Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: S57 mPT #2 - the hall of fame where is it
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I'm not quite sure where the best location would be, but I'm pretty sure any chosen location would be wrong by about 90% of the people, doesn't matter where you put it. So the best location probably would be in the world wide web - oh wait, it's already there, isn't it?
In the 56 seasons of SHL two teams are tied for the most Challenge Cups , Calgary and  Edmonton.  At  Eight a piece.
If your creating a Hall of Fame for this League the physical location for this brick and mortar hallowed memorial of simulation sport obviously should be located in ............

West Kendall Florida, in an former Oldsmobile auto dealership next to a Chick-fil-A and a Speedway stop-n-rob gas station.
The SHL Hall of Fame should be placed in Edmonton, where else has a SHL team made the playoffs like 25 seasons in a row and has been existing since forever in tis league.
The SHL Hall of Fame should be located in the city of Center, North Dakota. Not only would it give people a reason to visit the state. But it also is North America's Geographical Center. A perfect place for the Hall of Fame. -43 words
I would say in San Antonio, Texas. At least the people there would actually remember it exists, seeing as all they do is talk about remembering the Alamo.
The SHL Hall of Fame should be located somewhere in Canada because hockey is life here. Preferably out west in British Columbia or Alberta so I can visit it whenever I want.
i say build our hall of fame in the glorious Kansas City, Missouri. maybe then it will attract a team and the bbq in Kansas City is top notch
I think the SHL HoF's location should be where everything else in the SHL is: the internet. Instead of going to a geographic location, have a dedicated website for the elite.
I really think we should put the SHL Hall of Fame in Salt Lake City, UT. Yes, I know that the SHL has no ties to the great state of Utah and certainly has never had a team here. However, I'd like to visit the Hall of Fame and having it where I live is the easiest way to do so.
so my initial thought was put the hall of fame in the birthplace of the SHL... so guess itd be on the internet? but no really, my vote goes to Winnipeg. luckily we've got some knowledgeable old timers in the MAN lr and they assured me that one of the creators of the SHL was on WPG, seeing as they also won the first cup i guess it seems logical enough to me.
As an American I still understand the SHL HOF should really be in Canada. Ultimately, although it’s big in the U.S.A, it’s a Canadian sport at heart. Within Canada, I think the right answer is to locate it in the city with the undeniably most successful team in SHL history, Calgary. The Dragons have been the model, winning franchise of this league and deserve the honor of the Hall being built there.
12-07-2020, 08:54 PMSnoopdogg Wrote: [ -> ]where else has a SHL team made the playoffs like 25 seasons in a row and has been existing since forever in tis league.

The answer to that question is Calgary Cheers
If I'm not mistaken, the SHL HQ is "located in Montreal. Seems like it would make sense to me to have the hall of fame in the same place. plus, now that there is no team in Montreal it makes for a non biased location while still being relevant to the league.
The Hall of Fame should actually be put onto a big bus or possibly some kind of large moving platform like they have at parades, that way, it can travel around different cities across the league to be able to attract as many visitors as possible.

Or Atlanta I guess, it's about to be the home of the most SHL Hall of Famers in history.
In my opinion, I think that the SHL hall of fame should be located in Svalbard. My only reasoning is that hockey might be the only sport that is possible to try to play in Svalbard. Also it has an awesome name, and is already a semi-famous place.
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