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S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - Printable Version

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S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - Pyro182 - 03-19-2024

With one season already flying by, let's take a deep breath and step back for one second here.
Task: You just played out your very first season in the SMJHL to start a new chapter in your career. Overall, how would you say you performed in your rookie season? Did you meet expectations you set for yourself individually? What do you need to improve on for next season? Were there any glorious moments that will forever be enshrined in your memory? (150 words min.)
You will receive 4 TPE for fulfilling all the requirements.
Only S75 SMJHL Rookies (S76 SHL Draftees) are eligible for this PT.
Deadline: Monday, March 25th @ 11:59 PM PST
Finally, as this will be the last SMJHL PT you will do, on behalf of the SMJHL PT Team, I'd like to congratulate you all for completing the first season of hopefully many great ones. We wish you best of luck in your future careers!

RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - Ohtaay - 03-19-2024

This season had a lot of ups and downs to Kondos and the Elk. Our season started out good in preseason, then the regular season started off slow. Which then went to a little bit of win streak. But then the win streak turning into a losing streak, then guess what? Another winning streak. So safe to say there wasn't much consistency for as a team this season. For myself and my personal season I think it was alright. I played mostly third line minutes and felt that my contributions this season matched my ice time. My play much like the teams play was quite streaky as well going through games with multiple points to streaks of games with no points. This is something I hope to be better at next season. My stand out moment this season was definitely the first game, having a 2 point performance. Then making it into playoffs despite the poor showing it was a tight race and we won out when we needed to.


RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - Tate - 03-19-2024

Every rookie season is special and for Savva Kirik, his first campaign with the Kelowna Knights was… well… not too bad. With 22 points to his name, Kirik's stat line may not jump off the page, but with seven goals on the year – it was the start of something special. While Savva may not have been an offensive force, he did emerge as a stalwart of our team's defensive unit by blocking an impressive 93 shots throughout the season. I would regularly check and be pleased by his defensive rating.

But as I sit here and look at the portal, I can't help but wonder what might have been. A touch more offensive flair, a sprinkle of scoring to complement his defense, could that have been what Kelowna needed to get us into the playoffs. We got so close, but we found ourselves on the outside looking in as the postseason unfolded, and while it’s been fun and all to root from the sidelines – I want in on the action! And though Savva’s rookie season may have ended without the taste of cup glory, I remain optimistic for next season.

RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - cake307 - 03-19-2024

It was a tough time in Alexa's first season. Of course, this was expected, going to unarguably the most 'work in progress' team in the league, but she (and I!) still expected more on a personal level, at least. While every win was something to savor, it was hard to roll every loss off, but as a team, we managed to find a way. Alexa ended up involved in 26% of all of Saint Louis' goals this season, but it still felt like if she had scored more, or assisted more, the team as a whole would have been better. The real issue, though, was probably consistency. It's not that Alexa was no good, she had 35 points which is an ok rookie outing, it's that it came in bunches and then there were long stretches of nothing. Hopefully, with an older and more experienced team, Alexa will perform better next season.

Also, who could ever forget Goalie'ing QCC twice?

RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - ZootTX - 03-19-2024

I was really unsure of how my rookie season would go. My previous player had a very unremarkable rookie season (entire career, actually) and I didn't know what to expect. I am actually pleasantly surprised with how Deth Klaw's season ended up, at least on an individual level. My intent was to build a defenseman with an emphasis on shot blocking and puck control and I feel like I did that pretty well with 43 takeaways to 12 giveaways, and a total of 118 shots blocked. That made me the blocks leader on the Armada by 17 shots so not bad for a rookie. Klaw even managed to snag a total of 40 points and a +29 so I feel like thats a pretty good stat line for a non-offense oriented dman. I've shifted my stats to be even more defense oriented next season so I'm excited to see how that turns out. Unfortunately the Armada didn't make it out of the first round of the playoffs, which is disappointing, but there's always next season.
(175 words)

RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - JellyRamp - 03-19-2024

Poirot's first SMJHL season was full of ups and downs, to say the least. From scoring the first goal for the Vancouver Whalers season to having a -66 plus minus rating for a season that ended up abysmal. Knowing how to lose is an important experience that you can only get by, well, losing a lot. You could see this season as a learning experience for the future, for getting called up to the SHL at some point, you'll know what to expect whatever the circumstances. Perhaps even more important is the playoffs, putting up almost half a point per game and only a -1, massive improvement from the regular season which is to be expected, you could say, getting a full season of SMJHL experience and getting to put it all together and have 7 good games when it matters most. Another learning experience, playing under pressure is something every good player knows how to do. After learning how everything works, the progression of Caper Poirot will be something to keep an eye on.

RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - No Goal - 03-19-2024

Brayden Point did all he could do in his power to bring Detroit to the finals. He is very proud of his teams performance and sad to see some players move on and lose on the conquest of going back to back. Still Detroit's history is deep and he is proud to be a  falcon. Brayden Point had the expectations to grow as a player, start his journey in a semi pro junior league, and continue to meet others - the only goal not met was winning a cup. Brayden has high hopes that his locker will pull a cup and understands that hockey is the best sport for a reason (with a best of 4 truly the best team moves forward). Brayden is working on his stats for next season he is training up to the new cap and has focused in some other offensive areas to become a power house that he knows he can be. Brayden Point is by far one of the most active rookies in the league and he plans for that to continue into future seasons - after all the number 1 stat is an active player followed by good vibes. Brayden Point will never forget his first junior hat trick or his rivalry with MattyJ  - MattyJ is a solid friend of Brayden Point and while he will never root for an opposing team he is a fan of this players future potential as a player in the league. Brayden plans on resting and recovering in the off season while still being active Smile

RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - MattyJ - 03-19-2024

I was happy with how I performed my rookie season. Played on an all rookie line that had some very dominant games. I scored a good amount of points and learned a ton. I have also positioned myself to have good draft capital in the upcoming event. Currently we are down 3-1 in the finals, but just making the finals has definitely been the highlight of my rookie season. I have started to ramp up my scoring and assisting in the playoffs which has been fun to watch. Maybe we can comeback, we have faced a lot of adversity in the playoffs. Never count us out. 

As for offseason improvements, I will definitely come back as a better defender no doubt. I will work on that in order to help us win. I will slightly touch offense and physicals, but defense will definitely be my focus. I am excited to see how I do on the powerplay next year as my GMs trust me with more. Just gotta keep earning.

RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - boom - 03-19-2024

It was definitely an up and down rookie year for Anastasia Söderström with the Detroit Falcons. It started off with a bit of a rough beginning, facing several tough opponents right at the start and having a trial by fire with several (to her) subpar opponents. Then came the second quarter of the season, where "Ana" was possibly the best goalie in the entire league over that stretch, rocketing to the top of the SMJHL goalie rankings with an amazing run. While she cooled off a bit later in the season, she still finished with numbers comfortably among the league's elite in goaltending. Then came the playoffs. Oh my god, the playoffs. Ana had a few games where she was solid, but seemingly folded under the pressure of playoff hockey and mounting mistakes and just couldn't get back on form. She still had an amazing season and has a solid shot to be up for the Cedric Robinson Trophy at the end of the year, but she certainly would have liked a better end to the season.

RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - NUCK - 03-19-2024

With season 75 in the books it's time to look back at WIll Nuck's last year and see how he did. I guess we should tlk about the big surprise first and the glaring stand out to his season. Nuck was touted as a defensive defenseman whos main focus was all about keeping the puck out of his own net. Saying that we seen a odd stat appear from him this last season as he put up 10 goals himself. I dont think anyone would have seen that coming and I know Nuck had no expectations of that occurring. Moving past the phenomenal goal scoring he managed, his points were on the low end and this does not surprise anyone I dont believe. He is a gifted young man but he just has not evolved into that type of a player yet. Regardless of his low point totals he did walk away with a respectable +23 to go with his 30 points.

RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - FnoRespect - 03-20-2024

I would say overall Kristians Mikelis first season in the SMJHL was a success. He joined the league late as a waiver pickup so was already at a disadvantage stat wise. Right now, I sit 28th out of 85 in my class and considering I started out dead last, I would definitely say this is something I can be proud of. My regular season was pretty lackluster unfortunately, but right before the playoffs I got an update in and started to find my groove. This is the same time my current d partner started heating up as well. Come playoff time, we were moved from the 3rd d pairing to the first and I ended up scoring more points in the playoffs than I did in the regular season. We ended up going down in double overtime in 7 games in the semifinals. An absolute heartbreaker, but definitely a result that will keep me motivated. For a first season, I would say it was definitely a success, and I can't wait to build on it for the future.

RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - xjoverax - 03-20-2024

Statistically I think my player played about what I would have expected. I'm building a defensive defenseman and that build will not light up the scorers sheet. With this expectation, early into the season I was not even getting very many blocked shots and that was the one statistic I thought I would do above average on. After the halfway point my player did make a turn around and ended at 2nd on the team in blocked shots and 1st during the playoffs. Having at least 1 statistic stand out I think it a successful season for what I had set my initial expectations for. For next season I am hoping to build upon those blocked shots as well as see an uptick in my player's takeaways. The moment that I will not forget from this season happened during the playoffs. We went into OT against Anchorage and Max, who only had 2 goals all season, managed to score the game winning OT goal with an assist from Betzee. It was a super stressful game that ended it the best way possible.

(182 words)

Also, why no graphics???  Dodgy

RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - Keven - 03-20-2024

This season was about as average and uneventful as a rookie season as you could possibly expect. Yukon had a lot of older and more experienced players on the team, with Kove being the only rookie forward. As a result, he didn't get much ice time and played the 6th least of any player in the league. He fit well into the Yukon system and was able to help out at about an average pace for a rookie. This was definitely helped by the fact that his linemates weren't rookies and could impart some of their expertise onto Kove as he found his footing in the league. The one lone cherry on top of an otherwise uneventful rookie season was being presented with the Pupper Award at the annual Malamutes team award ceremony. There wasn't much competition though because the only other rookie on the team, Dash Jackson, joined the team 11 games into the season and had much less time to find his fit with the team. If another rookie had been part of the team for all 66 games like Kove was then there might've been more opportunities for friendly competition for the award.

RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - jjlangabeer - 03-20-2024

Looking back at the rookie season for Lucas Raymond, one would have to say it was mediocre. Lucas was in a situation that he has never found himself in before as he was moved back to defense for the first time since he laced up for his first team. Though it was a challenge for him to learn and figure out all season it is one that he hopes to build on. Moving on to next season the things he learned in the defensive zone and how to be a complete 200-foot player will become very valuable down the stretch. Raymond would also be extremely smart to take the knowledge he learned from the flow of break outs and outlet passes. Being on the other side of the break out looking to push the pace and the puck up the ice, being on the back end could and should give him a step that he needs to truly find that level of the all-around player he hopes to become.

Word Count: 169

RE: S75 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - droop - 03-21-2024

Chuck’s rookie season was successful in many ways. He finished the season appearing in 66 games totaling 55 points with a +21 rating. He not only showed a strong defensive ability but was able to be a key figure in the Armada’s offense as well. He is ready to prepare during the off season and return for his sophomore season stronger and ready to push the Armada deeper into the playoffs.

He is honored to be named to the SMJHL All-Star team for his performance over the course of his rookie season after being amongst the top in many categories among the season’s rookies. After the individual success he is looking forward to building the team’s success and a great future with the Armada.

With all that being said, Chuck is hoping to hone in on a more consistent season wide performance as his successful rookie season did feature multiple slow periods with lower contributions. That is to be expected though given the increased intensity of joining a higher caliber league like the SMJHL.