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S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - Printable Version

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RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - Sizz - 05-27-2023

Max Carnage realizes his life's work is a mere blip on the radar of his user's life. He goes out and plays these games and puts everything he has into them... And all it results in is a slight smile if he has an outstanding game or a considerable frown if he struggles... Who is this LeSizz controlling his career trajectory? 

What does this LeSizz know about his younger self struggling to grow as a hockey player? Was he there to teach him how to skate? Was he there to teach him to shoot? Was he there to buy his skates when he outgrew them? Did he drive him back and forth to hockey practice as a kid? Did he shell out the cash for ice time? 

Max starts to wonder if he'll ever understand the cards "life" has dealt him but he knows one thing... Carnage will be created and he'll be the one to do it.

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - boom - 05-27-2023

Prompt 2

Sophie Bordeleau's reaction to finding out that a fan made a version of her would probably be mild amusement. She knows that she's something of an example for women and queer hockey fans, so finding out that a fan idolized her wouldn't be entirely out of the ordinary. While being a max-earning fake player wouldn't be in the cards for Sophie due to the time investment for being a real one, she probably wouldn't scoff at making one to at least interact with fans. Doing PTs would be an interesting way to be introspective about hockey as a whole, and Sophie would be particularly interested to see what team brandings would be made up by hockey enthusiasts and what cities would be included. Overall, while it might be uncanny to find out that a random fan decided to name a hockey avatar after you, it would be a pretty niche sign that you've really made it in the league.

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - overdoo - 05-27-2023

PROMPT 1: Your player has come to a horrible realization - they are a fictional entity that exists only on a website for hockey nerds, and now have to come to terms with the truth of their existence.

WRITTEN TASK: Tell me how your player came to this realization and how they respond to the knowledge that their existence depends on this site's servers not going down, and their career goals depend mostly on the fourth-dimensional Entity's willingness to keep doing point tasks.

After a particularly bad game from Jagrs, letting 4 goals up while he was on the ice with none the other way, he'd kept to himself a bit, and put in some extra work in the rink the next morning. It was his typical process for dealing with things like this, just work on them until they're out. However, this time around, Von Hindenburg II joined him toward the end of the session and tried to offer comforting words. Then he said, "It's not like you have any control over it anyway, right?" It took Jagrs back a bit, what did he mean he didn't have any control over things? And then it all hit him like a truck.

No wonder he hadn't been progressing at all, it was this thing controlling him that was being lazy. He couldn't get better results because they were all already pre-determined by a statistical model in some weird simulation. Nothing mattered anymore. He ended up going missing for a while afterward. Only when he was threatened with being "auto-retired" from being "inactive for 31 days or longer" did he find himself playing with the Knights once again. 

194 words

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - mee - 05-27-2023

(Prompt 2)

There are fake hockey leagues? That's the weirdest thing ever. It's like trying to get all the fame without the hard work. And of course the result is you get none of the fame. I'd have to tell this dear fan to get a life. You are pretending you are me? I had to put in years and years to get to where I am. There are no shortcuts to stardom.

I'd have to tell this fan that it's simply time to reevaluate yourself. Come to the arena and cheer for me is a nice escape from the nasty world that there is out there. But a fake hockey league is just that, fake. You should start looking into what makes you tick, if it's a new job, hanging out more with friends, something else to fill the void that is clearly taking a toll on you so you can concentrate more on what matters for real.

157 words

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - SFresh3 - 05-27-2023

Prompt #1

You know what you need to do with the top text James.
[Image: o3KXQth.jpg]

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - TacocaT 2 - 05-27-2023

PBE Affiliate Link

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - Festinator - 05-28-2023

I feel like if Jonas were ever to come to this shocking and horrible realization, it would be because he was wondering why he felt slower than some of the other players at the start of the season and someone let it slip that it was because I had gotten his update in late and it hadn't gotten added in to the file. After the initial shock, I think he would look back at certain points in his career where he felt slower one week and much better the next and be like "well that explains a lot...". I also would hope he would be very grateful for all the time and effort i have sunk into him to make him one of the all time greatest defencemen in SHL history, because it took a lot. However i think there would be some fear in the unknown, what happens after i retire him?

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - hockeyfan - 05-28-2023


Ace originally came to the conclusion that he was just a simulated being in a larger simulation of a simulated hockey league when he was drafted by Nevada but has never actually been to Nevada. Hockey, in a desert? He thought it was weird when he was mailed a chip that he was told to insert into the back of his head himself, but anything to some day make it to the big leagues. Once he got that in, everything had been a blur until he read this prompt and it all came flooding back to him.

Luckily, Ace trusts his fourth dimensional being to keep doing these tasks in order to create success in terms of wins, losses, goals, assists and other things, because Ace knows that hockeyfan’s happiness on the outside world depends on it. But what Ace doesn’t know is that he is easily deleteable. A new being can be created and start this journey. Will he ever find out?

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - Leatherneckmike - 05-28-2023

PBE PT affil

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - aleks - 05-28-2023

[Image: existential.png]

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - Ferda - 05-28-2023

Billy Herrington, the badass pro hockey player tearing it up on the ice for the Detroit Falcons, suddenly found himself slapped with a mind-boggling revelation. Dude, he realized he's nothing more than a fictional character living in the digital realm of a hockey nerd website. Talk about a major reality check! As he geared up in the familiar locker room, a wave of unease washed over Billy. I mean, he used to think he was the real deal, a legit athlete with a physical presence in the hockey world. But nope, turns out he's just a bunch of pixels and lines of text, existing solely in cyberspace. It's like finding out you're a hologram or something, man. The cheers and roars from the crowd that used to pump him up? Now just faint echoes in his head, lacking any substance or tangible connection. It made him question everything he thought he knew. Were all those epic battles on the ice and camaraderie with his teammates just figments of some die-hard fans' imaginations? But here's the kicker: Billy ain't one to mope around and cry over virtual spilled milk. Nah, he's got too much fire in his belly for that. He might not be a flesh-and-blood player, but his passion for the game is as real as it gets. That unwavering dedication and hunger for success? They're still pumping through his veins. So, with a newfound resolve, Billy Herrington, the fictional hockey legend, decides to own his digital existence. He's gonna use his online persona to entertain and inspire those hockey nerds who've been cheering him on all this time. After all, who needs a physical body when you can rock the virtual world? And thus, within the confines of the website, Billy keeps tearing up the ice, scoring goals, and giving it his all. Sure, his reality might be limited to pixels and lines of code, but his impact goes beyond that, man. He's touching the hearts and minds of all those who've followed his epic virtual journey. So, yeah, Billy accepts his fate as a fictional creation in the Detroit Falcons' online realm. But he's not letting that define him. He's gonna keep being a badass, inspiring fans everywhere and showing the world that even in the virtual realm, he's got game.

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - Australiankek - 05-28-2023

prompt 2:

Kevin always knew that something was weird about the games. Why is he in the SHL rather than the NHL. Was he just bad? But there was hundreds of people bad to extremally stacked. But when he heard that a dumb Australian created him, Kevin was not happy. At least he made Canada proud. Did he? All the hard work, the money that he saved were all fake. It was all for online increasing in attributes. Every time he went training, all his hard worked money just disappeared. He thought he bought the lifetime training card. Always, he would doubt himself when he sees his bank. Because he could control himself in a game, he made a plan for revenge. Kevin gathered his teammates and prepared to jump out of the screen that they all knew they were behind and put the human in the outside inside. Legends say they still are preparing for this plan every game.

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - High Stick King - 05-28-2023

Quote:WRITTEN TASK: Tell me how your player came to this realization and how they respond to the knowledge that their existence depends on this site's servers not going down, and their career goals depend mostly on the fourth-dimensional Entity's willingness to keep doing point tasks.

Spack Jarrow is pretty invested in his business ventures and his various sporting leagues so he often is behind on the newest musicians or movie stars. During one night at a pub with some of the other players on the team, someone asked who everyones favourite movie was. Jarrow was slightly embarrassed as he couldn't think of any movie so he just repeated what the first person said "Pirates of the Caribbean!" even though Jarrow had actually never heard of that movie before. A third person shouted out "I love that movie! We should go back to my place and watch it!". Jarrow, being the designated driver, was regretfully forced to go along with this plan as all the drunkards started chanting "Pirates! Pirates! Pirates!".

They settled in to watch the movie and a quiet but growing ringing noise began to echo in Jarrow's head as the Disney logo came on the screen. By the time the movie began and young Will Turner finds the gold medallion, a steady stream of blood began pouring out of both of Jarrows nostrils. Spack pinched his nose and stumbled his way down the hallway to the bathroom where he managed to close the door before collapsing.

Awhile later, Jarrow awakens in a daze with a pool of dried blood on the floor. He manages to shake off the fog and cleans himself up before heading back to the living room. A room where everyone is passed out and the TV is showing nothing but static. Weird.

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - luke - 05-28-2023

PT pass

RE: S71 PT #0: Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me? - Frenchie - 05-28-2023

Derek Martin is a pretty humble dude. From very modest beginnings, he would take great pride in seeing someone model themselves around him to create a player in an online league. Hockey is a passion that unites everyone through their love of the beautiful game, and as such its tough to dislike or be mad about something like this happening. That said, on a philosophical standpoint, Martin reflects: is there more to us, are we real? Granted its hard to have that truth revealed, it still implies a certain level of comfort in not knowing, comfort that does not sit right with Martin. Maybe a new quest for the truth?

As the season shall progress, Derek will be looking for more clues of this so called ''higher truth'', of the fictional world we live in and what line exists between truth and fiction, about this world and the other. What purpose to a life of numbers and symbols, what purpose to the chase of glory with Los Angeles if at the end of the day its all a simulation. Hmmm, more to come on this, but something to be wary of.