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CAAAALLLLLL there will be NO EDMONTON past the wildcard round RAHHHH

[Image: 04e.jpg]
Good series at edm
A heartfelt thank you to Edmonton for a great first round matchup
Dragons Dragons Dragons
Thanks for a good series Edmonton, much respect to a great organization.

[Image: D3Br6V3W0AEYYfU?format=jpg&name=large]
Ouch we stink.
Good series calgary.
07-14-2019, 10:50 AMcaltroit_red_flames Wrote: [ -> ]CAAAALLLLLL there will be NO EDMONTON past the wildcard round RAHHHH

[Image: 04e.jpg]

I’m out.
07-14-2019, 11:45 AMSteelhead77 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for a good series Edmonton, much respect to a great organization.


no u Bowdown
We are Live
[Image: tenor.gif]
What an insane game between BUF and TBB, but glad the cudas came away with the Dub
Benjamin Blue is god himself
[Image: 3xx4mTU_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium]

Take that u fuk
this is rigged
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