Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: Chirper #66 (AC Week #524)
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You will be able to earn 100k per post in this week’s Chirper thread, up to 600k per week. However, there is a daily cap of 2 on paid chirps. You may post 2 chirps on 3 different days, 1 chirp on 6 different days, or anything in between to achieve the maximum payout. Reminder. Minimum effort for chirps may not be paid.
Wooo new chirps
Eurovision Song Contest is over. I feel empty.
It be Monday again
Wish I could have the same energy about the Bruins though, we uh collapsed
That BAP vs Philly series made me sweat
Congrats Angelina Mango for a 7th place in Eurovision Song Contest.
Hello chirpers!
That was stressful, onto the next series!
Good morning everyone, happy Monday!
Looking forward to a long weekend
a few weeks of school left
my brain is reacting to all the things I have to do like an overtired toddler
Huge game tonight.
I require victory