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S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - Printable Version

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RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - TheOPSquid - 09-28-2023

Stepping out of his car in front of the arena in Whitehorse, Yukon, Squidwardo Tentacles wasn't sure what to expect from the team that drafted him 21st overall in the SMJHL. The parking lot was empty, just like the roads on his drive to the arena. The crisp, Autumn air was painted with the last few leaves falling from the greenery in the parking lot. His phone lit up with a single text from an unknown number. "Enter through concessions, enter the ice from the penalty box." As Squidwardo walked up to the desolate arena and opened the door, he was greeted by a dimly lit concourse and the lights above the ice being all shut down, but with a faint glow coming from the home bench. Puzzled by the lack of life he has seen so far in the Yukon, Squidwardo surveys the arena from the top of the seats and makes his way down to the penalty box doors. As he comes closer to ice level, he notices the faint glow of light from the home bench is emanating  from large wax candles placed carefully alongside gatorade bottles, all leading to the hallway towards the dressing room. Once Squidwardo crosses the ice and enters the dressing room hallway, everything is pitch black except the faint glow from the candles, the illuminated trail leads directly to two double doors with the Yukon Malamutes logo engraved and painted on. "What a way to welcome me" he thought, as he took a deep breath as he placed his hands on the door and pushed the doors open with a large creaking noise.
     Once he opens the door he notices three people in large dark red hooded robes crowded around the Malamutes logo, with the one in the middle seeming to be the leader, as they stood while the other two sat on opposing sides of the logo, intently focusing on some objects in the middle of them. "Take a seat young pup, and join us." the middle figure gestured to Squidwardo to the open spot on the floor. Confused, Squidwardo placed his equipment bag and hockey sticks on the floor and sits across from the leader. "We here at the Yukon Malamutes organization are excited to welcome you to the team. However, before you can proceed to the first preseason game, we will need you to pledge yourself to our teachings. We have gathered our three most sacred objects and ask for you to pledge your life to them." the leader says. Glancing down at the objects, Squidwardo notices that one is a large picture of a monkey being excited, the next object is a white paint colour card; with the hex code of #ebebeb, and the last object being a large dead fish which seemed to be a cod. "I will do what I must." Squidwardo says.  "Good, welcome to the Malamutes. We shall proceed with the ritual in full force in order to win a Cup by any means necessary." The leader says, as he removes his hood, revealing himself to be Theodore Svatos, the New Captain of the Yukon Malamutes.

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - CaptainCamel - 09-28-2023

As Paul Bondage walked into the locker room in Kelowna for the first time, he was delighted to see the color scheme hitting just right. The green and gold was always a fine combination to him. There's a couple players who give him a friendly hello as he walks over to his spot on the bench. There before him is none other than a shiny sword. "Oh yeah, everyone gets one of those, welcome to the team newbie", one of the players remarks to him. This wasn't just some plastic toy to smack your teammates around with, this was a legitimate steel, sharp-edged sword. He was a bit taken aback, feeling almost like he wasn't even worthy of this yet as he had yet to even put on the team's jersey. Still, he knew he had big skates to step into. It was clear how much the team's management believed in him and his teammates to bring the cup back to Kelowna.

WC: 168

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - Jexter - 09-28-2023

Langston Hardison-Laurent saunters into the Locker Room of the Yukon Malamutes wearing sunglasses, a double layer of Hawaiian shirts and swim trunks. Over one shoulder is slung his equipment bag and over the other is a set of golf clubs with two hockey sticks poking out of the bag. His teammates look at him quizzically, unsure of what their team has done with the the 54th pick in the draft. The rest of the draft class has already arrived, but this Florida man is about 2 hours late. A nice party had been organized for the rest of the draftees. One of the Yukon veterans comes over and says, "Hey, welcome to the-" He stops mid sentence as a fresh Hawaiian shirt hits him square in the face. Langston stands there, more shirts in hand and says, "Sorry I'm late, I had to make sure everyone could be dressed for a party."

154 Words

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - JoeSteel - 09-28-2023

As I walk into the locker room, it became glaringly obvious I would polarizing in the locker room. It's not every day an alien shows up in front of you, but one that resembles a Terminator powered by the ninja turtles ooze is definitely one of the scarier options. Nonetheless, a few users were already aware of my people! They were extremely welcoming and immediately got to informing me of how I may reshape my living metal in order to be a better defender. Everyone else it seems trusted in their scout/GM enough to keep any possible negative opinions to themselves. Because the government of this world desires to talk to me, I obviously bring a lot of press. Not everybody likes this and concerns I could become a distraction were raised. I did my best to assure my teammates tho that I was here as a Falcon to help us win as best as possible. I was going to have their backs, so all they have to do is push forward.

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - ThePyroAlpaca - 09-28-2023

The Rookie Latvian Blueliners meet the team for the first time

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - RobJG2 - 09-28-2023

Walking into the locker room was like a dream come true. Everyone was so welcoming and friendly. We had an absolutely stacked draft class and everyone instantly started hitting it off. The coaches and GM really went out of their way to make everyone feel like they are truly part of the team, we even started organizing a DnD group which should be fun and help bring the team closer. Then we got to talk about magic. We got a tour of the locker room and got to see all the championship banners hanging in the rafters and even got to meet some of the older team member that helped brought the championships in. Then it really was fun when some broke out the whiskey talk about a team that knows how to party. After a while Tho it all settled down, It was time to get to work. See you on the Ice!

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - AOGaming - 09-28-2023

A late bloomer is joining the Quebec Citadelles, Micheal Rappaz-Creek, a tall defenseman from Genève in Swiss. His story is particular as a hockey player. Michael started hockey 4 years ago in high school after a young career in downhill skiing. We asked yesterday in the arena, what made you jump into the hockey world?" I always loved hockey, it's an exciting sport and I like the physical aspect of it. I think being 6'2 helps me a lot as a defenseman. However, I know for a fact that my lack of hockey experience is a downside for a lot of GMs and coaches around the SFL. I currently work very hard to improve my game on both sides. I want to compete as a good two-way defensive player with good vision and a decent passing game '' Rappaz-Creek joined the Quebec Citadelles yesterday, after an open tryout. '' I knew for a fact that there was an open spot at defense, so I took a shot and came to the camp to try to take a spot in the team. I'm very happy to have a chance to prove myself in the SHLM, it's a very good development league.

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - Mysterious_Fish - 09-28-2023

The Colorado Raptors locker room welcomed me more than what I expected after being a 5th round pick. I walk into the room and we all started to chat. All the rookies, Coaches and GM's were having a great conversation and I got to learn a lot. The team is so fun to be with and the season hasn't even started. I gotta say this team is something I wish I could be apart of for my entire career. Sadly eventually I will have to go to the SHL and play there. This welcoming was great, meeting all of my new teammates and Coaches. The GM's really are great, knowing that they will always help the new folks get used to the Colorado atmosphere and then eventually I will be able to do the same to the next set of rookies. All I have to say is, your unlucky if you didn't join the Colorado Raptors. Raptors

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - thedangazone - 09-29-2023

Walking into Regina the first time was quite an experience. There were 3 of us taken pretty highly in the draft for Regina and that comes with a lot of expectations usually. However, the team made us feel at home almost immediately. All the teammates were ready for us and welcoming in their own ways. Even the older vets of the team, in their last season or 2 before making the jump to the big leagues, came over and helped everyone become acclimated to the locker room itself and all the traditions and customs that the team has come to expect in that building. Of course the biggest thing for me was being so far out in the middle of no where, the furthest I had been out like that other than a game or 2 here and there. Well and the maybe the biggest thing was the teammates trying to play it cool with my giant body covered in fur and hamster face. Who knows, they had good poker faces.

171 words

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - Rabidsponge21 - 09-29-2023

Mikkel walked into the arena - looking around and admiring the fact that he finally did it - he made it to the start of his journey to the big leagues. He gathered himself up after being rather star struck - walked into the players area - seeing the coaches rooms - the GMs office and being totally wowed by it all. Excited to get to know his new team mates he head immediately to the common area - no one was there - strange - okay maybe the weight room - this team must be dedicated! No one, alright over to the recovery area - maybe there is some players here from the offseason getting those injuries patched up! Crickets. Where was everyone? He continued to walk around for awhile and still could not find anyone. He had a text greeting him to the team and then nothing. Under whelming can be one word used to how this felt - disappointed is another. The Elks greetings were lack luster and the movement after that has been the odd passer byer and not much else. At least at game time he will get to see other people to talk right? Right???

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - kenvald - 09-29-2023

The Kraken were very welcoming and excited when Dag-Otto, together with the other draftees, were first brought in to meet all their new teammates. There were tales of a team draft party where they'd all huddled together to watch the draft. Screaming out in a mix of excitement and surprise as Dag-Otto dropped all the way down to 9th which allowed Carolina to select him with their first pick of the draft.

Best part of the introduction were special-ordered pizzas shaped as octopi, or probably krakens. Everyone got a cheesy tentacle to feast upon and ink-colored beers and other drinks to celebrate. So if nothing else Dag-Otto can for sure say that everyone in the teams strongly identifies with the city and branding.

As the welcome party went on late into the night some players started dropping off to go settle in, in their temporary apartments. But Dag-Otto hung around wanting to learn more about the city team history. Being from Sweden he has very rarely visited the USA. And never actually been to Carolina before.

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - JohnnyPatey - 09-29-2023

As I walked in to the dressing room for the first time to join the team, the squad was quiet. I was wondering why they were quiet at first, but deep down I knew. Th squad was mainly quiet because they were wondering if I was here to stay this time or was I going to quit when things get tough. Well, I decided to write a speech to the squad and let them know that I will not be a quitter for the third time and I am here to stay and to win, at least let's hope. For some of the other draftees, we did some rookie party intro type stuff, like dinners and what not, especially for some of the louder ones. For those of us that are quiet like myself, we just kept it on the down low, as this team knows how to adapt to each player and the needs they want walking into a new locker room. 

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - roastpuff - 09-29-2023

The Detroit Falcons have been very welcoming to my player, Will Tomlander. This isn't my first time with them - in fact, Tomlander was drafted at the same SMJHL draft spot as Magnus Liljestrom my previous player. If that isn't a fun coincidence I'm not sure what really is! When Tomlander walked into the locker room he was greeted like a long lost friend. The Falcons have always been a super welcoming group and it is not any different today. It is good to see them still have an active group of alumnus hanging around, and everyone helping everyone else with PTs, build questions, other tasks and getting settled into the SHL.

The first skate is always an interesting one as well as everyone gets used to each others' skills and tendencies. The practice is also meant to teach the team's systems to the players, and people getting used to it meant that there were a lot of gaffes and repeats as we all learned how to play how the coaches wanted. But that's the character of hockey!

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - DELIRIVM - 09-29-2023

Walking into the team locker room they noticed my imposing figure and golden brand on my forehead. After explaining my former time under Apophis they opened up to me and welcomed me with open arms. Getting to work on a team like the Timber means that we have a lot of players with a lot of experience winning and they are going to expect a lot out of the new players. So we had a small get together at a local eatery and they told us to have fun but also be ready to work hard. I am excited to be on a team that takes winning so seriously and I believe that I can be a useful member of the squad this season and grow into a star player on the Timber. Getting to know the other rookies as well means that we're ready to get to work and they all had similar echoed sentiments. Hard work equals better end results and happy times. Being in this new place means we're going to win a lot.

RE: S73 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places - unconfident69 - 09-29-2023

when stun gun was drafted into to the anchorage armada, he wasnt really sure what to expect from management and his teammates when he arrived, but he was very impressed with what he saw. he was immediately greeted by many anchorage greats and his new teammates, who were thrilled to see that a not inactive goalie had finally arrived to play for them. the locker room was set up with alcohol, food, decorations, and in general it was basically a party. but before stun would be able to have himself a truly good time, first he had to be given a tour of the state of the art anchorage facilities. after being given a tour by the wonderful tour guide, and being thoroughly impressed with the building, stun and his teammates were finally unleashed back to the main locker room to get fucked up and have a great time before locking in and beginning their work.