Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: Donations Link - *OLD*
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Attention Members :

As you all know we've expanded our features, advertising and marketing over the past few seasons to include: a new domain name, a new chatzy, recovering the lost season's  indices and paid advertising.

As we begin another recruitment drive we're continuing to expand our efforts to grow our membership and reach new hockey fans around the world. To do so we've opened up a new PayPal donation account solely for members to donate to the SHL.

The account is in my name (since I had to set it up and verify the aaccount) but the funds collected will not be spent without approval from Leafs, Park and the Owners and the account will not be used for any other purpose.

With the Stanley Cup Finals on the horizon, the NHL Draft approaching and our recruitment drive getting underway now is the perfect time to invest new money into a major advertising campaign.

So if you have a few dollars to spare and want to help the League, click the link below and be sure to mark that you are sending money as a GIFT by selecting "I'm Sending Money To Family Or Friends"    to avoid PayPal charging either you or the League a transaction fee.
I'll be available for the next few hours if you all have any questions. Of course you can always PM me as well. Smile
Schultzy >>> Park
Quote:Originally posted by Carl@May 24 2015, 09:50 PM
Schultzy >>> Park
If I wasn't broke I would donate :(
Whats the dollar to TPE conversion?
$20 in
Quote:Originally posted by Harry@May 24 2015, 11:56 PM
Whats the dollar to TPE conversion?
No pay to play. Sorry.
Quote:Originally posted by Bojo@May 24 2015, 11:57 PM
$20 in
Thanks Bojo Cheers
If you took CC I would send a few bucks SHL's way. I love the site and wouldn't mind pitching in a bit to see it get even better. BUT I dont use PayPal at all and have no intentions in opening an account any time soon.
how many sexual favors would i get for 5 bucks
Quote:Originally posted by Lunaro@May 25 2015, 12:38 AM
how many sexual favors would i get for 5 bucks
Depends on your local economy. Also depends on what you believe can be cured with penicillin and what you're willing to risk.
If/when I donate, will the Starks rise again?
Quote:Originally posted by B.Nuck@May 25 2015, 01:25 AM
If you took CC I would send a few bucks SHL's way. I love the site and wouldn't mind pitching in a bit to see it get even better. BUT I dont use PayPal at all and have no intentions in opening an account any time soon.

i have had an issue with PayPal in the past and i refuse to use them
Quote:Originally posted by Winter is Coming@May 25 2015, 12:42 AM
If/when I donate, will the Starks rise again?
If you don't have hope then all is already lost.
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