Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: S44 - SHL Playoff Index
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sim is gonna be delayed tonight, check back in an hour or so Gojets
Sorry for lateness, i was at my christmas party
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So this is what it feels like to outshoot and lose...
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Hey we won a game
Oh wow. Chiefs
9. Minnesota Chiefs , Noro Wozy 5 (Terrance Nova 13) at 19:53 Smile
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is this how we rebuild? Chiefs

@sarmo going ham on lines everyday
Edmonton wat r u dooin
12-08-2018, 08:09 AMEvok Wrote: [ -> ]
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call on meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

call on me
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Okay, fine. We will come from behind 3-1 twice in a row.
12-08-2018, 06:15 PMArGarBarGar Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, fine. We will come from behind 3-1 twice in a row.
Plz no
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