Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: Using DALLE to recreate SHL Logos: Western Conference
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Eastern Conference
You know the drill

Calgary Dragons

Prompt: A fierce looking dragon, red and grey palette, sports logo vector

[Image: DALLE_2022-08-15_17.06.38_-_A_fierce_loo...vector.png]

I dont hate it, but I dont love it. Looks steampunkish. I like the face though, if its cleaned up

Chicago Syndicate

Prompt: Al Capone , sports logo vector

[Image: DALLE_2022-08-15_17.07.57_-_Al_Capone__s...vector.png]

This one is super weird ill be honest. DALLE doesnt allow me to use words like Mafia, ganger or anything like that, so I did Al Capone, not their best work

Edmonton Blizzard

Prompt: A sleek but serious fox head looking to the right, blue and light blue palette, sports logo vector and A sleek foxes head looking towards the right, blue and light blue palette, sports logo vector

[Image: DALLE_2022-08-15_16.43.34_-_A_sleek_foxe...vector.png]

[Image: DALLE_2022-08-15_16.43.46_-_A_sleek_but_...vector.png]

[Image: DALLE_2022-08-15_16.43.55_-_A_sleek_but_...vector.png]

I love how these turned out, these are the best ones I created. I love the fox look and aesthetic, just a clean look

Los Angeles Panthers

Prompt: A fierce looking panther looking to the right , teal and orange palette , sports logo vector

[Image: DALLE_2022-08-15_16.41.15_-_A_fierce_loo...ector_.png]

If you look at it without glasses it looks half decent, then you really look at it and it isnt super good. But the general shape and overall panther look would make it nice for a real artist to come in and make it 1000 times better

Minnesota Monarchs

Prompt: A king with a Sceptre , green palette, sports logo vector

[Image: DALLE_2022-08-15_17.10.26_-_A_king_with_...vector.png]

no matter what I couldnt get what Han did with the monarchs logo, so this was the best I could get. It isnt that good

New Orleans Specters

Prompt: A specter ghost , dark purple and black palette, sports logo vector

[Image: DALLE_2022-08-15_17.12.53_-_A_specter_gh...vector.png]

The closest I could get was a ghostish type of look, so there is that. I think its decent, very spooky for halloween

San Francisco Pride

Prompt: A fierce looking lion head snarling, purple and gold palette , sports logo vector

[Image: DALLE_2022-08-15_16.41.55_-_A_fierce_loo...ector_.png]

I think this one turned out super well, not really suited for a logo, but I love the lion. I got similiar ones that also look cool as well

I aslo liked but I fucked up and put greeen and white as I was doing NEW before it

Seattle Argonauts

Prompt: A trireme with an eye , blue palette, sports logo vector

[Image: DALLE_2022-08-15_17.17.30_-_A_trireme_wi...vector.png]

NOW This is a boat for an eye.

Texas Renegades

Prompt: A cowboys head with a bandana over his face , black palette, sports logo vector

[Image: DALLE_2022-08-15_17.14.47_-_A_cowboys_he...vector.png]

I kind of like this one. the colors doesnt really do it justice, but the vibe is good. I mean the renegades are always a sick brand in general

Winnipeg Aurora

Prompt: An aurora with trees and stars , night sky palette, sports logo vector

[Image: DALLE_2022-08-15_16.45.52_-_An_aurora_wi...vector.png]

This one I think im the proudest to get to work and something that looks like a logo. Took me a couple tries but I got it down, looks like their old logo as well
Congrats to @nour for taking over Winnipeg
Rebranding as the tife trees
I really like the dragon
Pretty big upgrade for CHI tbh
08-15-2022, 07:07 PMslothfacekilla Wrote: [ -> ]Congrats to @nour  for taking over Winnipeg
i hope my mascot costume is just a big fuckin tree
I like the penis tree being the center piece of the new Winnipeg logo
08-15-2022, 10:28 PMMyLittleHexx Wrote: [ -> ]I like the penis tree being the center piece of the new Winnipeg logo
So glad I wasn't the only one that saw that right away.
08-15-2022, 08:06 PMBfine Wrote: [ -> ]Pretty big upgrade for CHI tbh

Chicago Acapon
I love how the Ghost's mouth is like another ghost. Ghostception.

Anyway, the New Orleans Specters' new farm team are called the Gulf Coast Ghosts.

Thanks Luke!
was literally going to do this i demand compensation
I actually really like the idea the AI went for with the CGY logo, the chin of the dragon resting on top of the R is a nice detail as well as the middle of the word dragon having a scratch thru it
I still don't like the Blizzard logos giving fuck me eyes Luke
08-16-2022, 03:26 PMnotorioustig Wrote: [ -> ]I still don't like the Blizzard logos giving fuck me eyes Luke

Maybe they are
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