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S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Printable Version

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RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Jorec - 06-23-2024

Written Option 2:

There are players in the league that are better than Akerson in one way or another. Some of them are just better scorers, some of them are better passers and really, some of them are just plain better. Andren has a secret way of dealing with all of that though. A way that brings them down to his level and really helps him get the better of them. The secret is to hit them. Either taking the body or punching them in the face. He hits them as much as possible so that they aren't able to play their game like they want too. Every dangler or dipsy doodle dandy who thinks they can use that superior skill to dance around them is in for a rude awakening when he takes the body and passes the now free puck onto his teammates for them to score with. It's not a glamourous way of dealing with others who outmatch yea but its an effective one.

164 words.

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - caltroit_red_flames - 06-23-2024

Written Option #2:

Cal Juice is a way smaller player than most. Not by height but rather by muscle. So what do you do when someone is bigger than you in hockey? You go around them! For his size he's no slouch, but he's not going to be able to stand to anyone if they come at him. Every offseason he works on two things, his skating and his scoring ability. He's constantly trying to improve his ability to pick up speed in transition to make it easier to score off the rush. A big part of that is being able to pick up speed while turning rather than taking a big loop and losing your momentum. It's little things like that which put teams above others and allow them to make it to the finals and if they're lucky win a cup. Hopefully everyone else on the team spends their offseason wisely instead of partying. Lots of distractions in Chicago, you have to be able to stay focused.

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - dogwoodmaple - 06-23-2024


RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Shiamus - 06-23-2024

Lily underwent the classic player development program - the hyperbolic time chamber. Here is an image of her emerging from her cryo slumber.[attachment=672]

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Mazatt - 06-23-2024

Option 2:

To quote Michael Jordan; "I took that personally." A perfect encapsulation of how athletes are wired to compete in their hyper-masculine, physically driven sports. Someone exceeds your physical prowess? Force a chip onto your shoulder and find hate in your heart towards them. Stoke the fires of hate and craft inspiration from it. That is the blueprint many an athlete follow. Contrary to that expectation, Roger isn't overly driven by competitive spirit. The strides he takes in hockey are purely through the lens of personal growth. For him there is no use in viewing the other team as his enemy--they are very literally his opposition and he will need to get through them to achieve his goals, but the Jordan mindset is anti-thetical to his personality. Manufactured hatred is unnecessary when intrinsic motivation carries the weight.

Murdock utilizes his teammates more in the face of adversity. Not as a crutch as they are more competitive than he is, but in recognition of how not everything is achievable by one man. In facing a larger opponent in a board battle it isn't necessary to outright beat them, but simply to force a tie and allow someone else the opportunity for glory can be the right play. Waltzing through a defensemen's legs and scoring a highlight reel goal is sexy but risky (some would call it risque), why force that play when a teammate can be in a better situation to greater a high danger chance with a simple pass? To go against bigger, meaner, stronger opponents forces Murdock to take hockey for what it is: a team game where assists are the same as goals. It's all in the mindset.

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Jepox - 06-23-2024

written 2:

Sim Wen isn't really outmatched by anyone because he's a physical specimen who takes no shit from anyone but if it were to happen in a hypothetical situation then this is what he would do. To start he would just blatantly break the rules. Bear hugs, tackles, headbutting the opponent, you name it. Nobody is safe from this freak. He'd be treating the front of the net like it's an octagon and he's prime Conor McGregor. The other team wouldn't know what to do with this maniac on the ice and would therefore be intimidated into staying away from the net so they couldn't score. He'd also scream as loud as possible while he does this to assert even more dominance. The refs would be too scared to call a penalty on him so he'd get away with all of this and help his team win the game. This strategy that he's had cooked up is essentially foolproof and has no downside whatsoever.

163 words

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Hummus God - 06-23-2024

PBE Affiliate:

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - AW13 - 06-23-2024


RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - DeThePyro - 06-23-2024

Written Option 1: Steroids BABY. Nathan is very excited to get steroid but this time not the cheating one. Shh don't tell HO. Anyway the reason Nathan was chosen to get the super steroids because he played both baseball and hockey professionally and the super steroid would boost physical stats tremendously. It would put me about 40 in all stat that has a physical attribute. This incudes stats like shot range because I can shoot from father if im stronger. I would become stupid strong and would be by far and away unstoppable. Except for one thing, sticks. Stick would explode if I do one normal wrist shot let alone a slap shot so getting a stick that would just explode into a million pieces. I would need to go pure wood or beg a stick manufacture to make one out of titanium or something because as I would stand with about 10k tpe worth of stats probably more it would need a stick and equipment upgrades beyond imagine.

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Seany148 - 06-23-2024

After figuring out that cookies are in fact salad, Edžus has now been told that he isn't disciplined enough and needs to undergo a player enhancement program, similar to Captain Latvia back in his home country. Of course, he’s weirded out by it, but whatever helps sell tickets, I guess. With the drugs in his body, he becomes calmer, and is no longer on the verge of imploding via nuclear fission due the shocking truth that cookies = salad represent. This calm is represented in his game as he is no longer trying to punch every living thing on the ice. His linemates are particularly happy about it, considering they're missing a few teeth due to his random punches, although he now rambles about getting a baseball bat and becoming the “Galactic Baseballer”. See, what they don't tell you when they physically enhance your body is that you no longer have to train. So, you have way too much free time, and one could pick up gacha games in said free time. Yes, Edžus has sinned, but to be fair a purple haired girl with a scythe IS pretty badass. Whatever, the brainrot’s real with this player enhancement program.

189 words

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - boom - 06-23-2024

Option 2

Playing against boys all her life, Anastasia Söderström has never really had the athletic advantage when facing off against them in net. As a result, she's had to become a much craftier and cerebral goalie to get an advantage that way. One way that she's done this is by focusing on making sure she's in the best place possible to stop the shot, which requires a lot of focus and mental calculations. Even though Ana's focus and attention outside of the rink can be an issue, when she's on skates her singular and obsessive focus can just be on keeping the puck out of the net. Other than her vision, another useful skill that Ana has developed to compensate for the physical disadvantage is using her flexibility and athleticism down low. All goalies train their flexibility, but it naturally comes easier for her body type, so she can easily take away almost the whole bottom of the net when the situation calls for it and force opponents to try and beat her up high.

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - SpartanGibbles - 06-23-2024

Written Option 1:
It was already a tall order to genetically enhance the specimen that is Gordon William Gibbles. The Monarchs forward already stands at an impressive 6 feet 9 inches tall with 250 lbs of muscle to fill out his frame. Building upon such a genetically gifted specimen would be a nigh impossible task, similar to Somoa Joe beating Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner at Sacrifice. One false adjustment would spell disaster. With this in mind the top SHL scientists began to work to allow Gibbles to pass the previously assumed physical ceilings of talent and ability for a hockey player. When measured by conventional science, Gibbles now registered at over 20,000 TPE. His shooting range hitting the low 40's and his shooting accuracy hitting in the mid 70's. Gibbles would be able to take a faceoff in front of his own net and fire a rocket down ice and through the opposing goalie's 5 hole before they realized a shot was coming.

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Huck24 - 06-23-2024

Written Option 2

Lyle Odelein IV knows that he isn't the biggest or the fastest. He knows that in every aspect of his game, there is someone who is always going to be better than him. Maybe it is from the knowledge his father has passed down. Lyle's father knows first hand that there is a whole lot of talent in the SHL. He made sure that his son knew that too. Lyle will never expect to be the best at anything, he will always be ready to come up against someone who can teach him something new. He knows this and relies on his fellow teammates to help stop these players. When one on one may not work, two on one most likely will, no matter the opponent. Lyle also practices with this knowledge, that he can never feel like there is a part of his game he doesn't need to improve on. Hopefully this will help him have a long and successful career, like his father before him.

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - NYR73 - 06-24-2024

there are players who are better than my player at all different kinds of things. he handles everyone differently. in his free time he studies how all the stars in the league play so he knows how to counter them. if they are a big hitter, he needs to be prepared to embrace or evade a hit. don't put your head down on open ice. if there is a defenseman who is particularly good with their stick, it will be hard for my player to make his usual dekes. so instead he leans on his talented teammates and does not hold on to the puck. he plays to his strengths and tries to exploit other player's weaknesses. everyone has weaknesses, for example if a player is not a great skater, my player will utilize his speed and skate past them. he needs to know what to spend his limited energy on, be it speed, board work, hits, etc

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Serpe x 13 - 06-24-2024

If my player was chosen to undergo a player enhancement program like Captain American in order to create the next super SHL player, then my player would become to the prefect athlete. It would start off with speed, and he would be blazing quick to pass by any defender or goalie in his way. On that same not, without outstanding stamina that speed would all go to waste, so he will become an avid runner in his free time to constantly build up stamina. A superhuman ability would be the stronger wrist shot in the league, which would allow for my player to score many goals and not have to worry about shooting a bad shot because they would all mostly go in the net. My player's peak TPE would be 5000, this would allow for him to max out all of his stats and have some extra for when regression begins to kick in.