Simulation Hockey League

Full Version: S46 - SHL Playoff Index
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Congratulations MIN, hood luck and good series!
Dragons scare me, relieved first line finally came through big before there was a game 7. Great series Calgary, yal didn't make it easy and good luck with the retool Cheers
Good series Minnesota, best of luck in the next round!

Proud of the run this young Dragons team put together this year!


Good series minny
LAP take my energy Panthers
03-30-2019, 09:20 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: [ -> ]LAP take my energy Panthers

Hey! Buck you fuddy!!! Specters
Second ever series win for Buffalo.

Come on. Two more.
game 7s are live!
Rage Rage Rage
Rage double OT winner baby

We'll see you soon, Buffalo!
i love this god damn team!

Rage Rage Rage
Let's go Specters!!!
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