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RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - Printable Version

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RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - LB. - 04-23-2020

RIP 701, you will be missed.

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - Carlz - 04-23-2020

701 was always one of the guys who could throw equally as much shit talk back at the Old school Renes, if not more. & then he joined the team and we all got along well.

RIP & props to Gorlab on the big donation

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - Brandon - 04-23-2020

I had learned about this through Dylan about a week ago, incredibly sad news and he's going to be missed.

David and I had kept in touch a bit, playing in fantasy sports and such, he was a really good dude and someone that I'm going to miss a great deal. RIP, man, Thomaz brothers for life.

Nice touch on the masthead, guys.

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - ckroyal92 - 04-23-2020

Negotiated my first SHL contract with him after being drafted by Seattle in S32. RIP 701

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - Dave - 04-23-2020

RIP 701. Wanted to log back on here to say a few words. I met 701 about 10 years ago when I was recruiting for my old site ProSportsRivals before CenterStageSports. The first thing I realized after talking to him was that he loved to banter. Whether you wanted to discuss sports or if the sky was blue he would be prepared for a counter argument. He really brought alot of enjoyment and energy to the forums I ran. We would have alot of AIM conversations back in the day and we always had alot of good discussions and he was always one of the most active people in the group chats. I remember that he was a big advocate for SHL and greatly contributed to CenterStageSports being affiliates with SHL, he would always talk about his player and his graphic contributions. RIP 701, you will be missed.

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - SlashACM - 04-23-2020

Rest in peace :(

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - _Blitz_ - 04-23-2020

I didn't know 701. I hadn't heard of him until today. I'm only ever going to know him by the memories and opinions of others.

He must have been an amazing person, to see so many people speak so highly and fondly.

Rest in Peace, Dave. I wish I could've met you.

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - xDParK - 04-23-2020

Rest In Peace 701, my thoughts are with his friends and family ❤️

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - CM Syckez - 04-23-2020

When Jack told me this news last night, it really hit me hard. I have so many fond memories of Dave, both on and off the forums. He was always such a genuinely nice dude, and I definitely considered him a close friend for a while before I lost touch with most of you. I'll always remember playing Hearthstone together, and him continuously trolling Judah in our various D-Club iterations. A good man gone way too soon, rest easy Dave

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - Steelhead77 - 04-23-2020

Very sad to learn of this but thankful to have known him through the forums. 701 was a big help to me when I first joined the site, he taught me a lot and we later shared a couple locker rooms together. He was always fun to be around with a great personality and just one of those people you could tell was a good quality person in real life. We shared quite a few laughs together over the years, he brought a lot to the site and any team he was a part of. Tragedy to lose someone so young. Thoughts and prayers for his family. Rest in Peace 701.

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - MWHazard - 04-23-2020

[Image: image0.png]

All love, Dave. I hope you’re resting easy.

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - Blastmeaway - 04-23-2020

I had been wondering what the 701 was on the site banner. I personally didn't know 701, but reading through these other caring memorial posts is very touching.

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - Lime - 04-24-2020

RIP 701

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - r1c3bowl22 - 04-24-2020

What..........this sucks, Dave was a really misunderstood guy at times around here. His life definitely had a lot more ups and downs than most people I knew, but I never doubted if he was a good guy. The world just lost a real one. RIP.

RE: RIP 701 (701 Memorial Post) - Vik - 04-25-2020

RIP Dave, I remember when you first joined and we instantly got along. Even though we had some bumps in our friendship early on when I came back to the league I was happy to see a familiar face when so much of the community had changed over. You will be missed.