Simulation Hockey League
Hiring: Great Britain Fed Head - Printable Version

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Hiring: Great Britain Fed Head - artermis - 08-11-2024

@McGriddy10 is stepping down after 10 seasons involved with Team GB, and now we look for another figure head.

While applicants from the UK (or in a position to transfer) will be given preference, a locked-in player from another nation is still welcome to apply.

Duties include:
- submitting rosters and managing lines every IIHF tournament
- keeping your team's profile and recruiting page updated
- keeping your federation engaged, involved, and recruiting new players/transfers to your federation
- active involvement with the IIHF HO and in discussions

The application should be built around answering why you think you should be a Federation Head and what you can bring to the job.

Pay is 4M per season. Applications close August 18th at 23:59 EST!

Please PM me your application and any questions you may have here or on Discord (artermis on there too).

RE: Hiring: Great Britain Fed Head - Troy_McClure03 - 08-11-2024


RE: Hiring: Great Britain Fed Head - Seany148 - 08-11-2024

Great Ratvia

RE: Hiring: Great Britain Fed Head - artermis - 08-18-2024

last day to apply!

RE: Hiring: Great Britain Fed Head - artermis - 08-18-2024

1 app is in!

RE: Hiring: Great Britain Fed Head - artermis - 08-20-2024

Congratulations @frithjofr on the position!