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Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - Printable Version

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Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - sköldpaddor - 01-28-2024

man there's a bunch of us who've hit this milestone lately eh? Anyway, I figured I would be a copycat and do a little presser of my own, because I like to be interrogated. mwah mwah kiss kiss ask away.

(the full five year manifesto is over here I just separated them so all those people wouldn't get pinged every time I answer a question here)

01-28-2024, 03:04 PMspidey Wrote: Who is on your Mount Rushmore of players and who is your Mount Rushmore of users?
I will give you my Mount Rushmore of Nevada players - I think that’s Melvin Majestik-Moose, Adelie de Pengu, Alexi Piastri, and Bender Junior. It’s hard for me to narrow it down to four, but I’ll keep it to two founding members of the Jess-and-Aleris era in Nevada, and two record-breakers.

Users, well, I’m not going to pick favorites out of my friends so I’m gonna pick some people I think the site literally couldn’t currently run without, so that’s gonna be DrunkenTeddy, Luke, Finn, and Jase.

What has been the best job you have been a part of in the SHL?
I love all my jobs, or I wouldn’t do them (except merch store which I am just doing because I can’t find anyone else to do it lol), but the one that is most good feelings without any accompanying bad feelings is easily rookie mentor. I love helping people find their way on the site, helping them figure stuff out and seeing them find teams and get excited about things.

Best decision you made as a part of Head office?
Well, the number one thing to mention here, I think, is that no one person makes any decision in head office. Commissioner votes don’t count for any more than other HO members’ votes, so I can’t take credit for any decision all on my own. And honestly, I’m not usually the person pitching the great ideas - I’m the person who does most of the speechwriting and cleaning stuff up. But I think any time we can do anything that helps make communication better between SHL/SMJHL GMs, that always feels like a nice accomplishment. I hate that there is ever any tension between these groups because they are both so important for the overall health of the site, and anything we can do to help facilitate communication and make things run more smoothly for both sets of GMs, that’s always a win in my book.

What has been your biggest achievement in the SHL as a coach/GM and a player?
That season in Nevada when we swept the entire playoffs, that was pretty special. Got some fingers pointed at me and some cheating accusations leveled at me for it, but I knew the truth, and everybody in my war room knew the truth (which was that we just caught an insane streak of FHM blessing and just rode it out and enjoyed it with our amazing active roster at the time), and it was just so fun to watch our players get so excited about it.

What comes next after retirement?
Once Lias retires in a few seasons, I already have my next create planned out, don’t you worry.

01-28-2024, 03:23 PMJexter Wrote: Favorite DnD class?
Paladin all day, bb. I love casters but I also enjoy not being the squishiest squish, and pally gives me the best of both worlds.

01-28-2024, 03:46 PMAleris Wrote: Go to BG3 build?
STILL PALADIN. I generally just make my D&D characters, and most of those are paladins.

@Lime  @JURT @aleks

My favorite fruit spread is anything peach, and if peach is not available, strawberry. Please no tough jammy hide though. 

My favorite jam as in song is This River Is Wild by the Killers. I have some of it tattooed on my right arm.

01-29-2024, 09:45 AMBy-Tor Wrote: Feel free to answer all, none, or some:

Test simming ban: love or hate?
Personally, I love it. I was never one of those GMs with a huge war room of people who could test for me, I had to do it all on my own and it was miserable. I’ll take the randomness of no expectations over “I tested up to 99% win rate and I still got absolutely obliterated and now I feel like I wasted three hours of my life I’ll never get back”. I do deeply, deeply wish that OOTP would give us an in-game testing module the way the baseball game has - I would be back in favor of testing in a heartbeat if we had that, because it’s so easy and convenient to just churn out a thousand seasons worth of data or whatever with just a couple button clicks. But as long as we only have the “copy the file a million times” methods, testing can stay gone.

I know you to be one of the best coaches in the league, if not THE hardest working. Where do you place yourself compared to the other coaches of the league? Any friendly rivalries or foes?
STOP that’s so incredibly nice. I honestly don’t know if you can really rank coaches. There’s definitely some who put in more effort, and some who just take the “Jesus take the wheel” approach, but I don't fault anybody for that. I’ve always super admired SDCore’s way with FHM, and I know Caleb puts in a lot of time in it too. I don’t really think I have any foes, people can do their own thing and I’ll just keep doing my thing. To me, the best part of coaching is having people to talk through it with, brainstorming as a team. I don’t want to be seen as some coaching mastermind cooking up strategies in the corner or anything, I just like talking through stuff with my friends and building stuff together.

Chicago or Winnipeg?
Well I wouldn’t have been able to choose except Nike demoted my special role in Chicago that Corey gave me so in protest I’m saying Winnipeg.

What part of GMing in NBB is your favorite?
Absolutely nothing better than seeing value in a player that nobody else saw and feeling like you got an absolute steal in the draft or waivers. But the real joy, I think, is watching the different ways that the ongoing cycle of draft classes interact with each other.

If you had to pick a Taylor Swift song to define your 5 years in the SHL, what would it be?
mad woman or The Man, for sure.

01-29-2024, 10:28 AMChevy Wrote: You mentioned in your 5 year post about going to Sweden.  Is that where your Swedish player fascination comes from or does it stem from something else entirely?

"Do it for him!"

I have had a fascination with Sweden since before my SHL tenure, that’s definitely for sure. It started with Henrik Lundqvist, quickly branched out into just appreciating Swedish hockey in general. I started doing the Swedish duolingo tree, found the language way more fun than any other language I’d tried (and failed) to learn. By the time I went to Sweden (on our babymoon, when I was four or five months pregnant), we were going to Sweden because I was fascinated by Sweden.

01-29-2024, 10:54 AMCarpy48 Wrote: Knowing what you know about the league now (5 years later), what advice would you give your "2019 self" to have a better experience here?

I would tell myself to not make a pass-first playmaker in STHS first of all lmao. I think the biggest stuff I would maybe change is just finding some of the people I’ve befriended sooner. Figuring out which people I could trust sooner, finding my people faster, I think that’s really the only thing I’d change.

What is something you have done for the league in general that you are proud of?
This is a tough one because I don't like to take credit for anything that's a group effort, which just about everything we do in HO is. But I do genuinely think I've contributed to the progress we've made towards making this place more socially aware, and more welcoming to marginalized people who haven't traditionally felt welcome in sports spaces. Over the past year since my ADHD diagnosis, I've kind of dialed in on a lot of parts of my personality that I didn't realize were tied into that - especially what they call "Justice sensitivity" which essentially means that when I see something and I don't think it's right I'm going to scream about it. Sometimes, people don't like that. People generally aren't fond of getting called out for bad behavior, but I think that while it's caused me a lot of difficulty interpersonally it's also given me a drive to improve things, to root out that inequality even in my little niche spaces where it doesn't seem like it matters much in the big picture. It's definitely not something I've done alone by any means at all, but I think I have contributed to it, and I'm proud of that. 

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - spidey - 01-28-2024

Who is on your Mount Rushmore of players and who is your Mount Rushmore of users?

What has been the best job you have been a part of in the SHL?

Best decision you made as a part of Head office?

What has been your biggest achievement in the SHL as a coach/GM and a player?

What comes next after retirement?

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - Jexter - 01-28-2024

Favorite DnD class?

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - Aleris - 01-28-2024

Go to BG3 build?

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - aleks - 01-28-2024

favorite jam

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - Lime - 01-28-2024

01-28-2024, 04:39 PMaleks Wrote: favorite jam

im assuming this means like song so im gonna submit favorite jam as in like fruit spread

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - aleks - 01-28-2024

01-28-2024, 08:39 PMLime Wrote: im assuming this means like song so im gonna submit favorite jam as in like fruit spread

No I meant jam as in fruit spread

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - Lime - 01-28-2024

01-28-2024, 08:54 PMaleks Wrote: No I meant jam as in fruit spread

then i will go with favorite jam as in song

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - JURT - 01-29-2024

01-28-2024, 11:35 PMLime Wrote: then i will go with favorite jam as in song

then I will go jam as in space

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - By-Tor - 01-29-2024

Feel free to answer all, none, or some:

Test simming ban: love or hate?

I know you to be one of the best coaches in the league, if not THE hardest working. Where do you place yourself compared to the other coaches of the league? Any friendly rivalries or foes?

Chicago or Winnipeg?

What part of GMing in NBB is your favorite?

If you had to pick a Taylor Swift song to define your 5 years in the SHL, what would it be?

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - Chevy - 01-29-2024

You mentioned in your 5 year post about going to Sweden.  Is that where your Swedish player fascination comes from or does it stem from something else entirely?

"Do it for him!"

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - Carpy48 - 01-29-2024

Knowing what you know about the league now (5 years later), what advice would you give your "2019 self" to have a better experience here?

What is something you have done for the league in general that you are proud of?

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - sköldpaddor - 01-29-2024

updooted to here!

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - JURT - 01-29-2024

01-28-2024, 02:33 PMsköldpaddor Wrote: My favorite fruit spread is anything peach, and if peach is not available, strawberry. Please no tough jammy hide though. 

My favorite jam as in song is This River Is Wild by the Killers. I have some of it tattooed on my right arm.

You didn't answer mine, which one is your favorite Space Jam?

RE: Five Year Presser - JesSHL Edition - hhh81 - 01-29-2024

1. What is your favorite moment from Soogy?
2. Favorite SHL "What If?" scenario to think about?
3. Will you draft my recreate?
4. Slip McScruf's career has lasted longer than your time on the SHL. Isn't that crazy? Do you think you could ever have a player last that long, or will you also get bored of now and want to move onto (y)our next crazy idea for a player?
5. Can I fire Aleris?
6. If I get a team in Dream League, will you join so my Infinity Gauntlet of friends I never get to play with in SHL can be complete?