Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: ATL extensicool132s
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[Image: Atlanta-min.png]

Puddles O'Duck - @Z-Whiz
S77 - $3,000,000

Viktor Krunk - @Crunk
S77 - $4,000,000

Shoyo Hinata - @Gordon Bombay
S77 - $5,000,000

Munko Aitmukhambetov - @Duff101
S77 - $3,000,000

Philippe-Eko Eel - @hotdog
S77 - $4,000,000*
S77 - $4,000,000*
S77 - $4,000,000*

Sim Wen - @Jepox
S77 - $4,500,000^
S78 - $4,000,000^
S79 - $5,000,000^

Jim Wen - @Leppish
S77 - $2,000,000
S78 - $2,000,000

Paul Bondage - @CaptainCamel
S77 - $4,000,000
S78 - $3,000,000
S79 - $4,000,000

Tanner Pitts - @TannerPitts
S77 - $3,000,000
S78 - $3,000,000
S79 - $3,000,000

Violet Stoica - @Renomitsu
S77 - $3,500,000
S78 - $3,500,000

Trent Wiseman - @Canadian_Goose25
S77 - $2,500,000

Nathangus McExplosion - @micool132
S77 - $2,500,000
S78 - $2,500,000
S79 - $3,000,000
i accept
yeah sure i accept
Accept plz
I guess I'll accept
I accept
Nah I'm good
05-24-2024, 03:37 PMGwdjohnson Wrote: [ -> ]Nah I'm good

You're fired

sure, wtf, no need to ping me every season about it
I accept this contract. No im not being held hostage. blinks in Morse Code