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The Return.... - Printable Version

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The Return.... - Rabidsponge21 - 09-12-2023

What has been what seems like forever for the 1st sim league I joined ever - I think its about time to return for another go.

Now it may come to many people surprise that I made another Defense man because I like to branch out and try new things 100%.

What is new since I last logged in around S64? S65? I see Hamilton has stopped stacking titles for once - so congrats too the rest of the league for that.

I think the best thing to do as a quick media would be a team ranking based solely on how much I like the teams right?

What role would I like to fill this time around with my player? Don't care really - whatever someone needs as long as I can have build help. I will TRY to max earn but at the very least will do all tasks I can. I can't promise equipment every season but will be trying as well as all the bigger side tasks.

Without anymore delay here we go (please keep in mind this is a piece to have some fun with - so please GMs dont take all the words too much to heart).

Top Tier

Timber - You know the timber had to be fairly high on the list since I am an alumni (as indicated by my currently outdated signature) and I see they currently are rocking it in the minors which is awesome to see. Looking at the GMs though I think I might know the name Southpaw but am not 100% familiar with the user. Roster players? I recognize AK41 - Matty86 - JR95 (who is this scrub!?) - Redcape (former GM!). The last 2 are straight wins for me.

Whalers - The 1st ever team I played for in my SHL life in S30. Can't forget the OG and will always hold a spot in my heart. I know Armthesharks from PBE and using their inactive corpse for my team I think haha. Roster wise - I see Shiamiss, Whikadoodle, infidel, kit, durden - so at least a few know names

Knights - As much as I remember hating the knights way back when - I still love the branding - if you can tell there is a trend here with the team colours (I love green) so Kelowna gets a big thumbs up in my books - I know both Gms as well so thats a plus - G2019 - Cptsquall - Crazylemire - Jiggly are all names I remember from some of the sim league stuff but might not have directly interacted with myself.

Battleborn - Dude - sick AF colour scheme it really POPS - I am in love. Logo is hella dope as well. I think I know both Gms as well so thats a plus - roster wise? Caltroit (winning) - Aeonsjenni - jsteele (bum) - I could be excited just thinking of being able to use this teams colours for sigs and avatars graphics.

High -Mid Tier

Armada - Pretty sick logo - decent colours - I know Johnson by name GM wise - roster? Jepox - KenitohMenara - MMFLEX - kinda of a lesser know group for me - but teams theme still stands out - so thumbs up from me.

Citadelles - What was Evoks baby I think originally - concept and logo are unique - not my favourite overall but its not Colorado/ Yukon levels of bad. Bonus points for a quebec team - plus I know both Gms - roster wise - Dangazone - Dylan - TonyW - Bauer (Stinky) - Hordle - on second though since Bauer is here I might need to drop a tier.

Elk - There is something just so...unique about this teams colours and logo - it kinda slaps in its own special way - probably just outside of the top tier for me cause it is a bit weird still overall to my eyes - but I am feeling it a bit. I know both Gms so thats a plus - Roster wise we have - Psanchez55 - Leafs4ever - KC15 - BOJO (THE LEGEND!!!!) - Hannahg32 - Bayley (Biggest bum) - Zeagle - oh yeah @ Reno/ Yosh - hi how are you? Have some draft picks?

Low Mid tier

Grizzlies - Team layout isnt the worst - the logo for me is over detailed if that makes sense? So many lines its almost hard to see. Colours are not bad though. I know of each GM name wise - roster wise Kenvald - Puoli - Trella - Citizen - Takethe - Jorec - Hoppy - wow I know a lot of people from this team! Would actually be fun to maybe join this group.

Falcons - Logo is good - its mostly the colour - not a big fan of pure red. Don't really know the GMs - Roster wise we have Dankoa - RaidtheArcade - Boomcheck - not a no from me, but still lower mid tier

Berserkers - Weird logo - its the mustache I think that throws me off - colours are alright - GMs no idea who either are. Roster wise? - I recognize - Justice - jj2416 - Tylar - Coswi - Rindiee - most are just by name though and not so much I KNOW them.

Bottom Tier

Scarecrows - The logo is cool but the abundance of yellow is a no bueno. Its not a flat out no? But still doesnt jive with me. Sparky I know from PBE I took over his failing franchise - BANA - Alaska - enig are the 3 names I know - enig was great during the platoon days #neverforgetpushkin

Kraken - Just not a fan of the kit in general - but I do remember Sve7evns podcast where it involved sleeveless shirts all the time - that still a thing? St4rface as the guy who spammed me a few times with their demo albums - Mattstro seems familiar from PBE - but it ends about there. Not a lot going for the Kraken and me on a connection level

Malamutes - What is this logo? The dog looks like its seen some shit - like for real PTSD as they relive the traumas of its life over and over. The colours are not ideal either - the blue is nice but red seems off to me. Badwolf was a HO member at some point right? I know HFFO and thats about it - team is general is really sub mid.

Raptors - Team colours aren't bad at all - actually kind of cool - its the logo - looks like a clip art for a kids book not a hockey logo. Only 1 GM right now? Probably not good and I mostly know NYR as someone who ghosts fairly often - Roster wise we have Will3 - dac - slim pickings.

RE: The Return.... - PapaSorin - 09-12-2023

Don't sleep on the Grizz. Let's see of you can hang with the Hillbilly, Billy Hill.

RE: The Return.... - hhh81 - 09-12-2023


RE: The Return.... - DrunkenTeddy - 09-12-2023

Man rabid, you really poopin on my logo making ability, harsh. Hi though how goes?

RE: The Return.... - aleks - 09-12-2023

09-12-2023, 10:19 PMRabidsponge21 Wrote: Whalers  - The 1st ever team I played for in my SHL life in S30. Can't forget the OG and will always hold a spot in my heart. I know Armthesharks from PBE and using their inactive corpse for my team I think haha. Roster wise - I see Shiamiss, Whikadoodle, infidel, kit, durden - so at least a few know names

thanks i guess sadge

RE: The Return.... - Seany148 - 09-12-2023

So I got bad news for you
I ate the shark and am now blåhaj

RE: The Return.... - sliceruser - 09-13-2023

Kraken are beauties, and the Gms sve7en and frenchie are cuties :D

RE: The Return.... - Wally - 09-13-2023

I need more on how Kanu Takmehiur Is better than Mikkel Enevoldsen though?

RE: The Return.... - Rabidsponge21 - 09-13-2023

09-12-2023, 11:43 PMDrunkenTeddy Wrote: Man rabid, you really poopin on my logo making ability, harsh. Hi though how goes?

All in good fun - I couldnt make a logo from scratch to save my life - so I do always respect any made to be OG.

Good good - I am primarily over in the ol PBE - dabble a bit as a quiet user in ISFL - and have a 6 month old now.

How is the ol DT?

RE: The Return.... - Rabidsponge21 - 09-13-2023

09-13-2023, 05:09 AMWally Wrote: I need more on how Kanu Takmehiur Is better than Mikkel Enevoldsen though?

I would measure the length with arms wide open

RE: The Return.... - Bayley - 09-13-2023

09-12-2023, 10:19 PMRabidsponge21 Wrote: Bayley (Biggest bum)
[Image: giphy.gif]

RE: The Return.... - Reno - 09-13-2023


RE: The Return.... - Frenchie - 09-13-2023

We talked yesterday, I guess I never made it known I was Carolina's co! Welcome back!

RE: The Return.... - Rabidsponge21 - 09-13-2023

09-13-2023, 09:03 AMBayley Wrote: [Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: 15f48e9820ac50c263930a8fd45619d282f0553a.gif]

RE: The Return.... - trella - 09-13-2023

Welcome back!!