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S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - Printable Version

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S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - puolivalmiste - 10-28-2024

Please pick ONE prompt to write about. Do not mix and match prompts. Identify the prompt you are using in your submission - Copying and pasting the prompt will deduct from your word count so if you do this make sure YOUR submission is 150+ words excluding the prompt.

Written Option 1: For Halloween promotion your teams PR department wants a short horror movie to reach new audiences and as that is about as much work as they feel like doing for it they have your player figuring out the small details like casting and plot. So what kind of movie it will be? Is it going to have a monster and if it does what will it be and who is going to play that role? Or maybe bit more psychological horror? Reliving a game seven loss from the past or is it going to involve hockey at all? What kind of movie your player would create and what role they would play in it?

Graphic Option 1: Create a poster promoting the horror movie created by your team.

Written Option 2: You could make an argument that goalies is the most important part of the team and to compete at highest level you need yours to be at their best. Goalies need to stay on top of their game for all of the 60 minutes to give their team a chance to win, part of it is based on physicality but mental side is also very important. For SKATERS: How does your player help your goalie stay focused during the game? How does your player help the goalie get in form during warm up? Or help them keep their head cool after the letting in a goal? Do they interact with them during the intermission? For GOALIES: How your player stays focused for the whole game? How do they get back to being comfortable after allowing a goal, specially if it is a bad one? Is it ever possible to get overconfident and lose the focus that way? What does your player hope the skaters of the team do for them? How much can the other goalie help your player during warmup and intermissions?

Graphic Option 2: Create an image showing your teams goalie making warm up saves.

You will receive 3 TPE for fulfilling all requirements.

All responses are due on Sunday, November 3rd at 11:59 PST. NOTE: IF YOU SUBMIT/EDIT AFTER THE DEADLINE YOU WILL RECEIVE REDUCED/NO TPE.

Graphics need to be viewable when PT is graded or you will not receive TPE. Discord only hosts images for very limited time.

Affiliate claims from either PBE or ISFL or WSLB or SSL are accepted; link directly to your post and note if your username is different there.

If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me. Tasks with malicious intent will not be graded. The graders reserve the right to determine malicious intent, after discussion with me. You will not be warned.

This task is for SHL players and send downs only. If your player is S80 this is not for you.

PT credit: puoli

RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - cake307 - 10-28-2024

Written Option 1: For this one, we go back to the Scarecrows. The Blizzards certainly have some potential for a 'locked in with the killer' type of horror, or a remake of The Thing, but the Scarecrows have this on lock. First is to secure a deal with Warner Bros, enabling us to use... The Scarecrow. Then, we do a Joker style movie, not dealing with heroes, but a tight focus on Johnathon Crane. At first, the movie would seem simple enough, following Crane's teaching career as a professor at a university, but as it progressed, it would grow darker, becoming almost SAW like, with The Scarecrow trapping students in confusing, dangerous mazes and then dosing them with fear toxin, giving the movie a combination of suspenseful thriller and psychological horror. Considering that Alexa is also, apparently, in charge of casting, the title role would likely go to Adam Driver, who seems an ideal fit for the role, and is a fantastic actor besides.

RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - Salming - 10-28-2024

Task 2:

As a veteran player, William Salming sometimes has a luxury to warm up goalies while others are doing more intensive drills on the other end of the rink. William likes to shoot first 4-5 shots which are soft wrist shots so goalies get theirs hands warm. It is important especially to warm up the glove hand put also shoots couple shots to blocker side. After that, Salming puts little bit more power for his shots and also begins to aim to the corners of the net. Occasionally some shots might hit to the chest shield but that is fine too or to the mask. Next, Salming shoots couple of slap shots from the blue line and assistant coaches does small screen for the goalie so he gets used to shots behind the traffic. After that, goalie is ready to play. During the match, Salming does not speak to goalies. He knows they can handle their own business. He does not want to cancel their focusing routines by talking something. He lets them handle their own business, indeed.

RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - Revontulete - 10-28-2024

Just because she's an artist doesn't mean Gwendolyn can do everything artistic. That's what she says to deaf ears as they push another project onto her instead of spending some of the team's budget to find someone else. Well, there's a simple solution here. Anyone know Bon Cop Bad Cop? Yeah, we'll make it terrifying instead of a comedy. Lean into the horror experience of these commissioners as an insane hockey player slowly enacts out their revenge and sadistically plays with and tortured these supposed betrayers. An important part of horror is seeing the mental break of the victims and an insight into the psychy of a deranged killer, slowly developing the cinematography to build suspense and terror as each is chased down, contained, tortured and then killed. The role Gwendolyn would play? Well that depends. She's incredibly short, so if she played the killer (a role she'd fill after going insane in this project), she'd have to lean into the psychopathy, the suspense to make up for what would be a statistically taller hockey player.

RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - GabeyD - 10-28-2024

Written Option 2: While practicing and warming up for the game, Dominic and a few others like to make fast break or breakaway scenarios for Trent Mackenzie to practice on, because it always helps during the game, to be ready any time that a breakaway might happen during the game. They also like to practice one timers from in front of the net, so Trent can work on getting quick saves if an opponent has the puck near the crease. Dominic and Trent also do lots of stretches to help loosen the muscles and get used to the ice, so skating around a couple times too. And everyone likes easing the tension before the game by have a fight with their gatorade bottles, just to help the nerves if they are going up against a considerable foe. And we win some (not many) and we lose some (a lot) but we keep on going with the warm ups and we keep trying.

RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - Fluw - 10-28-2024

PT pass

RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - puolivalmiste - 10-28-2024

Pt pass

RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - Ricer13 - 10-28-2024

A marvel movie with a horror twist is what we will be making. The inspiration of it would be coming from the Dr Strange Multiverse of madness. Scarlett witch in that movie was crazy AF just murdering people left right and centre. It would have to have that same shock and awe because things like that don’t happen in a marvel movie. As much as I’d like to use the Scarlett Witch again because she’s insane, I’d rather be original and have a new lead character that turns on everyone. Let’s go with a spiderman, iron man and hulk combo who all get taken over by symbioses. We’ve seen the effect of this on spiderman and Eddie Brock but if iron man and hulk also came under control of a symbiotic that would be a recipe for some messed up stuff happening. A symbiotic hulk! Just imagine the damage that guy would do.

RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - Atheist_Caliph - 10-28-2024

A short film! Fantastic, we can have murder and mayhem and death, all rolled up into one and ready to branch out to new audiences!

Okay, so given what we're working with, I think a nice, campy B horror flick will serve our needs quite nicely. So here's the pitch!

We open on a wet, foggy day at the Maine Timber summer camp, with @SouthPaw and his rookies all presumably making their human sacrifices or something so that they can remain stupidly viable for another season. This is not a part of the horror movie, this is just part of doing business in the Js. Then, a splash of lightning, a peal of thunder!! There, in the dark, the Saint Louis Scarecrows, staring out from the night, their arms full of baked goods and their team van full of low-cost and tasty treats.

Southpaw gulps. If he can't keep his rookies safe from the menace of sugar and fried dough, they'd never achieve optimal stamina to be able to compete, and his entire season could suffer!!

Matthias and @Popol look at each other and slowly shake hands, as a frosting-covered cupcake gently rolls out of the night. @McScootie reaches out for a bite, his TPE gains already suffering irreparable harm!!

Then, the screen fades to black, and the title comes in:

"Twice Baked Scarecrows in the Woods 3: It's all Going Down"
Halloween night, 2024

I expect detailed notes on my directorial decisions by tomorrow morning c:

RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - Atheist_Caliph - 10-28-2024

10-28-2024, 06:58 AMRevontulete Wrote: Just because she's an artist doesn't mean Gwendolyn can do everything artistic. That's what she says to deaf ears as they push another project onto her instead of spending some of the team's budget to find someone else. Well, there's a simple solution here. Anyone know Bon Cop Bad Cop? Yeah, we'll make it terrifying instead of a comedy. Lean into the horror experience of these commissioners as an insane hockey player slowly enacts out their revenge and sadistically plays with and tortured these supposed betrayers. An important part of horror is seeing the mental break of the victims and an insight into the psychy of a deranged killer, slowly developing the cinematography to build suspense and terror as each is chased down, contained, tortured and then killed. The role Gwendolyn would play? Well that depends. She's incredibly short, so if she played the killer (a role she'd fill after going insane in this project), she'd have to lean into the psychopathy, the suspense to make up for what would be a statistically taller hockey player.

The trailer is just people asking "can you draw me? I'll post it on my instagram" and then being violently beaten to death.

RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - Evok - 10-28-2024


RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - Soviet Sexpot - 10-28-2024

Quote:For Halloween promotion your teams PR department wants a short horror movie to reach new audiences and as that is about as much work as they feel like doing for it they have your player figuring out the small details like casting and plot. So what kind of movie it will be? Is it going to have a monster and if it does what will it be and who is going to play that role? Or maybe bit more psychological horror? Reliving a game seven loss from the past or is it going to involve hockey at all? What kind of movie your player would create and what role they would play in it?

I would make the movie a psychological thriller that has multiple plot twists and story lines. Think of it as "The Game" featuring Michael Douglas meets "Saw" meets "Get Out" Sure you're wondering how something so grand could be conceived and for that we would make it a join directing effort between Quentin Tarantino, Christopher Nolan, and Wes Craven. For dreaming big, we'll keep the trend going by casting the likes of Sydney Sweeney, Kate Upton, Ana de Armas. On the male side, we would enlist the help of Chris Pratt, Colin Farrel, a surprise appearance by Michael Keaton, and the main villains played by Gary Oldman and Pedro Pascal. It would be set in reality, no monsters or fictious, but more of a kidnapping, organ harvesting type shock but with more of a psychological thriller plot twist on a college campus. Hockey, while making a cameo in the opening, would not be any part of this. My character? He would be in a relationship with Sydney and his ex would be Ana de Armas to spice things up.

RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - bluesfan55 - 10-28-2024

prompt 1

The Anchorage Armada's media team had a great idea. They wanted to shoot a horror movie involving a big, scary guy who would try to scare the noble boatmen before being defeated. They're calling it "The Haunted Boat", and they wanted Dieter Frühstück to be the bad guy. Thankfully for them, Dieter was all in on this. The plot was simple: Dieter played a big evil fisherman named Hans-Jorg Butt, who haunted an old fishing vessel staffed by two young boatmen (Hughes Incorporated and Elaina Beneski). Butt would scare the two youngsters by yelling stuff like "Beware the Whalers" or "You guys are nowhere near as good as those fishermen from Quebec" before the two decided to band together and capture ghost Butt. It ends with the two vanquishing Butt's evil spirit from the boat before a promo card comes up saying "Go Armada" with game dates. Absolutely perfect.

155 words

RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - Troy_McClure03 - 10-28-2024

With the horrible winters here in New England, we have decided to shoot the scariest of all videos. The camera is focused on a person laying down in bed, the room is dark but a sliver a bright white light is coming through the dark shades. The person wakes up. they look out the window to see it; Snow. the snow is so high you cannot tell where anything is. Cue flashback to the night before when the backyard is clearly visible, with a swing set and back yard table and chairs. Cut back to the snow covered winter wonderland. The person stretches, gets up, starts to get dressed. Get's layer upon layer of clothing on. They go outside, try to grab the Snow Shovel. it is gone. Confused they look around. Cut to last night when the snow just started and someone walked up and "borrowed" it, but never returned it. Frustrated they go through the snow to the shed on the side of the house. They dig by hand to open the doors. They get inside, see a big snowblower. They go to the snowblower to start it. Push button ignition fails. They change the battery. The snowblower tries to turn over but can't. The person, very disgruntled now (like @Seany148 When I joke that he is a GM) checks the oil and gas. The Snow blower has oil, but no gas. The person grabs a gas can sitting on a shelf. They go to pour the gas into the snowblower, but the gas is frozen. Cut back to when the persons kid dumped all the gas into the play lawn mower, and refilled it with hose water. Cut back to the person in the shed, now screaming about not having gas or a shovel. They go back around the house to go back inside. A helicopter like sound can be heard behind them. It is their next door Neighbor, @Count Chocula. I Waive to them, to maybe see if they will help me out. They turn off the snow blower, look right at me. Remove their hat, googles, Earmuffs, and hood. They take off their glove, slowly give me the finger, then reverse the process and start the blower back up. They stop at our shared property line, and throw all the snow into my side.


RE: S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask - Tate - 10-28-2024

Alright, so if I’m gonna make a horror movie for the team's Halloween promotion, it's gotta have some edge, ya know? Nothing too fancy or deep, just something' that'll get under people's skin. I’m thinking' we go old-school creature feature style. Like, a zombie hockey team. Yeah, they’re the cursed spirits of players who never got to lift the cup, and now they come back to take down anyone who dares to play on their ice. We’ll set it in some old, abandoned rink out in the woods, all dark and messed up. Fog creeping’ in, broken glass everywhere, the works. Our monster is going to be the team captain, this big, messed-up zombie dude in full hockey gear, all torn and bloody. He’s got this mask that's half rotted away so you can see his face looking’ all gnarly underneath. Maybe get one of our enforcers to play him, and let him just go nuts with it.