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SMJHL Travels to Mordor: Day 41 - Printable Version

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SMJHL Travels to Mordor: Day 41 - Chevy - 01-19-2022

The fabric,

The fog bank was thick and cold.  The glow from the campfire was now just a small shimmer and despite the party being in close proximity to it, the radiant heat was all but gone.  Sticks were grabbed.  Pots, pans, fists...anything that could be a weapon at the time was prepared as everything swirled and enveloped the group of GM's.

"Something just touched me!" cried Jess, her back pressed against one of the poles propping up the tent.

"What was that!" yelled Fluw as a shadow seemed to stop and stare at him, only for a fleeting moment before disappearing back into the mist.

"I don't like this!" trembled Yosh, eyes darting left and right hoping to see something.

"The fabric is not free.  It is time to pay." boomed a chorus of disembodied voices that seemed to echo from every possible direction.  High, low, in front of and behind the GM's.  It seemed impossible that there were so many, and yet nobody there at all.  Then, it happened.

Pay the voice seemed to whisper in everyone's ear, as if standing right next to them.  The chilling statement was followed by a muffled scream and then silence.

"Hello!?" shouted Geek, trying to get an idea of what just happened.   "Call out if you hear me!"

"I hear you" replied Aleris.
"Geek!" shouted Ruggsy.  "What's happening!" he shouted, swinging a frying pan wildly.
"What the hell is going on!" shouted Ragnar.
"I don't know!, but we need to get out of here!" shouted Geek, blindly as he could not see his friends.

"Over here, this way!" shouted Toast.  "There's a trail leading this way that doesn't seem to have much fog!   Follow my voice"

"Who is that?  Toast?" shouted Sve7en as he began walking in the direction of Toast's voice.  Just then, another muffled cry was heard causing everyone to freeze in their tracks.

"Keep moving!" shouted Geek.   "Toast, call out again!"

"This way!" Toast bellowed as he started trying to make as much racket as he could.   The others could hear him, barely and made their way toward the noise.   As they grew closer, Toast was making enough racket that nobody could hear two more muffled screams.  As Toast started hearing the others getting closer, he also noticed that the fog was following them onto the path.

"Its following us!  Run!" screamed Toast as he turned and started darting down the path in the darkness.  The others too followed suit using what little moonlight they had available they disappeared into the mountain and the darkness.  Over stone and root they ran, and tripped and ran some more as fear was their divining force.  Lungs ached as heartbeats boomed in their ears while adrenaline surged to try and keep them alive from their unknown foe. As they ran, the trail seemed to disappear into nothing.  While there still seemed to be a passage through this mountain, it became seemingly more hostile.  Pebbles on the ground grew to rocks that grew to mountable boulders.  Moonlight seemed to blink in and out of existence under the reaching grasp of ancient rootworks of long deceased trees.  What was their path of escape, soon began to feel like a path of demise:  cold and bleak.  The fear of what was behind them however was a much more devoted driving force and as the group of GM's persisted, they soon found themselves tumbling and emerging onto a river bed that looked, in the distance to flow into a marshland.  As they stood on the edge of the draw from whence they came, a ghastly whisper in the form of a breeze whisked through and carried a dreadful message...

"Payment, has been made..." 

They each heard it, and it was disturbing enough to make even the most chiseled GM shiver.  That's when they noticed...people missing.  Fluw, Jess, Ragnar and Kale were nowhere to be found amongst the company and the gut turning panic feeling ensnared them all.

"Where are they!?" cried Evok as she looked helplessly at the others.

Nobody knew and their morale was shaken.  Some mysterious thing had just happened.  Middle Earth was supposed to be pretty well safe after thousands of years, but still now...people were missing and now they had left their wagon...their horses...their food even behind.  Things indeed, looked bleak for the fellowship.  

"Yosh.  Do you recognize where we are?" asked Geekusoid.

"Not really.  I do know we're nowhere near Moria, that's further south.  There shouldn't have been a passage through the mountain as far as I could tell."

"What's that?" said Thunder walking toward an ivy covered memorial with Nham.  The two of them proceeded to rip the ivy down.  Se7ven joined them and struck a match to try and read the memorial better.

Here marketh the spot in which Isildur fell.  The debt by man paid and the ring of power lost.
Picked up later by Deagol, murdered by his cousin.  The legend of the Lord of the Rings began here.
Gladden Fields.

"Gladden fields.  I don't like this place" Yosh commented as he and Geekusoid proceeded to tie in where they were at in relation to the histories of Middle Earth.  It was indeed, a dark place.

"So what's next?" questioned Se7ven.  "We can't continue on with the others missing now!"  He was very agitated in a mixture of emotions.

"No, we can't." replied Geek, wiping tears from his eyes over his missing friends and pulling out the glowing puck.  "I wish this damn thing hadn't shown up." he continued before placing it back into an interior pocket of his coat.  "H.O gave me a GM task though, and while none of you have to finish it.  I will.  You should all find the others and figure out what the hell that fog was, and if its something that can be gooned up...goon it up!"

"Wait up Geek" shouted Toast.  "I'll go with you.  If I remember anything from the movies, there should be lots of woods ahead.  I happen to know a thing or two about trees."

"Hell.  I'll keep going too" sighed Aleris, stepping over next to Geek and Toast.  "More sticks means more roughhousing right?"

"If you're going to goon someone up, there has to be Berserkers present" grumbled Nham as he motioned for Yosh to come too.

That left Evok, Sev7en, Thunder, and Ruggsy.  "You continue on", said Thunder.  "We'll go get our friends, and thunderdome the morons that took them."

All of the remaining GM's looked at each other and nodded approvingly, a few giving each other a thumbs up.  So now, as the fellowship of the ring did all those centuries ago, so too does the Fellowship of the Puck find itself split on two different objectives, each with their own great importance.

[Image: QeAzsLT.jpg]

RE: SMJHL Travels to Mordor: Day 41 - sköldpaddor - 01-20-2022

am i dead i don't want to be dead