [Image: UDyqktK.png]

A: I personally like either stat or sim related stuff, so for example digging through some well or poorly performing players, guessing which teams will perform well or not, who can hold the level of play they are showing in the sim right now, or just in general simply having some numbers to back up the stuff I am writing, allowing me to not only have a bit of a base to work with, but allowing for something that is maybe a bit more interesting in context of this league as it directly talks about the main thing this site does - the season itself.

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
[Image: LSZLcjq.png]
thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Manhattan Rage | Czechia

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