Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: S46 - SHL Playoff Index
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[Image: YUcfElU.gif]

Congratulations to Calgary! Good luck on the next round  Cheers
Game 5 is live!
Oh hi there 5 point playoff game :eyes:
beeg beeg win
game 6 of the wildcard round is live!
waddle waddle
Barracuda WE AIN'T NEVER SCARED Barracuda
surprise game 7 live!

proud of my team Barracuda

good luck steelhawks
[Image: image0.png]
Good series Hamilton, look forward to facing you next season.

Our guys put up a fight and we will look to continue building towards success.
03-27-2019, 09:25 PMWally Wrote: [ -> ][Image: image0.png]

ahh the good ole days
03-27-2019, 09:25 PMWally Wrote: [ -> ][Image: image0.png]

I'd make a retaliation shirt, but Hamilton will probably change their logo again before I manage to upload it to Imgur.
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