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turned 16 ama - Printable Version

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turned 16 ama - bluesfan55 - 02-27-2020

yes its true
i did in fact turn 16 on monday, meaning that i've spent somewhere close to three years on the site
feel free to ask me any sort of question and i promise i'll answer to the best of my ability

02-27-2020, 01:47 PMSlashACM Wrote: What was the theme of your sweet 16 party
i actually didn't have a sweet 16 party contrary to popular opinion. i more or less had a full weekend of celebration and then monday happened and i was like "cool im 16 now thats great". friday i saw sonic the movie with my irl best friends (including toronto north stars legend gotta love honors bio). saturday i went into princeton with my (girl)friend, and we bought books and CDs and shit it was fun. sunday i had a prebirthday dinner and then monday i actually turned 16. woop

02-27-2020, 01:48 PMluketd Wrote: why did you mom let you on the computer at 16
because my parents are cool and trendy gamers who appreciate that i am a gamer guy and allow me to pursue my dreams of being a true internet legend/gamer guy hall of famer

02-27-2020, 02:00 PMcpetrella Wrote: can you change your name back to newjerseyball?

that shit will never happen ever again and when i created said username at the tender age of 13 i was quite frankly a simp
i've learned the errors of my ways and am now relatively proud of my username

02-27-2020, 02:05 PMJSS Wrote: if the mandem calls you a bean, wyd
well if the mandem calls me a bean i either agree because sometimes man do be right doe
if i dont agree i shank him innit for being a wee bloody wanker and insulting me

02-27-2020, 02:28 PMartermis Wrote: I joined the site when I was 15.

I am now 21.

How this make you feel  Hmm

well i joined at 13 so i have you beat there but holy shit you've been on for SIX YEARS HOLY SHIT. that's a pretty long-ass time so props to you for being able to stick through six years eh? you must've seen some shit while on here lmao

02-28-2020, 12:43 AMGrapehead Wrote: my lil bloos growing up
i truly am grape, and probably have whilst under your tutelage as San Francisco general manager. would’ve been better IF YOU PICKED ME but you went and passed on me instead so now i have joe and tdz to act as my “parents”.

02-28-2020, 02:06 AMCapt_Blitzkrieg Wrote: Happy belated birthday, Bloos. You seem like a good guy. Keep up the good work.
thanks! I try my best. you also seem like a good person based off of the times we’ve talked before, keep up the good work friend and you’ll hit 2k in no time

02-28-2020, 06:15 PMMika_Kandinsky Wrote: C'mon, you're twelve!
excuse me i am sixteen years old buddy
to be serious for a second, ive been through enough shit making fun of me because of my young age amongst members of the site (will not mention who, but you know who you are), i'd like most of that shit to stop unless its fairly lighthearted like this

02-28-2020, 06:20 PMBDonini Wrote: how does it feel to be the second best person to join the site at 13 (after me ofc)
well here's the debate
have i ever gone ia? no i dont think so
did i ever get suspended? yes so we are even there, good job donini and bloos
have i ever lost my account password? no but eggy once deleted my update thread so id say were even there too
basically we are tied thank you very much

02-28-2020, 07:35 PMSerpe x 13 Wrote: When did u first think that girls are ugly
well when i was like a fucking toddler i was definitely in the mindset of "yo fuck girls im just gonna spend the rest of my life wit da boys" but now i find them attractive, and i may or may not have a girlfriend :eyes:

02-28-2020, 07:39 PMLeppish Wrote: How does it feel to be young with springy bones and not old with wet bones?
good because i know i have at least 14 more years of me being a hip young kool kid with springy bones that allow me to be relatively athletic in at least three sports. then i'll get arthritis like most of my relatives and be a boomer by age 35

02-28-2020, 08:52 PMAce Wrote: so proud of you
thanks ace
ive grinded for a while with mvdh to hopefully become the best player in my class. now i dont know if thats gonna happen but with a class as relatively weak as mine i'd say that i've got a good chance. it also kind of gives me a chance to look back at the draft and how i kind of alienated at least 4 teams away and told one to outright not pick me which was pretty immature, so i kind of decided "you know what, to get the respect i feel i deserve im just gonna work hard and prove why shl gms are dumb sometimes". i mean it already kind of looks bad on some gms that i went 13th yet broke 600 so i mean i guess ive started already so goob job self

RE: turned 16 ama - SlashACM - 02-27-2020

What was the theme of your sweet 16 party

RE: turned 16 ama - luke - 02-27-2020

why did you mom let you on the computer at 16

RE: turned 16 ama - trella - 02-27-2020

can you change your name back to newjerseyball?

RE: turned 16 ama - JSS - 02-27-2020

if the mandem calls you a bean, wyd

RE: turned 16 ama - artermis - 02-27-2020

I joined the site when I was 15.

I am now 21.

How this make you feel Hmm

RE: turned 16 ama - Grapehead - 02-28-2020

my lil bloos growing up

RE: turned 16 ama - _Blitz_ - 02-28-2020

Happy belated birthday, Bloos. You seem like a good guy. Keep up the good work.

RE: turned 16 ama - Mika_Kandinsky - 02-28-2020

C'mon, you're twelve!

RE: turned 16 ama - BDonini - 02-28-2020

how does it feel to be the second best person to join the site at 13 (after me ofc)

RE: turned 16 ama - Serpe x 13 - 02-28-2020

When did u first think that girls are ugly

RE: turned 16 ama - Leppish - 02-28-2020

How does it feel to be young with springy bones and not old with wet bones?

RE: turned 16 ama - Ace - 02-28-2020

so proud of you