Simulation Hockey League
S56 Interested Prospects Thread - Printable Version

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S56 Interested Prospects Thread - nour - 09-09-2020

Hey there! If you're new, welcome to the site, and if you're a recreate, welcome back!

I'm nour, Head GM of the Detroit Falcons! The Falcons are coming off a few rebuilding seasons, but with our core improving and reaching their peak, we're looking at this draft to acquire the next generation of young players for Detroit so we can support our current group, chase for a title, and of course set ourselves up well for the future once the current core begins to age out. We're very close on putting the right pieces together to compete as early as this coming season, and we'd love for you to be a part of that!

Detroit is one of the most fun and active locker rooms on the site, and its really important for us to find the best people possible to fit our team, be it on the ice during games or off the ice as a group of friends. Below are some questions that'll help us get to know you better and see if you'd be a good fit for our group! Just copy this questions and answer them in your reply!

[b]Do you have any previous sim league experience?[/b]

[b]How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?[/b]/size]

[b]What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?[/b]

[b]You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J? [/b]

[b]Our team typically uses Discord to communicate, do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?[/b]

[b]If you're new to the site, we understand that you may not have a preference on which team you end up on just yet, so what are you looking for in a team locker room? For recreates, do you have any interest in being a Falcon?[/b]

[b]Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?[/b]

[b]Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?[/b]

[b]Share your best joke or meme[/b]

Beyond these questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me, either here or on Discord (nour#1420) if you have any questions pertaining to the site, the draft, the Falcons, or anything else! Thanks so much for answering and best of luck in the coming SMJHL Draft!

RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - Allegiant - 09-09-2020

Do you have any previous sim league experience? Yes. SHL/SBA mostly.

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis? A decent amount, but it depends on the week.

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into? Favourite team, Colorado. I do a lot of reading and gaming and as far as chips go I guess cool ranch Doritos.

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J? It all depends on my team to be honest. I imagine 3 but if my team needed me in 2 or didn't need me until 5 then I would go with that.

Our team typically uses Discord to communicate, do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it? I use Discord.

If you're new to the site, we understand that you may not have a preference on which team you end up on just yet, so what are you looking for in a team locker room? For recreates, do you have any interest in being a Falcon? Sure. I'll play for whatever team drafts me.

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft? My player skates fast.

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)? King K. Rool

Share your best joke or meme STHS

RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - Waters - 09-09-2020

Do you have any previous sim league experience?

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
i stare at wall a la kimmy for 16 hours a day

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
preferably 6

Our team typically uses Discord to communicate, do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?
discord is for furries

If you're new to the site, we understand that you may not have a preference on which team you end up on just yet, so what are you looking for in a team locker room? For recreates, do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
i would say the falcons are the team i hate the most of my top 1 most liked teams

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?
fat cock fat ass fat body

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?
its applicable

Share your best joke or meme
What's the deal with airplane food?

RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - Calliope - 09-09-2020

Do you have any previous sim league experience?

I do not have sim league experience.

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]

I have a decent amount of free time that I can spend on the SHL, generally at least 5 hours of flexible time per week.

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?

I am a freelance writer, so writing takes up a significant amount of my time. I adore barbecue potato chips. I support the Avs!

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?

I would like to be useful to teams, so the time I will spend in the junior league will depend on where I will be most useful!

Our team typically uses Discord to communicate, do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?

I created my discord for SHL, so I am very open to using it. I must confess that I am not the best with remembering to check discord quite yet, but I am working to improve.

If you're new to the site, we understand that you may not have a preference on which team you end up on just yet, so what are you looking for in a team locker room? For recreates, do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
I am looking to join a locker room that is friendly and helpful! I do not have any big preferences apart from that.

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?

I do not think so! I'm excited to start my time in the league.

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?

I have only ever played Smash casually, but generally like to play as Peach.

Share your best joke or meme

What’s the best thing about Switzerland?

I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.

RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - spooked - 09-09-2020

Do you have any previous sim league experience?
Yeah, with SHL for a few years. Tried a few other things, but none of them felt quite the same to be real.
How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]
Enough for weekly stuff and as much as is needed to keep up with the other things. I have enough time to do everything i need to, and will probably add a bit more than that as well if I am free.
What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
Working mon-fri, gaming regularly, watching hockey, F1, premier league sometimes too. Cheer for the sens, most games I play now are paradox or other strategy kind of games, too lazy for anything too involved tbh. Not picky with chips.
You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
No idea, would be reliant on the teams chances as well as my role and my senior teams openings also. I don't want to get called up just to be deep in the lineup on a losing team playing low minutes, but I wouldn't want to stay down for too long if the situation was getting too bad either.
Our team typically uses Discord to communicate, do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?
Yeah I use it a lot already
If you're new to the site, we understand that you may not have a preference on which team you end up on just yet, so what are you looking for in a team locker room? For recreates, do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
I always saw the falcons as a team to beat, I would not be against playing for them, but it is a weird thought at first. If it happens, it happens, nothing too bothered about that.
Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?
I am big chungus
Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?
Share your best joke or meme
Wen Baters

RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - Jepox - 09-09-2020

Do you have any previous sim league experience?

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]
Quite a bit

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
I'm in uni so school now. I've been playing a lot of civ 6 and CK3 lately, hickory sticks, Leafs.

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
Probably 3.

Our team typically uses Discord to communicate, do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?

If you're new to the site, we understand that you may not have a preference on which team you end up on just yet, so what are you looking for in a team locker room? For recreates, do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
I'd be open to it

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?
Not that I can think of

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?
I don't play

Share your best joke or meme

RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - Demolish - 09-09-2020

Do you have any previous sim league experience?

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]
2-4 hours I guess

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
Fritos favorite chips and the Habs favorite NHL team

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
Whenever Iam ready to move on up

Our team typically uses Discord to communicate, do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?
yes #9053 but not sure how available i will be

If you're new to the site, we understand that you may not have a preference on which team you end up on just yet, so what are you looking for in a team locker room? For recreates, do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
Straight to business and win

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?
I started 3 days ago

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?

Share your best joke or meme

RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - 3lewsers - 09-09-2020

1. Yes, I have been in the ISFL & PBE for multiple seasons.
2. 5 to 10 hours
3. Working. Rocket League. Doritos. San Jose Sharks
4. 2 to 3 seasons at most in the minors
5. Yes, I use discord every day.
6. I just want to be part of a positive locker room, and help the team win.
7. I am consistent TPE earner, and a loyal teammate.
8. n/a
9. Best joke...

RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - Snuffalupagus - 09-09-2020

Do you have any previous sim league experience?
I was in the SHL during S30 up until S40~? I think?

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?
69 hours.

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
I've got a couple jobs that keep me kinda busy. I'm a Jets fan, but I also just love hockey and I hope that everyone has fun. And NO ONE gets pregnant.

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
I have no preference for time spent in the juniors. I just like to have fun and talk to people!

Our team typically uses Discord to communicate, do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?

If you're new to the site, we understand that you may not have a preference on which team you end up on just yet, so what are you looking for in a team locker room? For recreates, do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
Sure! I'll be a Falcon, if you'll have me. Don't halve me, though.

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?
There's a bomb!!!!!!!!!!

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?
Luigi - 64

Share your best joke or meme

RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - TheFlash - 09-09-2020

Do you have any previous sim league experience?

Lots. Been doing sim leagues for close to 15 years. In the VHL/SBA currently.

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]

Plenty! I’ve got two young kids but lots of down time at night plus I do a lot of my updating stuff at work

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?

My month old son and two year old daughter keep me busy. When I’m not with them, i love watching sports and just hanging out really. Favourite chips would be Sweet Chilli Heat Doritos. I’m a life long Blues fan.

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?

I think 3 is a good number. As you said, you guys are a high end team right now, so hypothetically if you drafted me, I’d probably be playing limited minutes in year one. I’d like a few seasons of being a top player before I make the jump.

Our team typically uses Discord to communicate, do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?

Use it lots. Bluesflash#4587

If you're new to the site, we understand that you may not have a preference on which team you end up on just yet, so what are you looking for in a team locker room? For recreates, do you have any interest in being a Falcon?

I definitely have interest. I’ve been a Raptor and a Whaler, would love to add Falcon to that list!

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?

Just that I’m a good teammate and I think I’d be a great addition to your team!

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?

I’m an old school guy, N64 baby. Used to play it a lot. I was a big Link guy, maybe Captain Falcon. FALCON PUUUNCH

Share your best joke or meme

Oh man, it wouldn’t be appropriate I’m sure.

RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - aleks - 09-09-2020

Do you have any previous sim league experience?

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]
solid 30 minutes to an hour a day or so on the site itself, more on disc

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
i play siege, my favourite team are the canucks. my favourite chip is sweet chili heat.

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
i would most likely spend 2 to 3 seasons but if the possibility of winning a cup appears if I stay, I'm fine with staying

Our team typically uses Discord to communicate, do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?
yes, aleks#7777

If you're new to the site, we understand that you may not have a preference on which team you end up on just yet, so what are you looking for in a team locker room? For recreates, do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
i have interest in becoming a falcon

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?

Share your best joke or meme

RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - ToeDragon84 - 09-09-2020

Do you have any previous sim league experience?
sometimes if I remember who I am
How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]
I can't predict accurately enough to put a number that doesn't conflict with my soul deeply
What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
im addicted to weed and coffee and and and and and and. Eating a bunch of bananas to see how many of the strings I can eat at once, Pita, Coyotes lol
You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
Our team typically uses Discord to communicate, do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?
maybe maybe okay

RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - Ruggsy - 09-09-2020

Do you have any previous sim league experience?
Very briefly was part of another league, Got drafted, got a job and never saw ice time before it went on hiatus

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]
a lot

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
Definitely enjoy games, mainly sim/management games. Favorite chips is easily lays sour cream and onion. The islanders

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
As long as I can

Our team typically uses Discord to communicate, do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?
I love discord and will happily be a part of the LR

If you're new to the site, we understand that you may not have a preference on which team you end up on just yet, so what are you looking for in a team locker room? For recreates, do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
A good group of people to talk about SHL and really anything. Nice to have a tight nit community that is still SHL related, but where its easier to be familiar with everyone.

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?
I honestly hate smash. I'll play mario kart any day of the week though

Share your best joke or meme

sometimes I photoshop large bosoms onto islanders players as a meme for our discord but I don't think I should post that here

RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - SewingWithNancy - 09-09-2020

- Nope, complete noob

- probably about 4 or 5 hours. 30 minutes here or there.

-Board games, bikes, flaming hot cheetos, Colorado Avalanche

- No idea, so i dont think i can answer this.

- Goober-Patrol#0457

- no idea what to expect, probs good banter

- I dont think so


RE: S56 Interested Prospects Thread - Price0906 - 09-10-2020

1. no i don’t 
2. i have a lot of spare time honestly so quite a lot
3. doing college stuff, playing games, working out. pretty boring standard stuff lmao
4. whatever time people think is the best i don’t mind
5. i use discord hmu zzzach#0528
6. not really
7. i haven’t played in a minute but it was bowser
8. look i never said i was funny