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S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Printable Version

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RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Jexter - 06-17-2024

Written 1:

Langston would find himself strapped to a very large grill before barbecue sauce would be injected directly into his veins before the lid would be closed to shield him from others. After he calms down after about 17 hours, set him to room temperature for about another 17 hours, Langston’s abilities will be greatly enhanced in his abilities to take penalties. He still will be taking a lot of penalties, but it always be good penalty in that it will stop a goal from happening. Furthermore, it will allow Langston to finally play some defense as he has been getting cooked (pun very much intended) on that end of the ice all season, much to the chagrin of the Winnipeg coaching staff. His TPE total would reach about 2420 in total with 20s in def read and positioning and in speed along with aggression and fighting. In all, it is really for the best that this never happens to Langston.

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger-109 - Dash - 06-17-2024

Option#2 156WC

As the old saying goes, "If you cant beat them, BEAT them!" Bruising hits and aggressive Forechecking. Beating a formidable opponent is not a one man job it takes a team to execute in all 3 phases of the game. Hit them HARD and hit them OFTEN! Wear them down, that is one key to success. Another way is Speed. Be faster and smarter. Crisp passes out of the defensive end, keep your head up and eyes open. You could of course go the the dirty route, Slew foots galore! risk penalties and put them on their asses you cant score if youre laying or sitting on the ice. No Secret weapons or techniques from this Yukon Defenseman. I cant speak for every player on the team but i do know this team is hard hitting and not afraid to drop the gloves, so you all better watch out because Yukon isn't one to lay down.

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Possum Queen - 06-17-2024

Written Option 2

When he's outmatched physically, Jaden has to rely heavily on the technical aspects of his game. He's worked hard on making sure his positioning is always on point and he's continuing to improve the other defensive techniques and abilities necessary to succeed as a defenseman in the SHL.

Against a more skilled opponent that can't necessarily be beat with good positioning and stick checking, Jaden has to take the body. He's a solidly-built player and is more and more able to knock people off the puck if he can't out-think them. It's not necessarily his favorite way to play the game, but it remains an option.

If someone is better both physically and technically... He basically just has to do what he can. The hope is that if he plays to the utmost of his abilities and the other player doesn't quite play to their skill level, he can catch them unawares with a well-timed poke check, stick lift, or hip check. Hopefully before they realize they're coming up against someone at a lower skill level.

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - ItsBooth - 06-17-2024

Written option #2

Jack Booth thrives on the ice by using his smarts, speed, and teamwork to outplay opponents, even those more skilled or stronger than him. Against more skillful players, Jack excels through clever positioning and relentless pressure. He anticipates plays, intercepts passes, and forces mistakes, constantly disrupting his opponent's plans.
Despite his imposing six foot five inch stature and two hundred and twenty two pound frame, Jack still encounters more physical opponents on occasion. In these match ups, he uses his speed and agility to stay ahead, expertly dodging checks and keeping control of the puck. Even with his size, Jack smartly uses his body to shield the puck and win battles, avoiding unnecessary confrontations and playing with finesse.

Jack’s success is also deeply rooted in his teamwork. He maintains good communication with his teammates, ensuring they are always coordinated and ready to execute plays. He trusts and supports them, creating opportunities for each other and increasing their collective performance on the ice.

Jack’s true secret weapon is his mental toughness and adaptability. He remains calm under pressure and quickly adjusts his plan based on the flow of the game and the type of opponents he faces. This combination of intelligence, speed, teamwork, and ultimate mental resilience makes Jack Booth a formidable and versatile player on the ice.

WC: 217

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - xjoverax - 06-17-2024

Graphic Option: Draw your player undergoing the play enhancement program.

[Image: UFlEQ6d.png]

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - artermis - 06-17-2024

Written Option 1

This is literally just Petr's backstory, except even more extreme. Petr was created in a laboratory and genetically modified to be the best hockey player possible, as an agent of the Czech government and the deep state there that seized power after decades worth of public dissatisfaction and increasing public fervor towards the national hockey program. As a result, Petr is both property of the state and a literal agent or asset of the State Security bureau, brought back from the days of Czechoslovakia. Due to his intense work pace, Petr already undergoes and has undergone immense amounts of reconstructive surgery, replacements of key motor-function part of the body, and other medical operations as required to ensure he can continue to play. In his older age, he has experienced more damage than normal, so that is to say the Government is certainly looking at a revitalization program wherever possible to help Petr carry on and lead Czechia to an international gold.

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - leafsftw1967 - 06-17-2024

Written Option 2: Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava out plays a more Skillful opponent by having smart positioning and on ice awareness as Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava focus on being in the right place at the right time cutting off passing lanes and anticipating plays. By reading the game well Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava can intercept passes and disrupt the opponent's flow of their game. With these skills Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava can also anticipate the opposing players moves by watching the opponent’s body language and understanding their tendencies which helps Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava in predicting his opponenet's next move which allows Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava to react quicker then most other hockey players. Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava also beats more skilful opponenets with his relentless forechecking abilities as a two way forward. By applying constant pressure Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava forces skilled players into making mistakes and a strong forecheck disrupts the opponent’s breakout and forces turnovers.

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Vice - 06-17-2024

PBE Affiliate

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - WildfireMicro - 06-17-2024

ISFL Affiliate PT

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Dhoop - 06-17-2024

PBE affiliate

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - No Goal - 06-17-2024

written 1:

Brayden Point undergoes cyborg mutations. He know is retrofitted with robotics that allow him to skate across the entire ice in half a second. He can shoot the puck so fast and hard it knocks down any player it hits, including through the goalie, and scores every time due to Brayden's enhanced vision. The enchantment is completed with a hologram that can make Brayden look like a ref, enemy team player, fan  animal, or quite frankly anything you can think of. He has used this to both draw power plays and mess with the enemy team during games. Brayden Point is a forced to be reckoned with. He got these parts off an experimental enhanced sports program. Brayden Points peak TPE is literally unlimited in everything. For a center this gear allows him to basically play any role on the ice with ease and never get tired. Even off the ice the way that Bot Brayden is able to sign autographs and greet fans is with such agility that it is worth seeing at least once in your life even if you are not a fan of Detroit.  Falcons

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - jaypc8237 - 06-17-2024

ISFL Affiliate

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - JamesT - 06-17-2024

Written Option 1: Your player has been chosen to undergo a player enhancement program à la Captain America in order to create the next super SHL player to make the league more entertaining for fans. How does your player gain their newfound abilities? What sort of superhuman abilities does this program give your player? What would be their peak TPE?

With Ben Jammin getting older, slower, weaker and not as good as he was in his prime, the Winnipeg Aurora volunteered him to partake in a player enhancement program to see if this can make Ben Jammin the best player in the SHL. Ben was taking to an unknown warehouse in the middle of nowhere to go through this enhancement program. Inside the facility, he was put inside of a hyperbolic chamber tube and was told he would be injected with various "enhancements". These injections would be so intense that Ben Jammin fell into a coma for a whole week, upon waking up Ben Jammin had super strength and speed that even the people who administered the injections into him have seen before. With these newfound abilities, Ben Jammin is now poised to crush and destroy anybody who comes in close contact with him on the ice. SHL analytic experts cannot even guess what his TPE is now at and are saying it is over 9000.

(166 words)

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - Lime - 06-17-2024

2. Harrington has long been the type of guy to help others succeed and be a team player. So when he faces someone he can't beat, he is quick to put the puck in the hands of someone else better suited for the play. Being as old as he is in the league now, he doesn't have anything to prove and is not gonna take a beating he doesn't need to so he focuses on finding the right pass and the right play so that others on the team can have their moments to shine. That being said, he's no SMJHLer so nobody is just gonna bulldoze through him without a fight. He learned to keep his cool from mentors way back in the day so you won't see him taking silly penalties if things don't go his way. Best to set a good example for the young guns as well.

RE: S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger - soulja - 06-17-2024

Yuri Boyka took a vacation to Russia to see his family. Upon arriving at the airport, a couple of men came with gun at his head and kidnapped the poor dude. Boyka had to quietly enter the van, and was brought to a facility. The men tied boyka to a bed and began giving him vaccines. Boyka started yelling and he was told, "Too bad, you have been kidnapped by Vladimir Putin's soldiers. We have taken you into our custody to make you into a super soldier for our nation." Boyka started laughing and telling them to stop the prank but he started getting dizzy and fell asleep due to the injections. Few hours later he wakes up and continues yelling "Let me out". The soldiers continued containing him to monitor him but Boyka's rage got out of hands and he broke through the metal straps. The soldiers were confused as the metal was made of thick thick material that would be impossible even for a super soldier. Boyka then ran through the metal door as well like it was butter. He was tremendously confused by his new powers. He has super strength, super speed, and increased reflexes. His body even has super quick healing. The man is basically a super super human. Since the super soldiers were unable to catch him and even do anything , he was a failed uncontrollable experiment to them so they just let him be. As a result Boyka continued playing in the SHL where he was single handedly destroying teams. He has no peak tpe as every time he steps on the ice, he is considerably getting better. The boy has no ceiling and only time will tell how good he becomes.