Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: Chirper #43 (AC Week #501)
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What if hockey was played with baseball bats instead of hockey sticks? Would there be less bat-handling? Would shots be faster?
I am tired. Christmas parade wore me out.
Unfortunately I must go "take pictures" later today. Always fun
This is yet another reminder (because what else would I use chirper for) for that we have a graphics contest going on. Until tomorrow you can still participate and get free cards too. Find it here.
12-08-2023, 09:18 PMTroy_McClure03 Wrote: [ -> ]Woah woah woah, you got it all wrong, that's the wrong tone.

you do it again, and I'll respectfully disagree with your position.

We are UCORCAL brothers in arms! Let's not forget who the real enemy is...


It’s not you, it’s me
Anyways, merry Christmas!
Time to find out who the best team in the SMJHL is this week. @SouthPaw get ready to pay up.
UI designers still grappling with the difficulty of adding "Download" in their menus
My life has become consumed by WoW Classic.
Enjoying the way Maine is playing so far! Let's go Timber!
I'm going to have to update my titles, and will be making a more formal post when I have time later, but Thank you IIHF and everyone who put me up to running for Federation Head of Czechia. I have accepted the job and will be working tirelessly to better my nation!

I still will be mopping. I like to mop
Not the worst starting week for TOR
Had a good day yesterday
And one more week almost finished
Saturday chirp <3