Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: Detroit Falcons GMs
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General Managers

S72 - Present | Aephino

S66 - S71 | Vaxlare

S63 - S65 | G2019

S62 | Halkohol

S59 - S61 | MutedFaith

S56 - S58 | Nour

S44 - S55 | NotoriousTig

S43 | JSS

S37 - S42 | TheWoZy

S29 - S36 | WannabeFinn

S28 | The Mazais

S27 | Panda

S26 | Buster

S25 | Schmidt

S24 | Mook

S20 - S23 | Steelhead77

S17 - S19 | JayWhy

S14 - S16 | Buster

S13 - S14 | Carl

S11 - 12 | Harry

S10 | Dion

S9 | Astorino

S6 - S8 | Splat

S5 | Seth

S1- S4 | ?