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S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - Printable Version

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RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - efischermann - 09-12-2022

I should absolutely win MVP. No one else was willing to get the MVP off the back of @notorioustig other than me. MVP of course stands for Mount Vesuvius Pimple.

RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - sköldpaddor - 09-12-2022

my player deserved to be MVP for being the best at making kale chips for the locker room. every day he comes in with a giant bowl of kale chips and makes his teammates eat them. everyone has a great time.

RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - Matty86 - 09-12-2022

Matthew Mayhem deserved to win the MVP award because it stands for Mayhem's Vulnerable Personality, and it makes him sad when he doesn't win. Don't hurt Mayhems feelings, give him the award. 

35 words

RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - dankoa - 09-12-2022

Kaarlo Kekkonen deserved to win MVP last season in the same way that Al Pacino deserved to win the Oscar in the year that he did. I was robbed of the MVP in S62 and the league owes me one to make up for the denial that I suffered unfairly that season.

RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - gordieboom - 09-12-2022

I think i should win or at least receive a nomination for MVP in S66 for getting traded to two different teams in a very short time frame, although i am not very certain if this should count for S66 or S67.

RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - steveoiscool - 09-12-2022

The case for Sven Svechnikov winning the MVP in S66 is pretty simple: he was the best Sven in the league. He had a career year with the Rage, and was selected for the All Star team, so easy peasy.

RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - Carpy48 - 09-12-2022

The MVP trophy always goes to all those point leaders or star players on cup winning teams. I have never even scored a goal. I have never even been to the finals. I have played on three different sim engines though. Besides, the award rarely goes to goalies, so why not make an exception and give it to me? I'm good, I'll even bring free coffee for everyone.

RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - NONAME - 09-12-2022

I deserved to win MVP last season because I have an elite name and my on ice performance gets boosted by that fact. I get +25 goals and assists automatically.

RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - jackkmart - 09-12-2022

Manny suffered many hemorrhoids last season adjusting to American food, it even got so bad he had to stop practicing for almost a week. Meaning, he should've won the Most Violent Pooper (MVP) award.

RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - artermis - 09-12-2022

Petr Svoboda deserved to win go-I mean ... MVP, because he is Czech and deserving to win. Especially the Czech part but especially because he is deserving.

RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - hotdog - 09-12-2022

philippe eko eel will win the MVP award for Most Valuable Protanguilla which is a kind of eel - it is probably that he is the only eel in the SHL this season so it may be by default but i'll be gosh darned if he doesn't win it!

RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - Raven - 09-12-2022

Your task: Tell me why your player deserved to win MVP in S66! I don't care if you have to change what the acronym stands for entirely! Surely you deserve it for something! Tell me what!

It is time for Kawashima to have a great breakout season, its the last season before the regression reaper comes by and takes away the hard earned tpe. Kawashima will maybe reach 2000, which will be awesome and that is going to translate into his game on the ice and this is his 100 point season.

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RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - Leafs4ever - 09-12-2022

I deserve MVP because I'm getting older and older and still producing elite level SHL numbers. We're going through a re-tooling in LA, but I'm going to show everyone I'm king of the mountain and going to lead this team to the promised land once again. You're going to see this old geezer run this league and you'll give me the MVP, willingly or by force.

RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - bbjygm - 09-12-2022

According to Hodor, MVP stands for: hodor hodor hodor. I thinks it's a travesty that Hodor was not the hodor hodor hodor of the league, especially considering the lack of hodor among the actual winners.

RE: S67 mPT #0: Self-Confidence - dirtyboygrease - 09-12-2022

I wake up screaming everynight, bed sheets soaked with sweat and other unidentified substances maybe a bit of fear vomit its hard to say, but I still manage to get to the rink and hit my teammates in practice, and slapshot it at my goalies head. Keeping your teammates on their toes with sudden bursts of violence and generally unhinged behavior goes above and beyond what it should require for an MVP award.