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The great NEW/SEA shitshow saga of S41 - Printable Version

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- Symmetrik - 05-08-2018

Quote:Originally posted by ztevans@May 8 2018, 01:00 AM


S31 draft legend Niklas Flower

- Cynthia - 05-08-2018

Quote:Originally posted by Symmetrik@May 7 2018, 09:00 PM

People liked TDW so they didn't want to do that to him. No one would have thought it was funny.
ehhh.. liking someone doesn't mean you wouldn't do it them. I know someone who might have done it just to fuck with him but not to the same extent done this draft

respect is the key factor to whether or not this would happen to another member. If it was leafs per say then you better damn believe that not a single person would even think about it

- TheRealBK - 05-08-2018

Quote:Originally posted by ztevans@May 7 2018, 10:58 PM

You should be relived you weren't part of the drama this time tbh

Then how am I supposed to continue my illustrious legacy?

I have to be in the drama, now. It's comparable to Jack Black starring in a horror movie if I'm not part of some kind of drama.

- Gooney - 05-08-2018

feel for samee. think it was a dick move imo

- ztevans - 05-08-2018

Quote:Originally posted by Symmetrik@May 8 2018, 12:00 AM

S31 draft legend Niklas Flower

The Jets had a great S31 draft ... and also Niklas Flower.

- DeletedAtUserRequest - 05-08-2018

and seattle say's..... 'welcome home Louie'


- TheRealBK - 05-08-2018

Quote:Originally posted by Coach Biz@May 7 2018, 11:01 PM
and Seattle says..... 'Welcome home, Louie.'


fixed for ya

The BK Dictionary is BACK!

- MyLittleHexx - 05-08-2018

TBH, I just hope this makes people not be fucking morons in future drafts. You’re a GM but you might get drafted by another team? Common courtesy Would be to wait until that teams first pick to take the GM. If they want to risk it and not draft their GM, then that player becomes free gamevlike everyone else. No one should get a pass after having the opportunity to prevent the situation

- Symmetrik - 05-08-2018

Quote:Originally posted by Cynthia@May 8 2018, 01:01 AM

ehhh.. liking someone doesn't mean you wouldn't do it them. I know someone who might have done it just to fuck with him but not to the same extent done this draft

respect is the key factor to whether or not this would happen to another member. If it was leafs per say then you better damn believe that not a single person would even think about it

I was flipping back and forth between the word liked and the word respected

- DeletedAtUserRequest - 05-08-2018

i do agree that it being samee had some role to play.... its unlikely that a team would do the same thing to say a rookie GM DrunkNTeddy. i guess the question is, does it even matter if its a legal manuever.

- DeletedAtUserRequest - 05-08-2018

Quote:Originally posted by TheRealBK@May 8 2018, 01:03 AM

fixed for ya

The BK Dictionary is BACK!

no no!!! i lost my online spellcheck App!

- Cynthia - 05-08-2018

Quote:Originally posted by Symmetrik@May 7 2018, 09:03 PM

I was flipping back and forth between the word liked and the word respected
Fair enough. I like <a href='index.php?showuser=1765' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-4'>Eggy216</a> a lot but I don't respect him enough to not draft him if this situation came up for me Ninja.... Also for revenge. Angry

- TheRealBK - 05-08-2018

Quote:Originally posted by Coach Biz@May 7 2018, 11:04 PM

no no!!! i lost my online spellcheck App!

And your 'Proper Capitalization App', too, looks like.

- Carbine - 05-08-2018

I'm biased since I play for NEW now, but samee knew the rules going into the draft. Elias wasn't eligible for auto-draft and he knew it - why else would he put the other GMs on notice if they took his player?

Sorry samee, but retiring is the wrong move here. Develop Elias, get through your RFA years and walk. Either that, or pay the very reasonable price NEW gave you. Trying to strong arm the rest of the league will get you nowhere in a game where social status is almost everything we have to work with when building a team.

- Jepox - 05-08-2018

Quote:Originally posted by Evok@May 7 2018, 10:31 PM

As of right now it sureeeee helped new england to be competitive eh&nbsp; Ninja
evok pls