Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: Chirper #67 (AC Week #525)
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You will be able to earn 100k per post in this week’s Chirper thread, up to 600k per week. However, there is a daily cap of 2 on paid chirps. You may post 2 chirps on 3 different days, 1 chirp on 6 different days, or anything in between to achieve the maximum payout. Reminder. Minimum effort for chirps may not be paid.
Awww yisss. Another Peanut Chirper kinda week!
Preds and preds and preds baby
I am in debt. Help me or I will have to declare bankruptcy
Had a fever for a few days now, luckily going down now
New contract signed. I stay as an Argonaut.
How about those Vegans Silver Quuens? Team to beat this year in the SNHL.
love it when the weekly chirp thread goes up early
also love the one day every two months i get to spend money on teps
Can someone save me from having to work?
I just want to stay home and rest
New season new me or whatever
Wow a new season!
Get ready SHL for mister fourstar