Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: Team Austria
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Pages: 1 2
[url=]PLAYER NAME[/url]

Please include links to all players.
Roster confirmed.
add RW Pavel Bursyuk


Julien Marshall and Yechiel Ben-Tzion to retirement
Updated! Please keep the main post updated too Thanks!
OP updated (organized, removed players and alphabetically sorted by first name for Mac)

Naeem Chamas


Dustin Rose to retirement

I do not have privileges to update OP so may Gaia and I please have them?
Naeem added, please confirm your roster on the index. A few of your players from last season have been retired. See eligible player list.
pls add me, i would be proud to play for my native country. Austria
OP Udpated


OP updated
OPP UPdated mofoers
OP updated
Pages: 1 2