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S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - Printable Version

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RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - Urq660 - 03-10-2022

Urquhart would obviously head back to northern Scotland, maybe on the banks of Loch Ness, so he can keep an eye out for Nessie while enjoying a battered pizza and a large Irn Bru!

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - caltroit_red_flames - 03-10-2022

Zadina's summer home is in Prague where he trains with his friends Towelie and Noel Blanchet after the IIHF happens each season! Unfortunately our summer is their winter so it's pretty much winter year round for him sadge

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - Pickle Juice - 03-10-2022

In the summer, Ty Murphy goes back to Detroit to train the Falcons and help with their conditioning.  He stays humble by staying in his double wide trailer and eating Chinese takeout every meal.  MSG aids in hitting those macros and getting the full benefits of the gains.

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - Festinator - 03-10-2022

Every summer Joans goes back to his friends and family back in Germany to spend the time with them there. It is his favourite place to be.

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - mer - 03-10-2022

Aksel is still learning his way around Quebec, and trying to get acquainted with his future home further south. To combine the two, he vacations at a rented lake house in Upstate NY and makes periodic trips between the two cities during the offseason.

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - Otrebor13 - 03-10-2022

Theo's summer home is back in Vancouver, where he grew up playing hockey. It's great because it's close to family that he doesn't get to see too much when the season is on, so spending time there is great. Probably a cool part of the house is a trophy room, where Theo has all of his trophies and cups he's accumulated over the past few years playing in the SHL.

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - the5urreal - 03-11-2022

When you think about a summer home, what makes the most sense is escaping the heat. However, as a hockey player, you spend most of your time on the ice so a little heat in the offseason is no big deal. Atticus has always loved Hawai'i so that is where he spends most his downtime. When he's not in Hawai'i, you will find him spending time with his family in Pittsburgh.

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - Thelastheraclid - 03-11-2022

My summer home is back in Korea. I have a nice plot of land not too far from where I grew up. It serves as both a place to unwind from the season but also keep my conditioning up. I've got a pool for swimming laps, a full on gym, and a whole bunch of fridges dedicated to preserving kimchi. It doesn't get any better.

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - kentakira - 03-11-2022

antartica it is, have underground house, with my own theater and hot spring. will go there with my girls of course, yes girls cause why not right?

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - G2019 - 03-11-2022

McHits uses the off-season to recharge, but doesn't leave his beloved Skree-troit. Instead, he embraces his other passion, rap battling. He can oft be seen holding it down on the streets near 8 Mile with @MamaB @ctots @CapnCooper and @Rangerjase , tearing any suckers who try to step to him to pieces.

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - unconfident69 - 03-11-2022

O'Byrne purchased a home in New Orleans, he intended on living there full time but then plans unfortunately changed so now it's just his summer home, at least for the time being.

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - CptSquall - 03-11-2022

Like just about everyone who plays in Ontario, Ruslan has his own summer cottage on the coast of the Hudson or, in Zapo's case, James Bay. Perfect for fishing and boating, this summer cottage is modest and allows him the chance to camp either on his own or with Yi Lin, his wife who enjoys the opportunity to get out in the woods as a break from the movies she helps film.

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - JuOSu - 03-11-2022

Wendolene Ramsbottom's summer home is in a small, quaint English town, near some sheep. Gotta make some wool to have enough for during the season. I love to sow.

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - lmao - 03-11-2022

My player's summer home is beautiful. The location of which shall not be revealed to the public so that I do not get swarmed by millions of my loving fans.

RE: S64 mPT#0: Where do you summer? Southampton? - canes2112 - 03-11-2022

Grape Fruit's summer home is in the mountains and in between training, he spends it hiking and relaxing. After the craziness of the season, it's a good time to relax and have some down time in preparation of next season.