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What are you currently listening to? - Printable Version

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- Kachur - 08-19-2012

- BBH - 08-19-2012

Wide awake by the one, the only KATY ****ING PERRY.

- GroupMeIsKindOfOkay - 08-26-2012

Keith Murray - The Most Beautifullest Thing in the World

not sure why i never peeped this album tbh

- Camrawrn - 08-28-2012

I've pretty much had Mumford & Sons on repeat all day.

It's been a good day. Smile

- Buster - 08-28-2012

<object width="460" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="460" height="315"></embed></object>


- Spangle - 08-29-2012

Coming Home - Diddy-Dirty Money, ft. Skylar Grey

<3 Skylar Grey

- Fernando - 08-29-2012

Immigraniada - Gogol Bordelo

- Toast - 08-29-2012

"Someone, Anyone" - Anberlin

omg :wub:

- Brandon - 08-30-2012

Feel Inside (and stuff like that) - Flight of the Conchords

Also the interview that they got all the lyrics from, since the lyrics are all things that little kids said.

- Kesler17 - 08-30-2012

Any of you guys know Chris Rene

- Dion - 08-30-2012

Quote:Originally posted by kesler17@Aug 30 2012, 02:15 PM
Any of you guys know Chris Rene

- Kesler17 - 08-30-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Dion.SoDmG@Aug 30 2012, 12:16 PM

Yah i really like him, my favorite songs by him are young homie and hollywood life

- Member #1 - 09-01-2012

No Luck - Tyga

- Maxy - 09-01-2012

Foxy Shazam- Some Kind of Love

Best band of the last 3 years imo.

- Maxy - 09-01-2012

My favorite song right now to be perfectly honest. Don't hate. Song is dope