Simulation Hockey League

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Playoffs are still going on, and we're at our third DFA bounty of the season:

With playoff hockey going on in the league, you can feel the excitement in the air and your draft, the real start of your SMJHL career, coming closer. It makes you wonder where this could all lead to eventually..

Written Task: What are your goals in the leagues? Long term, mid term, short term; what are you hoping to accomplish with your player, or hoping to find on the teams you join. Are you looking for individual success, and maybe even a HoF induction, or will you focus on team success? (250 words min.)

Graphic Task: Create a hockeycard for your player, including at least your render, name and the logo of an SHL team you could see yourself playing for.

Reward: $500,000 for doing one of the above

Only current SMJHL Draftable Free Agents (S77 SMJHL Draftees, SHL class of S78) are eligible for this bounty.

There is no need to claim this anywhere. After grading the money should pop up in your account 'automatically'.

Deadline: Monday, May 27th @ 11:59pm PST
[Image: hi07pDz.png]
Ultimately, my goals in the league in the short term is to help build a great locker room during my time in the J. I have no particular teams that I would like to go to, but the Vancouver Whalers would always have a special place in my heart, especially being a DFA there now. Whether I score a lot or a little, as long as I help contribute that's all I look for! Although it would be nice to be kind of a Patrice Bergeron of the J during my time. In the medium term, I definitely want to get back into media writing and such. I have a summer to myself (finally) and want to produce some great media for the site and maybe even contribute through other jobs! As for long term goals, like many the goal is to win a Challenge Cup in the SHL and this time I want to be a key proponent in the run so hopefully the timeline works out! And so as for the specific teams that I would like to join, honestly open to any and if the timeline works out then that would be great! If not, I would be honest in looking elsewhere. With respect to awards and achievements, again I hope Ville Sato-Maki is a strong two-way player and is able to win a few awards in that category as well as make it to a few All-Star teams! But the goal is to always try my best with the player and for the team at the end of the day.
Coming into the league as a newbie was pretty terrifying but with the help of some amazing mentors / people, I am ready to take on the endeavors that SMJHL & SHL has to offer. My goal for the J is to develop into a top 2 D-man. So when the time is right, I'll get drafted into the SHL. My goal for the SHL is to go 1st overall. However, it doesn't matter whether it's the 1st or 200th overall pick. As long as I get the chance to prove to a team that I am the real deal. My player has the ability to become one of the greatest & he deserves to be given the chance to prosper. For personal success, it would be so awesome to become a HOF, along with being an All - Star. I have been contacted by numerous team scouts about being drafted to the J & I am grateful for that. To whichever team decides to draft my player, I hope they know that Ivan Godinez is a generational talent who will help others around him become the best versions of themselves.
Other than the goals I already stated, there are a couple I want to talk about. The main goals I want to achieve is to become a 4 Star Cup Champion in the SMJHL. Along with becoming a Challenge Cup Champion in the SHL. I'm sure that's everyone's goal though. I want to focus on personal & team success. I want the best of both worlds. I look forward to being a part of this amazing league.
After a long hiatus from the Simulation Hockey League and many years of forgetting this league even existed, a thought crossed my mind on a random Sunday morning. This thought was that I had unfinished business here in this league. I had such a blast creating my player and going through the draft process all those years back but life got in the way I guess and I never had a chance to accomplish my goal of reaching my true potential and becoming a SHL legend. The glory of the Four Star Cups, the Challenge Cups, the individual accolades, the Hall of Fame ceremony, I mean who wouldn’t want all this. Now that’s quite the lofty long-term goal so realistically I’ll all say for now that what I’d like to achieve in the short-term is to become a meaningful contributor to an SMJHL team and an active locker room participant. As far as player profile goes my ultimate goal is to become a first line centre in both the SMJHL and the SHL who can play in all situations and be relied upon whenever, but more than anything be considered a winner and a playoff performer. Draft night, I honestly have no idea what to expect this early on so I can’t say I have any goals for that, just that I get drafted to a team with a good project in place that has the opportunity to win sometime within the next four years. At the end of the day though it’s really just about having fun and the main goal is that I can have some fun in this league again for a long time to come.
I left the SHL many moons ago. I was burned out on PTs. I was tired of grinding away a whole season for my player to barely improve. Updating through forum posts had grown tedious. There was some cross league drama.

It was a long time ago, though. I'm older and wiser now. You've grown too. You've got a portal that will do the dirty work on updating. You've moved on from Simon T - that's really intriguing. So while I would say I'm trying the new SHL out, I would also say I'm letting the new SHL try me out, too.

I wouldn't mind a little more success this time around. I don't think my previous player won anything worth mentioning. I think I might have lost three SHL finals. Probably not some sort of record, but whew, losing like that gets old. I don't think I earned a single individual accolade, SMJHL or SHL. It would be nice to get an All-Star mood nod or something. I'm not going to hold my breath for an award, but I'm not going to say I'd be unhappy with one.

I'd like to contend for the goal scoring title in my peak seasons. Winning it would be grand, but being up there in the mix of it would be fun too.

I've always said one of team success or personal success is enough to keep me happy, so I'd like to either get drafted to a rebuilding team that will let me play a lot during that process, or a contender where I'll only get a few minutes a night, but will at least get some team glory.
Takagi Michio has a few goals he hopes to reach in his new career in SHL. First off he is a team player first and foremost. His main goal is too help his teammates win games. He's a great guy in the clubhouse and wants to help his team any way possible. Takagi Michio
grew up in Japan and during his HS career was the head of his clubhouse helping teammates on and off the ice. Another goal he wants is to be known as one of the best Left Defenceman to ever grace the Simulation Hockey League. He has confidence in himself and knows he can do it. He's a team player first and foremost. Another goal of his is to become one of the best players to ever grace the ice. He is confident in himself and knows he can become on of the greats. Another goal of his is too help his team whenever possible. First and foremost he is a team player. He does not care about his stats as much as he cares about helping his team out. Takagi Michio is a pure defenceman who will do whatever he can to stop goals, even putting his body on the line. He domainted his high school league as one of the best left defenceman to ever play in his prefecture in Japan. He plans to prove that he can translate those skills over to professional hockey and show that he is not a fluke at all.
As a defensive defenseman, Elliot Alderson's goals are meticulously crafted to focus on reliability, team success, and building a legacy of defensive excellence.

In the immediate future, my primary focus is on establishing a solid defensive presence. This involves refining my player’s core defensive skills, contributing consistently to the team’s defensive efforts, and gaining the trust of my team. Key short-term objectives include:

  • Defensive Skill Enhancement: Sharpening skills such as shot-blocking, positioning, and physical play to become a force on the blue line.

  • Team Contribution: Consistently contributing to the team’s defensive success by maintaining a strong plus-minus rating, shutting down opposing forwards, and preventing scoring opportunities.

  • Building Trust: Earning the trust and respect of teammates and management by demonstrating reliability, hard work, and a team-first mentality.

My long-term goals include: 

  • Consistent Defensive Excellence: Maintaining a high level of defensive performance throughout my player’s career, ensuring he remains a top-tier defensive defenseman season after season.

  • Championship Contributions: Being a key asset to any team that goes into the playoffs + win a championship! 

  • Hall of Fame Induction: Ultimately, achieving an induction into the Hall of Fame, celebrating a career defined by defensive reliability, leadership, and significant contributions to team success.

While forwards are often in the spotlight, the true strength of Elliot Alderson lies in his defensive and physical capabilities. My philosophy is that while offense may win games, defense wins championships! By focusing on shutting down opponents and providing a reliable defensive foundation, my player aims to be a foundation stone for any team.
Overall, my goal in the leagues is to be a consistent two-way defenseman. I want to contribute on the offensive side of the puck but I also want to be near perfect defensively. I’d like to have a long career and along the way find great teammates to play with. Outside of the winning a championship in both leagues I’d also like to lead Team Ireland to an International championship. My homeland means a lot to me and the great Irish teams and players of the past have made me want to follow in their footsteps.

I’d like to find a team that has a great locker room culture , which I believe has a high influence on the success of a team. I’d be willing to spend my whole career with one club if I felt the culture was unmatched. Winning is always fun but winning with friends is even better.

I’d like to be a leader on the ice. Being reliable night in and night out is something I strive towards. Individual awards don’t mean much to me as I am more interested in winning championships with whatever team I am on.

If I could end my career as a HOF player it would mean a lot. Becoming a HOF player is being acknowledged by your peers for your career excellence. I hope to win a few championships and HOF players usually need a couple championships under their belt, so first I need to work on getting stronger and learning more.
With the SMJHL draft fast approaching my excitement is growing with every day. I'm looking forward to seeing what team I end up with, getting to know the people in that locker room, and getting my career started.
My goals for my SHL career are simple. Score in bunches and win championships but not in that order. For me, team success far outweighs personal glory and I'll do all I can to play my role as a sniper for the betterment of my team. That may even include backchecking from time to time! In all seriousness, while I'd love to win scoring titles and trophies and make the hall of fame, I'd trade all that for a single championship. I'm prepared to do all I can to help that happen, whether I'm on the 4th line or the 1st. A great team atmosphere is the greatest thing I'm hoping to find. A group of people who will help each other out and work together towards success. As a new player to the league, I'll be looking for that assistance in getting my career started with the hopes that I can pass on that knowledge to other new players when I have the experience to do so. I've talked with a few scouts so far and I would be more than happy to join any of their teams, and I'm convinced that the teams I haven't yet talked to are much the same. Whatever team I end up with, Spaceman Spiff is ready to put all his skills to use to help build a strong clubhouse and a stronger team.
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05-23-2024, 09:18 PMOVOXO Wrote: [ -> ]As a defensive defenseman, Elliot Alderson's goals are meticulously crafted to focus on reliability, team success, and building a legacy of defensive excellence.

In the immediate future, my primary focus is on establishing a solid defensive presence. This involves refining my player’s core defensive skills, contributing consistently to the team’s defensive efforts, and gaining the trust of my team. Key short-term objectives include:

  • Defensive Skill Enhancement: Sharpening skills such as shot-blocking, positioning, and physical play to become a force on the blue line.
  • Team Contribution: Consistently contributing to the team’s defensive success by maintaining a strong plus-minus rating, shutting down opposing forwards, and preventing scoring opportunities.
  • Building Trust: Earning the trust and respect of teammates and management by demonstrating reliability, hard work, and a team-first mentality.

My long-term goals include: 

  • Consistent Defensive Excellence: Maintaining a high level of defensive performance throughout my player’s career, ensuring he remains a top-tier defensive defenseman season after season.
  • Championship Contributions: Being a key asset to any team that goes into the playoffs + win a championship! 
  • Hall of Fame Induction: Ultimately, achieving an induction into the Hall of Fame, celebrating a career defined by defensive reliability, leadership, and significant contributions to team success.

While forwards are often in the spotlight, the true strength of Elliot Alderson lies in his defensive and physical capabilities. My philosophy is that while offense may win games, defense wins championships! By focusing on shutting down opponents and providing a reliable defensive foundation, my player aims to be a foundation stone for any team.