Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: Team Latvia
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Pages: 1 2
[url=]PLAYER NAME[/url]

Please include links to all players.
Roster confirmed.
Done, please add him to the main post for Future Updates matters.
C - Chico Four-Bryde

Both Paurs and CFB added to main post!
RW - Barney Tuzis

+ Release Jackson Spruill from our roster. I think he's already retired
Also, add this guy:

D - Martiņš Ziepiņš from Montreal Impact.
When these players will be added?
Please Submit a complete roster for the upcoming tournament.

All Players that were on your lines are on your roster currently.

If you want to add someone to your roster you also need to drop someone, I cannot process it in the sim otherwise.
Yup your roster has been updated!
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