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S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - Printable Version

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RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - artermis - 06-12-2023


While not against a rival, the 28-game cup run was an immense achievement and it took an incredible amount of effort, so you bet your ass that the city of Boston was losing their mind once the empty net goal was scored (by Petr, by the way, not a big deal or anything, just figured I'd bring up one of the hypest goals scored of the run), however the final game was played in Winnipeg, which meant it would still take a night and a plane ride to begin the celebrations at home. However, beyond his scheduled media time and parade appearances, Petr is straight onto the medical table to prepare for next season. Worn-down parts are replaced with organic solution when able, and artificial solutions whenever Petr would benefit the most from that. After his doctor's appointments and recovery time, it's back on the path to prepare for another Czech gold run in the next season.

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - NorwegianDemon - 06-12-2023

PLAYER PROMPT: In life, we need to celebrate our accomplishments and be there when other people want to celebrate with you. Assuming we don’t have a game the next day and that I know that a massive party will go on, I would definitely try to get a couple of my teammates together to go to the party and meet some of the fans. However, I would not stay there until closing time, I would get there for an hour or two only, because having to take pictures and talk with fans can get exhausting really quickly. It would also allow me to get a decent amount of sleep for the morning practice happening on the following day. As it comes to my other teammates, I honestly think they should be able to do what they want. If they want to pull an all-nighter, then they are welcome to do so. Life is there to be enjoyed and if being serenaded by fans for a whole night of partying is what they want, then let them have it.

176 words

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - downer - 06-12-2023

PT Pass

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - yosh - 06-12-2023

Vaseline Podcalzone would convince the people that this college hockey arena move is a slight by the councilperson, who clearly has other motives and agendas in play that would cause him to turn down such an enticing and exciting offer to overhaul the already business booming stadium district in downtown Seattle. He would convince Argonauts fans to get in contact with as many city officials that they can in order to convince them to make an effort to work together to ensure that the new Climate Pledge Center proposal is approved.

Playing a season in a college hockey arena would not necessarily be "devestating" for the Seattle Argonauts, but it certainly would not be ideal. For one, that means much less in ticket revenue unless the tickets are upcharged several times. Furthermore, the league would essentially make fun of the Argos for their unfortunate predicament, without considering the potential context and situational factors that have resulted in this unwanted outcome.

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - Bayley - 06-12-2023

If there is a party, you better know that Mercedes Baylé is going to be there. Baylé never loses the opportunity to party, especially with the fans and teammates. I am sure there will be some other teammates that will want to go to sleep early, but not Baylé, of course, she is going to want to go out. I think spending time with family, friends, and then fans is important. I think some of my teammates may not want to also, but that is okay. People have their own ways to get ready and get hyped for the game. But, right now, the rager is what is going to be on my mind. I want to go out, I want to have fun. This is a massive game, we just freaking won, why am I doing anything else? We will not be an adult, it is going to be about being a kid for a while. Go party, don't look back. That is my plan.

Words: 167

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - CapnCooper - 06-12-2023

It's another game against Texas's division rivals, The New Orleans Specters. Texas has struggles in the past but as they grow as a better team the game against them are getting meaner and more even. On this night, it's a huge game for Texas as everything is going their way. With 2 goals in every period the game is just about over as a 0-6 Shut out win is in the hemisphere for the Renegades. Unfortunately NOLA managed to get one in past Dionne and the final is 1-6 but the fans are loving it. This is what Texas has been waiting for. The resurgence of the Renegades is happening and here it is with a big win. The fans leave and go on from the stadium and fill the nearby bars and saloons to celebrate! The teams gets back to the locker room and feed off of the hype but there's still work to do. The team is focused and Boots follows Captain Kvalheim's example and hits the showers and starts the routine for the next day all over again. Some guys stick together for a team meal but it's all back home and ready for the next game from here. We feed of each others victory and we are ready for the next one!

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - HoltzFan10 - 06-12-2023

PT Pass

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - 3lewsers - 06-12-2023

The most thrilling party of the year was taking place in town. Everyone was buzzing with excitement, but to everyone's surprise, Dwayne decided to stay home.

Curiosity consumed the townsfolk as they pondered why he would miss such an electrifying event. The truth was more hilarious than anyone could have imagined. You see, Gretzky had an undeniable weakness for penguins. Yes, those wobbly, tuxedo-wearing creatures that couldn't be further from the world of hockey.

As fate would have it, a nature documentary about penguins was airing on TV that very night. Unable to resist their adorable charm, Dwayne found himself glued to the screen. The party's thumping music and laughter faded into the background as Dwayne's eyes became fixated on the mesmerizing world of those flightless birds.

He laughed as the penguins waddled and slid across the ice, mimicking their movements with great enthusiasm. He even tried to imitate their distinctive calls, much to the bewilderment of his pet dog, who tilted its head in confusion.

Hours flew by, and the party became a distant memory. Gretzky had experienced a night of pure penguin delight, all from the comfort of his own couch. His friends eventually discovered the reason for his absence and couldn't help but chuckle at his endearing fascination.

From that day forward, whenever a party was mentioned, someone would inevitably say, "But will there be penguins? Because if not, Dwayne won't be coming!"

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - _Blitz_ - 06-12-2023

PT Pass

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - KaleSalad - 06-12-2023

Creative prompt: written task.

Well this one is tough because Cale would take a multi level approach to it. On one hand playing in the college rink for 1 year knowing there is an end in sight with the new rink he is able to get over the god awful accommodations. Mainly because he is dreaming of those high end spa that will be located in the new arena, Sauna and Massage after each game lets goo! On the other hand Cale is upset for the fans who have to struggle with this crappy situation. Players will do their thing regardless of the rink heck they do this on outdoor games!? But the fans that is a tough one to swallow. Paying good money to sit in a brutal rink is hard and for that Cale would speak out against the ownership group and help rally the fans. He would go as far as starting a go fund me so they could raise extra funds and get this rink built in half the time!


RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - Bruins10 - 06-12-2023

As a player, I would initially feel frustrated and disappointed upon hearing about the obstacles surrounding the team's stadium plans. All the hard work put in by the players and the team's accomplishments from the previous week would undoubtedly make this situation even more disheartening. However, as a professional, I understand that adversity is a part of the game, and it's crucial to remain focused and adaptable.

Rather than requesting a trade or engaging in personal vendettas like egging the councilperson's house, I would channel my frustration into determination. I would work closely with the team and coaching staff to find creative ways to enhance the game-day experience within the limitations of the college stadium. Whether it's organizing special events, improving fan engagement, or even assisting with stadium upgrades, I would actively contribute to making the best of the circumstances.

Ultimately, as a player, my focus would remain on performing to the best of my abilities on the field and supporting my teammates through this challenging period. It would add another obstacle for Tampa Bay as a rebuilding team and making sure we get a good stadium and a good core to compete

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - efischermann - 06-12-2023

PLAYER PROMPT - Can't live without em.

Written Task:  It's the night of a huge win over your arch-rivals. Your fans are going nuts, and you know there's gonna be an absolute rager going down at the local club your team's owner also owns. What does your player do? Do you show up at the party and bask in the adulation? What else goes down? If not, do you play the disciplined professional and be in bed by 9:30? If so, why? What goes through your head knowing at least some of your teammates are not doing the same? (150+ words)

You only get to be a professional athlete for so long, so when there is time to celebrate, you do it! The thing that is missed most by athletes after they are gone are the interactions with their teammates. So, if there is reason to celebrate with the boys, you do it! Some of the best nights as an Argo were after games with my teammates. We had some incredible runs in Seattle and all of those runs were full of parties and great times with the guys. We had so many fun times and those are the things that can never be taken and memories that will never be forgotten. Also, memories that can never be shared outside of our group. Luckily, we have an incredibly tight knit group and we love each other. That is the beauty of the runs that we went on, that brings everyone so close together and creates bonds that last forever.


158 words

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - sköldpaddor - 06-12-2023

first prompt: This councilperson, who we are going to call Councilman Jamm, is just the worst. I don't know why he hates the Aurora so much (There are rumors that he was actually not born in Winnipeg at all and may be secretly an Edmonton Blizzard fan). Anyway, he's being the worst, so we have to play at some school. Now, unlike a certain NHL team (which, ironically, previously hailed from Winnipeg), the Aurora don't really have trouble filling seats, because the team is good and they've been reasonably successful in recent years, and Winnipeg is a pretty hockey-friendly city to begin with. So while the locker room situation and some of the other amenities leave a lot to be desired, the seating is the real problem. There are too many fans for seats, so they have to do a raffle system to see who gets to come to games. It becomes a real community bonding experience, people enter the ticket lottery to be able to buy the tickets to go to the games. Lias has no problem with this, the building is always packed, and he likes to go and surprise fans with tickets sometimes, and even goes and helps do dramatic ticket lottery drawings to help out the box office staff sometimes.

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - Sburbine - 06-12-2023

Creative Prompt:

I wonder where the PT team got the idea for this one, seems pretty unrealistic but I'll give it a shot. First we gotta fire whatever contractor screwed us over (certainly can't be Lowes, do they even make stadiums?) and drag their name on whatever social media is still alive. Maybe even write some op-eds scathing them for running our team, really try and dig in. Next I would start funding a campaign against this council person so they hopefully never get elected again and we can get our own man or woman in office. Then we'd jump right into doing the best with what we have, sure the equipment might be for 19 year olds to use and are mostly duct tape but we still gotta win games or they'll ship us even farther north. Next I would buy everyone on the team some planet fitness memberships, if the stadium gym isn't enough maybe they can go there to bulk up. Lastly I would make sure that the 5k seats are sold out night after night and the place stays electric through the whole season, gotta still put on a show.

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - WildfireMicro - 06-12-2023


 Well it would depend on if someone personally invites him. Sir Devoir usually does not like big parties because he likes to keep himself focused and tight on his next adjective. However, if he is invited by the club personally, he would feel like he has an obligation to go, and that is where the secret party animal in Sir Devoir finally shows it's face. Sir Devoir is a crazy party animal when he gets a few drinks in him, and he might end up doing psychic tricks with drinks once he is feeling good enough about it.

 Eventually during this party, Devoir is able to help a guy win some money from a horse race using Future Sight, and has to explain to everyone that Future Sight doesn't really help him if the situation personally involves himself, otherwise he would be truly unstoppable behind the net and that would not be fair and get pretty boring after a while. It would be the last thing Devoir would explain before he catches a taxi home.