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- Fernando - 05-22-2012

I believe that people tend to use god as a way to cope with things that are out of their control and refuse to accept that they are, instead "putting it on god's hands", i have always found my peace by admitting that i am not in control and instead focusing my energy on coping with things and trying to look forward.

- Witz - 05-22-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Fernando@May 22 2012, 06:41 PM
Cam i'm not trying to disprove your god or your religion, but you cannot possibly say that evolution doesn't exist and try to disprove it either, you kept on asking for proof of evolution, i gave you proof and you decided to ignore it, so here i will go through this instead of just linking it like before.

Have you ever heard of Darwin's Finches? Of course you haven't, Darwin Finches are a type of bird that resides all over the Galapagos Islands, these islands all have different climates, ranging all the way from deserts to snowy mountain terrains, anyways, the finches live in all of the islands, and overtime they have evolved their beak to fit the place where they live, the finches in the desert island have developed longer beaks so they can feed on the island's cacti, the jungle finches developed stronger beaks that can break through thick skinned fruits and nuts. Keep in mind in every other way these birds are exactly the same, except for the beak, and they all come from one genus of birds. How do you think this happened?

And about the giraffes, giraffes evolved long necks as a a result of trees growing taller and taller, over time the  giraffes with the longer necks survived and mated creating a dominant trait towards longer necks, and they lose blood flow because of the length of their necks, when they put their heads down the blood flow is diminished because of the lengths the blood has to travel when the head is put down the rush effect is increased, again because of the length of the neck, very similar to any of us doing a handstand for a while, blood will rush to your head, the effect is simply magnified in the giraffe's case.

Now for another example, you want to see evolution? it is actually very simple, take any rapid reproducing insect, preferably mosquitoes and put them in a sealed environment what has increased levels of oxygen in it's atmosphere, after a few generations the mosquitoes will be bigger than originally and after a couple of years they will be more than twice as big.

Is that good enough for you?

Also i don't mean to insult man, but read a book or two, it will do you some good.
Not sure if it was said already but in this paragraph...

"And about the giraffes, giraffes evolved long necks as a a result of trees growing taller and taller, over time the giraffes with the longer necks survived and mated creating a dominant trait towards longer necks, and they lose blood flow because of the length of their necks, when they put their heads down the blood flow is diminished because of the lengths the blood has to travel when the head is put down the rush effect is increased, again because of the length of the neck, very similar to any of us doing a handstand for a while, blood will rush to your head, the effect is simply magnified in the giraffe's case."

That theory is not actually correct, it was Lamarck's progressive use/disuse idea (Marche de la nature) that was proven to be false. The length of the neck was a key part in natural selection allowing them to survive as opposed to other animals without the ability. But its not actually the reason for the long necks.

But i get what you're saying.

- Snappy - 05-22-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Fernando@May 22 2012, 07:15 PM
I believe that people tend to use god as a way to cope with things that are out of their control and refuse to accept that they are, instead "putting it on god's hands", i have always found my peace by admitting that i am not in control and instead focusing my energy on coping with things and trying to look forward.


thats what I pretty much meant

and I dont really give a damn if people call me out :lol: Its my personal belief

- Snappy - 05-22-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Boon@May 22 2012, 07:09 PM

In your example, god is just ones own ability to bring themselves out of a desperate situation.

well ya. It gives you hope and shit but I dont think there is anything behind it besides a little positive thinking. It helps you cope as 'nando said

- grimreaper - 05-22-2012

I've always thought that the belief of a higher power is a coping mechanism for the inevitability of death. Death is a scary prospect for a lot of people, and having faith that the time you spend on this earth isn't the only time you have, and that you're somehow being guided or watched over by a being you can't explain can be a great comfort to a lot of people. Personally, I don't believe in any deity that has been proposed or worshipped over the years, and I'm comfortable with death as well, but it doesn't bother me if someone does.

Note, I'm not saying fear of death is the only reason for belief in a higher power, it's just one I have observed a lot, and I do think a large number of people believe because they don't want to think about the possibility of the alternative.

- Witz - 05-22-2012

Quote:Originally posted by grimreaper@May 22 2012, 07:43 PM
I've always thought that the belief of a higher power is a coping mechanism for the inevitability of death. Death is a scary prospect for a lot of people, and having faith that the time you spend on this earth isn't the only time you have, and that you're somehow being guided or watched over by a being you can't explain can be a great comfort to a lot of people. Personally, I don't believe in any deity that has been proposed or worshipped over the years, and I'm comfortable with death as well, but it doesn't bother me if someone does.

Note, I'm not saying fear of death is the only reason for belief in a higher power, it's just one I have observed a lot, and I do think a large number of people believe because they don't want to think about the possibility of the alternative.
How can you be comfortable with death

- NateyD - 05-22-2012

Quote:Originally posted by WiTzzEL@May 22 2012, 08:06 PM

How can you be comfortable with death

Everyone dies. You can't do anything about it. I'll be comfortable with death as long as I have a nice long life.

- GroupMeIsKindOfOkay - 05-22-2012

Quote:Originally posted by WiTzzEL@May 22 2012, 08:06 PM

How can you be comfortable with death
i find it pretty ridiculous for the idea of death to scare a person.
everybody dies.

- Fernando - 05-22-2012

Quote:Originally posted by WiTzzEL@May 22 2012, 08:06 PM

How can you be comfortable with death

By experiencing it, sadly, i had to face the death of both my grandmother and mother in the same year, and i have learned to cope with it and at this point in my life it is nothing more than another thing that happens naturally.

- grimreaper - 05-22-2012

Quote:Originally posted by WiTzzEL@May 23 2012, 01:06 AM

How can you be comfortable with death

Easily. I've accepted it as a part of life. My death won't hurt me as a person, and I won't be able to stop it from happening. Death is far sadder for those that are still living than those that have passed away.

- Gibby the Red Nosed Reindeer - 05-22-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Alex@May 22 2012, 09:10 PM

i find it pretty ridiculous for the idea of death to scare a person.
everybody dies.

- Spangle - 05-22-2012


- Jesus The Mexican Way - 05-22-2012

People say they are comfortable with death until it comes knocking on the door.

- grimreaper - 05-22-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Spangle@May 23 2012, 01:23 AM

I believe You Obviously Lack Originality comes to mind.

- Spangle - 05-22-2012

Quote:Originally posted by grimreaper@May 22 2012, 09:25 PM

I believe You Obviously Lack Originality comes to mind.