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Full Version: S48 - SHL Playoff Index
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Go to sba gorlab is there
07-17-2019, 09:26 PMSlashACM Wrote: [ -> ]Go to sba gorlab is there

Is this like advanced irony or?
GG Nola, great series!
early sim as per the GMs request, we are live!
good series buffalo
07-17-2019, 07:42 PMArGarBarGar Wrote: [ -> ]I swear if the final four teams are WPG NOLA BUF and WKP I may just nuke my player and join the SBA

rip Canellini
Yay look at all the fresh new teams in the conference finals
07-18-2019, 08:45 AMArGarBarGar Wrote: [ -> ]Yay look at all the fresh new teams in the conference finals
Back in my day, we used to have New England and Minnesota in the conference finals every season, and we were expected to like it.
Stampede Stampede Stampede
07-18-2019, 08:45 AMArGarBarGar Wrote: [ -> ]Yay look at all the fresh new teams in the conference finals
Remember when it was Minny/NEW all the time?

Anyways, gg Tampa, was way closer than I think any of us had expected it to be

On to WKP Stampede Stampede Stampede
07-18-2019, 09:12 AMWannabeFinn Wrote: [ -> ]
07-18-2019, 08:45 AMArGarBarGar Wrote: [ -> ]Yay look at all the fresh new teams in the conference finals
Remember when it was Minny/NEW all the time?


All those two times?
I mean, the final two in the west last year were Calgary and Texas.

And its not BUF/WKPs fault that they peaked when everyone else is still trying to catch them.
07-18-2019, 09:28 AMArGarBarGar Wrote: [ -> ]
07-18-2019, 09:12 AMWannabeFinn Wrote: [ -> ]Remember when it was Minny/NEW all the time?


All those two times?
Minny and NEW have definitely made the ECF more than twice, I’m not saying directly against each other. If you’re talking about specific matchups it’s the first time NOLA/WPG have been in a conference final together and BUF/WKP maybe the 3rd time?
Go Chiefs.

Don't care if they didn't make it. Go Chiefs.
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