Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: Chirper #39 (AC Week #497)
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You will be able to earn 100k per post in this week’s Chirper thread, up to 600k per week. However, there is a daily cap of 2 on paid chirps. You may post 2 chirps on 3 different days, 1 chirp on 6 different days, or anything in between to achieve the maximum payout. Reminder. Minimum effort for chirps may not be paid.
Playoffs Round 2: Electric Boogaloo
Cheap office coffee is pumping through my veins
Got back into cards.
So tired on day 3.
6th message in chirper thread, do i get a reward?
I like the time change because I am very awake rn
Round 2 Ploofs!  This nutty Grizzly is going to chirp loud and proud!  We sank some boats, now lets free Willy!
New day new chirps
Also 1 million dollars to the drain
Everything is rigged everywhere, all the time
It's the off-season and I'm still getting chirped
Almost at peak!
I do like the bonanza format better where we can write unlimited words for a single prompt. I think it's definitely gonna make life easier.
Can’t wait for the next season to get started, wanna see where I end up in the stats