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Interview with Calvin Hobbes (2x draft media) - Printable Version

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Interview with Calvin Hobbes (2x draft media) - krazko - 07-17-2020

(2x Draft media)

With the SMJHL draft fast approaching the excitement is building for hockey fans, GMs, and players about to be drafted!
We have scored an exciting first interview with the rookie centre Calvin Hobbes!

Calvin is born in Sweden where he has spent his entire career so far. He has been schooled in the prestigious Frölunda Indians who have provided talents such as Henrik “The King” Lundqvist, Erik Karlsson and most recently Rasmus Dahlin!

Interviewer: Hi Calvin! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to speak to us!
Calvin: Hi! Thank you for doing this interview with me!
Interviewer:  Please tell us about yourself, your early career, and dreams.

Calvin: I grew up on the west coast of Sweden where I started my hockey career when I was around 2-3 years old. As my father was already playing hockey, I was nagging him to bring me to the rink so I could play as well! I played around in local teams until I joined Frölundas junior squad.
We have had a really good team with Frölunda and I have enjoyed playing here immensely. But now it is time to take the next step!
The dream has always been to one day play in SMJHL and then move up onto the SHL. And now I am at a point where I could be drafted, I cannot believe it.
In my off time, like a lot of hockey players, I like to play golf, hang out with friends, and have a good time!
Interviewer: It is so interesting hearing about how players started their career and what has lead them to this point in time Now, please do tell me, did you have any idols growing up, someone who influenced you and helped you have the playstyle and position you have today? What would you say your playstyle is? Your strengths and weaknesses?

Calvin: As a Swede, Peter Forsberg is one of the greats and I have always admired his ability to deliver perfect passes and set up plays that no-one else could see. In more recent time, the Sedins and their connection is something else that have always inspired me.
Throughout my career I have always loved setting up a teammate with an empty net, or an opportunity for a perfect one-timer. Almost more than scoring myself which have sometimes annoyed my coaches as there may sometimes be a pass too many!
I ended up playing centre by pure chance, I was put in the position as a kid, had a knack for face-offs and the centre position offers me the freedom I both enjoy and which suits my playstyle of controlling the flow of the game an setting up team-mates for good scoring opportunities.
I have tried to mirror my (playmaking) playstyle from Forsberg, but have not gone into the physical aspect of the game he thrived in.
Regarding my strengths and weaknesses, I will let other people comment on that. I will just do my best on the ice, trying to win the games and improve during practices!
If others are impressed or disappointed, that will stand for them and they can comment on it.
Interviewer: That is very interesting. What are your thoughts on the upcoming draft, and do you have any preference when it comes to which team will draft you?

Calvin: I am both very excited and nervous, about the coming draft! As I said earlier, it would be a dream come true being drafted.
I’m hoping I can be there for the live process, but as the timing is a bit unfortunate, I’m not sure I will be in a position to join live, which is a bit of a shame as that would have only made the experience even better!
I have no preference in which team will pick me, I am just so excited to be in this position and want to make the most out of it!
Interviewer: Following on from the previous question, where do you think you will go in the draft?

Calvin: I have no expectations for that, I’m just hoping I get picked by a team that I will fit in and where I can meet some good people, have a good time and also improve as a player!
Having said that though, I have been contacted by a few teams which has been a nice touch and makes you feel more excited and appreciated as a player and person!
Additionally, it is an exciting one as it coincides with the expansion draft, meaning teams will be more pressed to look for certain type of players depending on who they will lose or retain during the expansion!
Interviewer: What teams have contacted you so far and thoughts on those teams?

Calvin: So far, I have been contacted by 4 teams and it would be quite nice to be picked up early by one of those teams since they have reached out, made contact, and introduced themselves!
First it was the Vancouver Whalers!
They seem to be a remarkably interesting team that finished 9th and 10th in the SMJHL the past two seasons, but from what I have heard have a very promising core of players from the last two drafts to build around.
As it seems, with the Whalers not losing any players (apart from the expansion draft) they already have a solid core which can make it more difficult to take a spot in the team. However, with the young core it would be interesting for me to join and see if I can help the team achieve better positions and potentially win the Four Star Cup.
With long tenure in the league they have amassed a long and a very interesting history and it would be very flattering to be part of one of the teams that have been around since the start!
Secondly it was the previous Whalers main rival, the Kelowna Knights!
From my understanding, they have an older, more established team that had an impressive regular season last year but was knocked out during the second round of the play-offs.
Their centre squad is impressive, and it can be extremely difficult to take a spot in the team, will depend on the expansion draft. But with their recent success and impressive season it would be a joy to join the team and try to do my best in raising the Four Star Cup already next season!
Another interesting candidate that have also been around for a long time with a tradition of winning and impressively won the Four Star Cup in their first season!
Third team to contact me were the reigning champions, Carolina Kraken!
With them having won the cup last season, it is no surprise a lot of their talent will depart for the big league. Luckily for me, 2 of the players departing are centres there could potentially be a spot for myself! With their recent success, it is a fun and exciting challenge trying to retain the position of the club and potentially going for a back to back championship win!
With them having won last season it is a very interesting team and it would be an honour to join!
Last team that have contacted me so far Detroit Falcons.
The newest team of the lot that will lose a big portion of their players to call-ups. I assume they will have to rebuild, which makes it very interesting as a new player!
From the speculations surrounding the expansion draft, it seems likely they will only have 2 centres on their roster which is a perfect opportunity for me or any other centre they will pick up!
Interviewer: A final question from me before I will let you go. Any thoughts on the teams that have not reached out to you?

Calvin: No, I believe everyone is busy and I am not that well known since I’m a new name. I’m just excited and glad some teams contacted me. Now I just want to enjoy the rest of the time and get starting once the weekend comes!

Interviewer: Thank you for your time and good luck in the draft Calvin!

Calvin: Thank you very much for doing this interview with me!

(1375 words)

RE: Interview with Calvin Hobbes (2x draft media) - roastpuff - 07-17-2020

Great article but one question - what are your feelings on pickle juice and surstromming?

RE: Interview with Calvin Hobbes (2x draft media) - ThisSeemsFishy - 07-17-2020

So is half of his game all in his head then?

RE: Interview with Calvin Hobbes (2x draft media) - krazko - 07-18-2020

07-17-2020, 01:17 PMThisSeemsFishy Wrote: So is half of his game all in his head then?

Well prepared mental game to remain focused! Wink

07-17-2020, 12:47 PMroastpuff Wrote: Great article but one question - what are your feelings on pickle juice and surstromming?


RE: Interview with Calvin Hobbes (2x draft media) - Zema - 07-18-2020

07-17-2020, 12:47 PMroastpuff Wrote: Great article but one question - what are your feelings on pickle juice and surstromming?

Puffer, don't give him any ideas now okay?