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Garbanzo Beancast Questions - Printable Version

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RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - RomanesEuntDomus - 02-18-2019

First of all welcome to LA, so awesome to get you here Smile! I only have one question for now as I'm about to head out.

Where do you stand on the topic of first-gens vs. recreates? It feels like "recreates are the safer choice/have an advantage" is the mainstream opinion, but then again we often see even very prominent recreates such as yourself falling a bit in the draft, and often times super active first-gens are the ones who are dominating the pre-draft headlines and who end up shaping their franchises after being drafted. So how much do you think GMs should take into account if a player is a first-gen or a recreate during the scouting process and where do you see the risks and benefits of each group?

What would you say is the secret to having a super long career like yours or Esas without burning out?

I think you've touched on this a couple of times before, but any new thoughts on the League Historian job?

Do you like Discord and the changes it has brought to the league?

Do you think the league is more or less toxic today compared to when you first joined?

Will we ever be able to overcome the limitations imposed on us by the current version of STHS or will we be stuck with it forever?

Have you followed the NSHL, the new EHM-based player league that is currently nearing the end of its first season? Do you think there are any conclusions we can draw from it that might benefit the SHL?

If you had unlimited power, what are some things you would change about the SHL?

You were quite critical of the current iteration of the update scale back when it was first implemented, has your position changed since then?

Some people claim that the SHL is too tough for and has basically given up on semi-actives, would you agree or do you think that is a misconception?

RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - ArGarBarGar - 02-27-2019

Might record today or tomorrow, might skip this week since I am sick.

Let's get some questions in anyway.

RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - luke - 02-27-2019

Argar do you think I drafted well/also pick up some good FA?

RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - ztevans - 02-27-2019

02-27-2019, 03:10 PMArGarBarGar Wrote: Might record today or tomorrow, might skip this week since I am sick.

Let's get some questions in anyway.

I normally don't ask for season predictions on podcasts, but you always play the NHL on ESPN music when you do yours so let's hear it.

How do you feel about ol' Borromini's capped build?

Now that you've had some time to settle into LAP, figuratively speaking, how long do you expect to stay in Vancouver before getting the call?

RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - ArGarBarGar - 03-05-2019

Whattup its ya boi looking for podcast questions.

RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - Tomasnz - 03-05-2019

@Borromini Cannellini - C question(s) for you.
The role of site jobs, and the different payscales, do you think the current balance is right? Would you tweak anything? E.G.  GMs get paid but not much, should they be paid at al, HO not being paid, pay of important job for site Vs boredom factors. Etc. I don't know I haven't been around long enough but I don't feel like the balance is quite right, but maybe not too far off.
Also, since it is pancake Day, What is the best pancake topping?

RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - ArGarBarGar - 03-12-2019


RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - Inf1d3l - 03-12-2019

What is your pregame meal?

Any shake-ups you might see happening in the last 16-ish games of the SHL season?

What prediction that you made for the season are you least confident of now?

RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - ArGarBarGar - 03-20-2019

I need some questions plees

Will be recording after the regular season is concluded, so we will have prediction hot takes coming forth.

RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - gordieboom - 03-20-2019

03-20-2019, 02:40 PMArGarBarGar Wrote: I need some questions plees

Will be recording after the regular season is concluded, so we will have prediction hot takes coming forth.

What is your opinion about bojo’s banking project? Do you think SHL should add more features like that to the site, if so which ones? Any concerns? Should HO form a development team / create new jobs to help bojo with implementing more features?

RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - Inf1d3l - 03-20-2019

What is an issue on the site you thibk needs fixed? How would you fix it?

Season's (almost) over, what's your take on where everyone landed in the SHL?

Any favorite dark horse candidate in the SMJHL that can win?

RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - Bonk - 03-20-2019

What surprised you the most this past season?

What inactive user would you bring back?

Has spring sprung?

RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - Slappydoodle - 03-20-2019

I’d love a deep dive into your view of the decision making formula and how it impacts your player builds.

RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - StadiumGambler - 03-29-2019

What do you think of Canelllini being on a line with Troy Reynolds and Matt Kholin in my All-Star Series?

RE: Garbanzo Beancast Questions - Bonk - 04-26-2019

03-20-2019, 02:40 PMArGarBarGar Wrote: I need some questions plees

Will be recording after the regular season is concluded, so we will have prediction hot takes coming forth.

Which regular season?