Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: Website Updates
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Updates regarding bug fixes and new features will be posted here.
========== TRADING CARDS SITE UPDATE - MAR 28, 2022 ==========

- Fix weird Hall of Fame checkbox size and merge existing dropdowns into one group
- Introduce a new dropdown group so users can filter by team
- Adjusted Dropdown handling to appear off by default rather than all on
- Introduced persistence to the community page so when you visit another user's page and go back it holds your spot! (One of our most suggested things!!!)
- Add more info on the pack shop since it isn't clear that you can only purchase 3 packs max.
- Various security updates
========== TRADING CARDS SITE UPDATE - MAR 29, 2022 ==========

- Added the ability for admins to issue packs to users (charity cards will be issue this week!)
- Rehosted the pack cover on the repo to saved on site traffic
- Fixed bug that allowed someone to open the same pack multiple times
========== TRADING CARDS SITE UPDATE - APR 22, 2022 ==========

- Fixed table headers for admin pages
- Added filters for misprint cards to card viewing pages
- Added a timer that counts down to when you can purchase more packs (midnight EST)